# | Simplified Chinese | English | Chapter |
1 | 祈愿和乐遍人间 祈愿人间天上所有的有情都能够互相帮助,和睦共处;少壮者勤奋正直、年长者智慧慈悲;敬长尊贤、慈佑弱小;佛菩萨慈悲的精神,如风吹拂,善意如柳绿成荫,和乐如花开似锦,山河如画徐徐展,暖意如春遍人间。 | Wishing for harmony to prevail throughout the world May all sentient beings on earth and heaven help each other and live in harmony; the young are diligent and upright, and the seniors are wise and compassionate; respecting the elders, honouring the virtuous, being kind and protective towards the weak. The compassionate spirit of the Buddha and Bodhisattva is like the breeze a- blowing, and kindness is like the green shady willow, harmonious joy is like flowers in bloom, mountains and rivers are picturesque, slowly unscrolling, and the warmth is like spring is everywhere. | 春 善念种 |
2 | 善因的光明性 晨光初照,天空透亮。 朝阳,从群山后放出万丈霞光,喷薄而出,跃上虚空。 此情此景,好似「善因」,其性光明,力量强大,万物因它而得以生长茁壮. | The Brilliance of Virtuous Causes The early morning sun shines: the sky brightens. The rising sun, from behind the mountains, radiates thousands of rays of glowing light, bursting forth, leaping into the void. This situation is like [Virtuous Cause]. Its nature is bright and powerful, and all things grow and thrive because of it. | 春 善念种 |
3 | 利他心的灿烂 菩萨慈悲智慧的光明,宛如母亲的慈手,永恒地抚在因生死而惊怖的有情顶上。 所以不用惧怕轮回的寒冷,不用惧怕轮回的落寞,只要内心生起日轮般灿烂的利他心和空性光明,即可令轮回温暖,可舒万类苍生愁颜,可照天地,那就是菩提薩埵 ! | Brilliance of Altruism The light of the Bodhisattva's compassion and wisdom is like a mother's loving hand, eternally caressing the top of sentient beings, who are terrified of life and death. That's why there's no need to fear the glacial cold of cyclic existence, no need to fear the loneliness of cyclic existence, as long as there arises in the mind altruism as brilliant as the sun and the brightness of emptiness. Immediately, warmth in cyclic existence is restored, the troubled sentient beings are soothed, and the world is illuminated. That's a Bodhisattva. | 春 善念种 |
4 | 让心灯连成净土 让我们在这个轮回的世界里,用一盏心灯点燃另一盏心灯,不停地去关怀那些痛苦的人,当这份力量越来越大,有一天这个人间就会像净土一般,充满慈悲与喜乐. | Let the lamps in our hearts connect to become a pure land In this samsara world, let us use the lamp in our heart to light up the light in another heart, and constantly care for those who are suffering. When this power grows, one day this earth will be like a pure land, full of compassion and joy. | 春 善念种 |
5 | 生命中的光明 在黑暗中,那灯光,即使如绿豆粒那么一点大,也是光明。 善业就是我们生命中的光明啊! 哪怕是一点点,既能照己,又能照人,亦可暖心。 更何况,那点点灯光,光光相映,即成灯海。 灯海所在,还会有黑暗吗? | The Light In Life In the dark, a light, even if it is as small as a green bean, it is still light. Virtuous causes are the lights of our lives! Even if it is just a little bit of light, it still shines not only onto oneself, but also onto others. It also warms the heart. What’s more, with that little light and light reflecting upon light, it forms a sea of lights. Where the sea of lights is, will there still be darkness? | 春 善念种 |
6 | 追随光明自成光明 如何将自己的心变成光明? 发生每件事的时候,你的注意力,你的思考方向都是追随着光明的角度的话,所造的业就是光明的。 | Follow the light to become a shining light How to transform your mind to become a shining light? For every encounter, if your focus and direction of thinking are from the perspective of illumination, whatever is created will be a shining light. | 春 善念种 |
7 | 每人都作和平大使 在这个世界上,人与人之间内心的隔阂,实在是令人太痛苦了,何必要活在自己的孤独世界中呢?大家努力作和平大使吧! | Everyone is an Ambassador of Peace In this world, the estrangement in hearts between people is just too painful. Why would you want to live in your own lonely world? Let's all strive to be Ambassadors of Peace! | 春 善念种 |
8 | 一念发心动大千 当我们内心中,发出真诚的「愿诸有情具足安乐及安乐因」的时候,其实就在改变着这个世界。 | A Single Aspiration Moves The Entire Universe When we send out a heartfelt and sincere "May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes", we are indeed changing the world. | 春 善念种 |
9 | 改变从自己开始 当人们发起慈悲的念头、发起探索空性的志向,就在改变这个世界。升华了自己的心念,周围的人就会被利益到,而这个世界得美就多一分,灾难也跟着少了一分。 | Change starts with me When people generate compassionate thoughts and aspire to explore emptiness, they are changing the world. If you sublimate your own thoughts, the people around you will benefit. Moreover, the world will be a little bit more beautiful and consequently, there will be fewer disasters. | 春 善念种 |
