🌻 感恩之人最富足 / 108
当我们慢慢练习感恩心,会更广阔地看到更多人,更多生命在此时此刻对一切的付出。 任何好的事情都不是从天而降,要学会感恩大众。 有人说:「哪里有贫穷?抱怨的人就贫穷。哪里有富足:感恩的人就富。」
夏 无碍行
🌻 Those Who Are Grateful Are The Richest / 108
When we gradually learn to be grateful, it broadens our perspective as we begin to see so many people and lives making a difference in the moment. All good things do not fall from the sky, we must learn to be grateful to everyone. Some say: “Where can we find poverty? People who grumble live in poverty. Where can we find the Rich? Grateful people are wealthy.”
Summer 无碍行