10 | 献出自己的馨香 就像春天来了,各种花朵都可以绽放,最重要的是要为这个世界献出自己的馨香,要为他人的离苦得乐之道,献出自己的一分力量 ,这个心比什么都珍贵! | Give your own fragrance Just like spring is coming, all kinds of flowers can bloom. The most important thing is for the sake of the world, to give your own fragrance and for the sake of others who are on the path of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness, to give your own strength. This heart is more precious than anything! | 春 善念种 |
11 | 愿无边有情离苦 希望无量无边的有情,能够感受到佛菩萨的慈悲,不再孤单,不再痛苦,不再饱受饥饿,瘟疫,贫穷等等的摧残。 | May all sentient beings be free from suffering May limitless sentient beings feel the compassion of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, no longer lonely, no longer in agony, no longer ravaged by hunger, plague, poverty, and the like. | 春 善念种 |
12 | 不要吝于发大愿 有多大的善愿,有多大的善心,就能成办多大的善业,所以在发愿上千万不要吝啬! 不敢发大心最亏了,因为心的能力是没有限度的,越限制它你越不自由,越痛苦,只能活在狭小的慧力中,何苦呢? | Don't skimp on making great aspirations The magnitude of your virtuous aspirations, the magnitude of your kind heart, will determine the scale of virtuous deeds to be accomplished. Hence, don't be stingy in making aspirations! It is a great loss for not daring to generate great aspirations for there is no limit to the power of the mind. The more you restrict it, the less free and more painful it will be, living in the confines of limited wisdom. Why endure that? | 春 善念种 |
13 | 智者的快乐之道 我们每个人都要快乐,那怎样才能快乐呢? 代人着想,发善心,做善事,说善良的话,极大程度地扩展我们的慈悲心,这就是智者们发现的快乐之道。 | The Path to Happiness for the Wise Every one of us wants to be happy. So how can we be happy? Thinking of others, showing kindness, and saying kind words - greatly broadens our compassion. This is the path to happiness discovered by the wise. | 春 善念种 |
14 | 佛如明灯善指引 佛陀,善知识的功德,就是他们完全了知怎样去除痛苦的方法,又有爱他胜自的慈悲。 他们就像指路明灯一样,能赐予我们离苦得乐的最佳引导,清晰照亮脚下的每一步。 | Buddha is like a bright lamp that skillfully guides you The good quality of Buddha and Excellent Teachers is that they fully know the means to eliminate suffering and have compassion that loves others more than themselves. They are like guiding beacons that give us the best guidance of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness, clearly illuminating every step under our feet. | 春 善念种 |
15 | 永恒的皈依 无论曾承受多少痛苦,只要我们找到了佛陀,只要能永远地追随他,学习自利利人,这一生乃至还有多少生的苦难,因为有他指引,有他陪伴,也都只是步步离苦,步步得乐的过程,是多么的值得,是何等的美丽! | Eternal Refuge No matter how much suffering we have endured, as long as we have found the Buddha, as long as we can follow him forever, learn how to benefit self and others, the suffering in this life and even many future lives, because of his guidance and constant company, are all merely the process of eliminating suffering and attaining happiness step by step. How worthwhile and beautiful it is! | 春 善念种 |
16 | 暇满人身珍贵时光 拥有人身,又能够听闻佛法,抉择善恶,用自己的身语意去利益周围的人,乃至利益无量无边的有情,这样的光阴每一寸都是珍贵无比的。 | Precious Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity Having a human body, and also being able to listen to the Dharma and discern between virtuous and non-virutous, using one's own body, speech and mind to benefit the people around oneself, and even benefitting the boundless sentient beings, every inch of this time is extremely precious. | 春 善念种 |
17 | 坚持美好的善心 用一个美好的动机去面对每一件事情,会让事情都变得单纯。 一个善心坚持始终,遇到敌对的眼光,诽谤的声音等等,不论遇到什么,还是要坚持你的善。 | Persevere in being kind Looking at every situation with good intentions will make things simpler. Persevere with a kind heart from start to finish. No matter what you encounter, be it hostile-looking eyes, voices of slander, etc, persevere in being kind. | 春 善念种 |
18 | 慈悲心就是幸福 慈悲心是幸福的——你对别人慈悲,结果自己会觉得幸福,很像「予人玫瑰,手留余香」的感觉。 所以一定要学会对家人,周围的人多生慈悲心,多表达自己的感恩心。 | Compassion is happiness Compassion is happiness. When you show compassion for others, you will feel happy as a result, much like the feeling of "giving roses to others and leaving the fragrance in your hands". Therefore, we must learn to have more compassion for our family and the people around us and express our gratitude more often. | 春 善念种 |
19 | 一定要做的事 什么是对他人和自己都有利益的事? 就是现在好,将来也好的,这个要做;有的时候看起来现在不好,但将来是好的,佛说这种事情也一定要做! | Things that must be done What is good for others as well as for me? If it is good for the present, and also for the future, it must be done; Sometimes, it seems to be not so good for the present, but good for the future, Buddha said such things must also be done. | 春 善念种 |
20 | 无穷大的回报 如果知道发心的利益,谁还愿意费那么大的辛苦,只赚一点点回报? 所谓发心的利益,就是你布施别人一粒米,乘以无穷大;你点一盖灯,乘以无穷大;你礼佛一拜,乘以无穷大… …,全是这种一本万利,而且稳赚不亏的事情,那谁还愿意不重视发心? | Infinite returns If you know the benefits of making aspirations, who would want to work so hard for so little returns? The so-called benefits of making aspirations is that a grain of rice given is multiplied by infinity; a lamp lit is multiplied by infinity; one prostration to the Buddha is multiplied by infinity... This is something that brings in great profits with very little effort, and profits are guaranteed with no losses. Now, who would be willing to disregard the importance of making aspirations? | 春 善念种 |
21 | 第一位的陷阱 把自己放在第一位,一开始看起来是很占便宜,但是久了会吃大亏,因为周围的人都知道你是这样的,没人喜欢这样的人! 这时就会很孤单,很不快乐。 | The Trap of Putting Yourself First At first it may seem to be very advantageous to put yourself first. Over time, it becomes detrimental to you. This is because everyone around you knows what you are like. No one likes such a person! At this moment, you will be very lonely and very unhappy. | 春 善念种 |
22 | 反其道而行的修行 有一个用慈悲心修行的办法,就是当你自己不快乐时,选择去帮忙别人,其实很快地不愉快的心情就没有了。 一定要广泛地试验这件事! | Practice the opposite way There is a method of practising with compassion. This is, choose to help others when you are unhappy yourself. In fact, very quickly your unhappy emotions will be gone. Be sure to experiment with this extensively! | 春 善念种 |
23 | 守护福慧行布施 只要有心,如果没有很多资财就供清水,或者供灯什么都可以,这也是在修布施。 最重要的是,当自己在享有往昔布施的善果时,内心善妙的等流习气不要断掉,这样才能生生世世都一直拥有财富,健康,容貌,慧力等等的资粮。 | Safeguard bliss and wisdom through the act of giving As long as you have a heart to make an offering, if you don't have a lot of resources, you can offer clean water or light or whatever items, which is also practicing giving. The most important thing is that when you are enjoying the virtuous fruits of the past, you should not break the good habits within you, so that you can lifetime after lifetime always have wealth, health, countenance, wisdom and all other resources. | 春 善念种 |
24 | 「舍」与「得」的法则 你把很多东西布施给别人,最后却会得到更多;把东西都拿到自己手里,最后会什么都没有了,因果它就是这样一个反向的运作。 | The Principles of “Giving” And “Receiving” You give a lot of things to the others, but you will receive a lot more in the end. Take everything and put them onto your own hands, in the end you will have nothing. That is how cause and effect operate in such a reverse manner. | 春 善念种 |
25 | 虔诚求法是最好的供养 有一次我实在没什么可以供养,轮到我的时候,就跑到上师面前合掌说:「我除了虔诚求法的心,没有什么可以供养的了,可是我想要跟上师求得解除生老病死的空性的法,这样的供养可不可以?」上师说:「太好了!这是我今天收到最好的供养。」 | Seeking the Dharma devotedly is the best offering Once I really didn't have anything to offer, and when it was my turn, I ran to the guru, and with palms together, said, "I have nothing to offer except a heart devoutly seeking the Dharma. But I want to seek from the guru the Dharma of emptiness in order to be liberated from birth, old age, sickness and death. Is it okay to make such an offering?" The guru said, "Great! This is the best offering I have received today." | 春 善念种 |
26 | 业果会增长广大 因果法则是隐蔽法,不容易理解和发现。 你看那橡树种子就这么小,可是一棵大橡树长出来时可以这么大,铺地板,盖房子都是用它。 业果也有增长广大的特色,你种了一个小小的布施因,它就会随着你的欢喜,随着你心的清净,不停地增长广大。 | The Magnification of Karma The Law of cause and effect is esoteric which is not easy to understand and discover. Look at the oak tree seed. It is so small, yet when an oak tree grows, it can be so huge that it can be used to lay the floor and build house with it. Karma also has a special characteristic of magnification. You plant a very small cause of generosity, and it will continue to grow and magnify according to your joyousness and the purity of your heart. | 春 善念种 |
27 | 温心苦心皆可传递关爱 一颗心如何才能温热? 因为那心里蕴藏了许多慈悲和感恩。 我们一定要学会善于用善行,用对他人的慈悲,温暖自己的心;心里温暖了才容易给予别人关爱。 但是心像苦井一样的人,能不能开始对一个孩子好呢? 还是可以的。 可不可以照顾老人呢? 还是可以的。 甚至可以给一只流浪可怜的小动物,做唯一的依靠。 在照顾他人的过程中,会发现自己的价值 – 你是可以行善的;就如一朵花,或苦涩香,或甜香,或淡雅香,那皆是香气,皆可怡人。 | Warm And Painstaking Efforts (For Others) Can Transmit Love and Care How can a heart become warm? Because hidden within that heart contains much love, compassion and gratitude. We must learn to use virtuous acts skilfully, use the compassion towards others to warm up our own hearts; only when the heart is warm can we then provide love and care to others easily. But for those whose heart is like a well holding bitter water can they begin to be kind to a child? Yes they can. Can they take care of the elderly? Yes they can. They can even become the sole support for a small and pitiful stray animal. In the process of caring for others, you will discover your own value – you can act virtuously. Like a stalk of flower, be it bitter, sweet or elegant scent, they are all fragrance and all capable of being delightful. | 春 善念种 |
28 | 勇士走的路 如果一开始学习佛法的目标很模糊,不是为了希求一切遍智、不是为了得到空性的智慧而学,可能会无法忍受学习的艰辛。因为这是勇士所走的路,不为名、不益利,只为解脱成佛!是为了心中最纯净的那个梦想,精进努力,无怨无悔。 | Road Travelled by a Warrior If the goal to learn and practice the buddha’s teaching is very obscure in the beginning, and if learning is not to seek omniscience and not to obtain the wisdom of emptiness, the learner might not be able to endure the hardships of learning. Because this is the road travelled by a warrior, it’s not for fame nor for gains, solely for liberation and attaining buddhahood! It’s for the purest aspiration in the mind, joyously persevering, striving, without complains without regrets. | 春 善念种 |
29 | 心量多大世界就多大 心量有多大,你的世界就有多大。 如果只为了自己,那活着,终究只能在太阳下看到自己黑黑的影子。 如果心里装着很多很多人,就会常常不自主地想把一些温暖或善意送给别人,因为想为他人的生命出点力,让他变得更快乐,我要贡献自己的力量! | The World Is As Big As Your Heart How big your heart is, then how big your world will be. If it is only for yourself, then being alive, in the end you can only see your own dark shadow under the sun. If you put many, many people in your heart, you will often involuntarily want to give some warmth or kindness to others, because you want to contribute to others’ lives and make them become happier. I want to contribute my strength! | 春 善念种 |
30 | 点亮世界的明灯 善行真的就像点亮灯火一样,当有一盏灯开始亮,慢慢就都亮了;而这一片亮起来的时候,就没有黑暗了。 那么点亮这个世界的那盏灯到底是什么呢? 就是你心中的善意啊! 对他人的那种无悔的关注,就是你心头的明灯。 | Luminous Lamp That Lights Up The World Virtuous acts are similar to lighting up the lamps. When one lamp is lights up, gradually everything starts to brighten up. When an area brightens up, there will be no more darkness. So what is that lamp that lights up this World? It is the kindness in your heart! That attention which you provide to others with no regrets – it is the luminous lamp in your heart. | 春 善念种 |
31 | 永恒可以原谅 当我们好像找不到任何一条理路可以原谅别人的时候,「因为他有生死的苦,因为他有烦恼的苦」,这就是永恒可以原谅他的理路。 | Can Forgive Eternally When it seems that we are unable to find any rationale to forgive others, (think) “Because the person is suffering in (the cycle of) life and death, because the person suffers from afflictions”. This is the rationale that allows us to forgive that person eternally. | 春 善念种 |
32 | 珍惜每一分因缘 我们都是因为因缘而相聚的,在无始的生死流转中能够遇到,实在是件非常不容易的事情,劫数一来,就必须得散开。 所以在彼此相遇的时候,要好好把握相聚时光,怀着非常善意的心,让自己的生命对他人完成最大的饶益。 | Cherish every Connection We have all come together because of the connection we share. Being able to meet in this beginningless cycle of life and death is truly a very difficult matter. When it is time to separate, we must part. So when we meet each other, we should seize the moments to be together. With a very kind heart, let our lives accomplish the greatest benefit for others. | 春 善念种 |
33 | 早晚要学会的事 关注别人可能是我们没经验的事,有的时候想关注别人却寸步难行,好像不会走路一样,很不习惯,但是试着起步吧! 早晚有一天要学会这个,因为我们要成为菩提薩埵,要成佛,那么就从我们身边的人,甚至一个很不起眼的小生命开始,关注他们的生命吧! | We Have to Learn This One Day Sooner or Later We may not have any experience in attentively caring for others. Sometimes we want to care for others, but we can't move an inch, as though we don't know how to walk, very uncomfortable. However, we can try to get started! Sooner or later, we have to learn to do this one day because we want to become Bodhisattvas, become Buddhas. So let us begin with the people around us, even a very inconspicuous little life, pay attention to their lives! | 春 善念种 |
34 | 高举沟通的火把 要成就一个和合的团队,不花血本的代价是得不到的。 浪费那么多时间忧悲苦恼,还不如在这轮回的黑夜里高举沟通的火把,静下心来倾听,先去了解别人,才能把对立的状况消融,建立沟通。 而消融对立状态的最佳武器是什么? 慈悲的心。 | Hold The Torch Of Communication Up High To achieve a harmonious and united team, without investing tremendous efforts it would not happen. Rather than wasting so much time on worries, sorrow and distress, hold the torch of communication up high in the dark nights of cyclic existence, calm down your mind and listen. Start from understanding others, then can we eliminate the state of being in opposition, establish communication. And what is the best weapon to eliminate the state of being in opposition? A compassionate heart. | 春 善念种 |
35 | 创造世上的温暖 当许多善良、正直的人聚在一起相互帮忙,也去帮忙那些甚至是素不相识的人,就会在这个世界上创造一股温暖的气息。如花般的暖意,就在世上盛开。 | Create Warm in The World When many kind and upright people gathered to help one another, and even helped those who are total strangers, it will create a warm environment in this world. The warmth like flowers, fully blooming in the world. | 春 善念种 |
36 | 切莫辜负好时光 好时光是什么时候? 就是在痛苦的时候! 因为那是可以为这个世界创造美好价值的时刻,千万不要让心白白地受苦。 能让我们体谅他人,给这个社会更美好的回馈,这都是痛苦的价值。 因为我受过那个苦了,我知道受苦的人有多痛,所以我要去帮他。 | Waste Not the Good Times When is a good time? It’s when we are suffering! Because that is the time we can create beautiful values for this world. We must not let our hearts suffer in vain. It enables us to be more considerate of others, better-abled to give back to society. These are the values of suffering. Since I have been through such suffering, I know how painful it can be for others, so I must help them. | 春 善念种 |
37 | 体会他人的真心 站在他人的角度上考虑,体谅他人的用心,想一想他为我做了什么。虽然他为你做的那些事情可能你看不上眼,但他是出自真心为你做的。 | Experience The Sincerity From Others Consider from another person’s perspective and empathise with his or her intention, contemplate on what he or she has done for me. Even though you may not be impressed with what the other person has done, he or she had sincerely did so for you. | 春 善念种 |
38 | 习惯是练出来的 以自我为中心的这个习惯是练出来的,以他人为中心的习惯同样是练出来的,关键是我们要了解其中的苦乐差别,心甘情愿向以他人为中心的方向发展 。 | Habits Are Formed Through Practice Self-centredness is a habit that is formed through practice. Similarly, the habit of being others-centric is also formed through practice. The key is our ability to understand the difference between suffering and happiness in the 2 habits, and willingly cultivate in the direction that is other-centric. | 春 善念种 |
39 | 来生高贵之因 用自己的身语意能够承事一个众生,让他得到一点快乐,这也是我们身为人能够行善的本钱。 为什么会愿意在众人之中很虚心地承事所有的人,恭敬大众,端茶倒水,像个仆人一样呢? 这就是我们来生会非常高贵的因啊! | Cause For A Noble Rebirth Being able to use our own body, speech and mind to undertake the matters of a sentient being, as well as letting him attain some happiness, is also our capital as human beings to be able to act virtuously. Why are we willing to serve everyone modestly among the masses, respect the masses, bring tea and pour water like a servant? This is precisely the cause for nobility in our next life! | 春 善念种 |
40 | 细细品每个人的心 有些人心中的美好,需要细细地品很久才能品出来,因为可能他不会或不愿表达自己,可能他显现出来的都只是他的弱点。 如何真正地认识一个人,其实不是一件容易的事情,有时要花很长的时间,才能品味到他人心中的精美。 | Savour Everyone’s Heart The beauty in some people’s hearts needs to be savoured mindfully for a long time before it can be appreciated. This is because he may not know how or unwilling to express himself. Perhaps, all that he reveals is only his weakness. To really get to know a person is actually not an easy task. Sometimes, it takes a long time before the exquisiteness of others can be savoured. | 春 善念种 |
41 | 当个种花人吧 想要帮忙别人,想要成就别人的心,如种花人,且行且种,且种且行。 虽然耕耘时,仅有路边林下那不起眼的黑土,可一日春来,你再且行且看,那竟成——十里长堤满眼花开。 | Be A Flowers Planting Person If you wish to help others, having the intent to help others attain accomplishments, be like a person who plants flowers - move as you plant, and plant as you move. Although during cultivation period, there is only the inconspicuous black soil of the forest besides the road, nevertheless, the day spring arrives, as you move along and observe again, it has become, an eyeful of blooming flowers ten miles long. | 春 善念种 |
42 | 发心与回馈 如果,我们供养的发心,像水晶一样的清澈透明,折射利他的七彩慈光;那么,将来的回馈也会是纯净光明的。 纯净的回馈是什么? 就是只有「乐」,没有苦痛与烦恼。 | Aspirations And Returns If our aspirations to make offerings are clear and transparent like crystals, reflecting the seven-coloured rays of compassion to benefit others, then the returns in future will also be pure and bright. What is a pure return? It is solely “happiness”, without any suffering and afflictions. | 春 善念种 |
43 | 菩提心的利益 如果能够生起对家庭,对社会,对全人类的责任感,甚至扩展到对所有生命界的慈悲心,或者希望造福一切有情的菩提心,这样走到每一个地方,就会非常容易发现人们的美好,然后把这份美好传递出去。 | The Benefits Of Spirit Of Enlightenment If we can generate a sense of responsibility towards our family, the society and all mankind, and to even extend our compassion to all living beings, or develop the spirit of enlightenment hoping to benefit all sentient beings, then in this way, wherever you go, it will be very easy to discover the goodness of people, and thereafter pass the goodness on. | 春 善念种 |
44 | 成佛是究竟之路 要想自他究竟离苦得乐,没有其他办法,只有一条路——成佛吧! | Achieving Buddhahood Is The Ultimate Path If you want to completely liberate yourself and others from sufferings and achieve happiness, there is no other way, and only one path - to achieve Buddhahood! | 春 善念种 |
45 | 由实践生净信 供养三宝能生功德」这件事,是很多佛菩萨、祖师所承许的,我们可以一边观察抉择、一边供养,譬如供一盏灯、供一杯水、礼佛一拜… …, 一点一点去做,必须用我们的心去实践了,净信才会在心续中生长得非常坚固。 | Produce Pure Faith Through Practice “Making offering to the Three Jewels can produce merits” is an occurrence that many buddhas, bodhisattvas and lineage masters have conceded. We can make our observation and decision while making offering such as a candle of light, a glass of water, a prostration to buddha, etc. and do this bit by bit. We must put our mind into practice, then pure faith will be produced very firmly in our mind stream. | 春 善念种 |
46 | 战胜自己的喜悦 你很喜欢的一个小东西,当有一天决心把它供养出去的时候,获得的欢喜心是什么呢? 就是战胜了自己。 当一想到这件事就会觉得:哇! 今天做了一件非常棒的事情,我战胜了自己一次! | Joy Of Conquering Yourself The day when you made up your mind to make an offering of a little thing that you like very much, what kind of joy would you derive from it? The victory of conquering yourself! Every single time when you think of this matter, you will feel that you have achieved a remarkable accomplishment to have conquered yourself once! | 春 善念种 |
47 | 心灵的力量 不要认为观想供佛,请佛住世没有功德,这样的观想有时比实际供养功德还大。 千万不要忽略心灵的力量! | The Power of the Mind Do not think that there are no merits in visualising offerings to the Buddha and supplicating for the Buddha to remain in this world. The merits of such visualisations may sometimes be even greater than the physical offering. Never underestimate the power of the mind! | 春 善念种 |
48 | 普愿众生离苦得乐 在拜佛时可以发一个心:「愿遍法界,尽虚空界,一切如母有情究竟离苦得乐这件事,全部荷担在我的肩上。是为了令自他都能够皈依佛,成就佛果这个目标,我来礼敬佛。」 | May All Living Beings Be Liberated From Sufferings And Achieve Happiness An aspiration can be made when prostrating to Buddha: “May I shoulder all the responsibilities of the task to completely liberate all sentient beings across all realms and throughout all space from sufferings and achieve happiness. This is to make ourselves and others be able to take refuge in Buddha and attain the goal of achieving Buddhahood, let me pay respect to Buddha.” | 春 善念种 |
49 | 敞开心胸接纳 有时我们会觉得自己是世上最痛苦的人,但实际上有很多人远比自己更痛苦,需要我们去关心。当我们敞开心胸,接纳各不同的人,不论他行走在你前面或后面,地位比你高或低,都能从内心深处随喜他人的进步,也悲悯他人,积极勇悍地去除他人的痛苦。随着我们心里容纳的人越来越多,自己的痛苦就越来越小。 | Open Our Hearts Widely to Accept Sometimes we will feel that we are suffering in pain the most in this world. However there are many people who are suffering in pain more than us actually and they need us to care for them. When we opened our hearts, accepting different people, no matter whether they are walking in front or behind us, and their status are higher or lower than us, we can rejoice their progress from the depth of our hearts. Moreover we can have sympathy for others, proactively and courageously removing others' pain and sufferings. As we accept more and more people in our hearts, our pain and sufferings will become smaller and smaller. | 春 善念种 |
50 | 放掉自我心自辽阔 怀着一颗坦荡的心走向每一个人,那是完全利益他的心,一点也不期待从他身上索取什么,你会在这个过程中体会到很多法味。 那种庄严是放掉了自我,把生命投注在广大的利他事业中所体会到的辽阔感。 | Let Go Of The Self For Feeling Of Vast Expanse In The Heart If you approach others with a magnanimous heart that is entirely to benefit them, and without any expectation in return from them, you will experience lots of dharma's realisation in the process. Such dignity is derived from letting go of ourselves and focusing our lives on the extensive work of benefiting others. It leads to a feeling of vast expanse in the heart from the process of benefiting others. | 春 善念种 |
51 | 可以一万次被拒绝 如果把这颗利他的心,训练得越来越皎洁、越来越坚定、越来越纯粹——只是为了你能快乐,那就可以非常坦荡地向前走。我可以一万次地走向你、被你一万次拒绝,第一万零一次我又来了。过失不在你,是我还没有找到不被你拒的方法啊! | Can Be Rejected Ten Thousands Times If we take this spirit of benefiting others and train it to become brighter and clearer, firmer and sturdier, purer and finer – solely for the sake that you can be happy, then we can move ahead in a very open and candid manner. I can walk towards you ten thousands times and be rejected by you ten thousands times. The ten thousands and one time, I will come again. You are not at fault, it is me who have not found the method not to be rejected by you actually! | 春 善念种 |
52 | 病苦时心的转机 当头痛的时候,也可以观想:「愿尽法界,遍虚空一切如母有情的头痛,全部都成熟在我身上,就让这个业消除吧!」这样想一下,头还是在痛,但是心里很快乐,这种感觉是很真实的! 你会开始没有那么讨厌病苦,因为它带给自己的心一种转机,不再那么执着身体上的痛苦。 | The Turning Point Of The Mind When Suffering From Sickness When you have a headache, you can also visualise: “I wish that the headaches of all sentient beings, who are like my mothers, in all the realms of the world and across the entire universe, will all take fruition on me, and let this karma be eliminated!” Thinking about it this way, the head is still painful, but the mind is very happy, and this feeling is very real! You will begin not to hate the suffering from sickness so much, because it brings a turning point to your mind, and you will no longer be so attached to the body's pain. | 春 善念种 |
53 | 缘他有情能离苦 在最痛苦,最喘不过气来,最难受的时候想一下:啊! 如果所有有情这种令人窒息的痛苦,就在此刻都用我的痛苦把它消融,那是多么美好的一件事情! 其实这样想一想,自己的痛苦也会降低。 为什么呢? 因为很多痛苦都源于我爱执,一旦转为缘到其他有情的时候,这个痛苦真的就会在现象界马上减低了。 | Direct Our Mind Towards Other Sentient Beings To Be Liberated From Suffering At the most painful, most breathless, and most unbearable moments, think: Ah! If such suffocating suffering of all sentient beings, dissolves through the suffering that I'm experiencing right now, how beautiful that is, isn't it! Actually by in thinking this way, our own suffering will also be reduced. Why is that so? Because much suffering originates from an attachment to self, once we direct our minds to focus on other sentient beings, this pain will truly be reduced immediately in the manifested world. | 春 善念种 |
54 | 别让难题收拾你 当感觉到一个问题卡了你太久的时候,要记住对佛菩萨祈求,然后要勤行忏悔,服务大众集资粮,资粮够了的时候你就会超越。 所以要想办法收拾难题,不要让难题收拾自己。 | Don’t Let The Difficult Problem Take You Down When you feel that you have been stuck at a problem for too long, you must remember to supplicate to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, then repent diligently and accumulate merits through serving others. You will surpass it when you have sufficient merits. Hence, you have to think of ways to overcome the difficult problem, and not let the difficult problem take you down. | 春 善念种 |
55 | 送一切有情礼物 吟一句「嗡嘛呢呗咪吽」,心里是为所有的人念的,会感觉好像每个人都收到了自己的礼物。 有时坐在房间里也可以送一切有情礼物,就在那个瞬间,跟别人内心的通道全部都打开了,不会觉得自己跟别人好像有层层阻隔。 | Sending Gifts To All Sentient Beings Chanting “Om Mani Padme Hung”, in my heart it is recited for all the people, and it feels as if everyone has received my gift. Sometimes, when we are seated in the room, we can also send gifts to all sentient beings. At that moment, all the channels in mine and others’ hearts are opened, and we don’t feel like we are separated from others by layers of barriers. | 春 善念种 |
56 | 大慈悲心平等无别 佛陀所宣说的真理,是无论对行善的,作恶的都要生起慈悲的心,要让行善的继续增广善业,也要让作恶的尽量减少恶业,用大慈悲心平等地饶益一切有情。 | The Heart Of Great Compassion – Equality With No Differentiation The truth preached by Buddha is to generate the heart of compassion regardless it’s towards those who act virtuously or non-virtuously, to allow those who act virtuously to continue to increase and expand their virtuous deeds, and also to allow those who act non-virtuously to reduce their non-virtuous deeds as much as possible, with a heart of great compassion to benefit all sentient beings equally. | 春 善念种 |
57 | 老师的真义 老师是什么?就是在黑暗的时候,做我们的光明;孤独的时候,是我们的朋友;在迷惘的时候,引领我们了知抉择取舍。 | The True Meaning of a Teacher What is the meaning of a teacher? It is being the bright light when we are in darkness, as our friend when we are lonely, and directing and leading us to understand how to choose and make a decision when we are lost. | 春 善念种 |
58 | 宽广如大海的心胸 一旦把自己对他人的责任感,扩展到越来越大,越来越大时,就会感觉到自己的心胸像大海,如天空那样宽广。 那将是生命一种什么样的壮阔感,我们此生愿,不愿意去领略它呢? | A Broad And Wide Mind Like the Great Ocean Once our sense of responsibility towards others increases and expands to become greater and greater, we will feel that our mind has become broader and wider resembling the great ocean, like the sky. What kind of a magnificence feeling will this be in life, are we willing or unwilling to experience it in this life? | 春 善念种 |
59 | 改变身心传播佛法 用你改变了的身心,用你纯淳的善意,去为他人着想,而交到很多好朋友,佛法的传播过程就是这样。 | Transform The Body And Mind To Propagate Buddha's Teaching Use your transformed body and mind, use your pure and genuine kind intentions, be considerate of others and hence make many good friends. This is how the propagation of Buddhism is like. | 春 善念种 |
60 | 善友相伴的美好 不管遭遇多少艰难,不管少年,中年,老年会有怎样的孤独,因为有很多善友在一起相互分担,相互扶持,人生就会在美好中度过。 | The Beauty Of Virtuous Friends' Company No matter how much hardship we have encountered and regardless of whether during our youth, middle-aged and old age, we will experience whatever form of loneliness, due to the fact that there are many virtuous friends to share the responsibilities together, to support one another, we will be able to spend our lives in a beautiful way. | 春 善念种 |
61 | 生命何其单纯和美好 用最真挚、无染、纯粹的心,想让周遭的人快乐,如果从生到死就这一件事,生生世世就这一件事,那么生命何其单纯、何其美好! | How Pure and Beautiful Life Using the most sincere, untainted and pure heart, wanting to bring happiness to people around us, and if there is only this matter from birth to death, the only matter lives after lives, then how pure life is and how beautiful it is! | 春 善念种 |
62 | 一个朴素的愿望 好好珍惜你面对的那个人,希望他的生命因为有你在他身边,多一些快乐,少一些忧悲苦恼;因为有你一起承受着生命的苦难,他会过得好一些 。 就是这样很简单,很朴素的希望 – 凡是遇到我的人,我都想让他更快乐一些,我要努力地为别人生命的离苦得乐奉献自己。 | A Simple Wish Cherish the person who is with you or opposite you well, hope that with your presence, his life will be filled with more happiness, lesser sorrows and worries; Because you are there to endure life's sufferings together, he will find it better getting by. It is this easy, a simple wish – Whoever I have met, I will always think of making him happier, I will strive to dedicate myself in liberating others' from suffering and achieving happiness. | 春 善念种 |
63 | 和平从家庭做起 祈愿世界和平,从哪儿做起? 从家里和平做起。 多说几句退让的话,多说几句感恩的话,大家的日子就会好过多了。 | Peace Starts From Our Home We pray for the world to be peaceful, but where do we start from? Starts from the peace at home. Say more words of consession, say more words of gratitude, everyone's days will be much better. | 春 善念种 |
64 | 快乐从理解他人开始 理解别人真的会快乐吗? 那你试试吧! 与其要求别人理解你,不如你去理解别人。 快乐之道就这么简单,因为这样做心就越来越宽,快乐就会越来越多了。 | Happiness Begins With Understanding Others Will understanding others really make us happy? Then you give it a try! Instead of asking others to understand you, it is better to understand others. The way to happiness is that simple, because by doing this, you will become more and more broad-minded, you will have more and more happiness. | 春 善念种 |
65 | 理解别人很容易 很多人觉得理解很难,其实很容易。 当你不再只是想得到自己要的东西,愿意忽略自己的感觉,认真地去倾听别人的问题时,你会非常容易理解他。 为什么? 因为在那个当下,自己已经不重要了,你就比较能听明白别人的问题。 | Understanding Others Is Easy Many people find it difficult to understand others, actually it is very easy. When you no longer just think of obtaining the things you want, willing to ignore your own feelings, earnestly listen to other people’s problems, you will understand him very easily. Why? Because at that moment, you are no longer important, you will be able to better understand other people’s problems. | 春 善念种 |
66 | 轮回黑夜中的明月 轮回的黑夜,有多少的恐怖和孤单,但有佛法明月光辉的照耀,我们得以生起勇悍和慈悲,去抚慰那些在黑暗中身心痛苦的人。 | A Radiant Moon In The Dark Nights Of Cyclic Existence How much fear and loneliness are there in the dark nights of cyclic existence? However with the radiant moon of dharma shining brightly, we are able to develop valiance and compassion to soothe the physical, mental and emotional pains of the people in darkness. | 春 善念种 |
67 | 心中常念他人需 常常去想一想:此时此刻会不会有比我更苦的人,我能够给予他什么?想一想:我周边的人心中在想什么,我是否可以关注他什么? | Thoughts of Others Often think about this: At this moment is there anyone who is suffering more than me? What can I offer him? Think of this: What is in the mind of the people around me? Is there anything about him that I can care for? | 春 善念种 |
68 | 看到更多可爱的心 像月亮一样皎洁的教法光辉,会让我们不是只看着自已的影子,会开始学习看到越来越多的生命,生动地活在自己的周围——那一颗一颗的心,有的时候比自已的心更有趣、更值得关注,可能还要可爱很多倍呢! | Seeing More Adorable Hearts The radiance of the teaching is clear and bright like the moon. It will not only let us see our own shadows, it will begin to let us learn to see more and more living beings, who are living vividly around us. The hearts of those living beings are sometimes more interesting than ours, more worthy for us to pay our attention, and maybe even many more times more adorable! | 春 善念种 |
69 | 慈悲的大海水 你发你的火,我发我的慈悲,我用慈悲的水灭你嗔恨的火,看谁能打过谁。 你坚持你的愤怒,我坚持我的慈悲,愤怒是你的火焰山,慈悲就是我的大海水。 | The Compassionate Ocean Water You cast out your fire, I cast out my compassion, I will use the water of compassion to extinguish the fire of your hatred, let's see who can beat whom. You insist on your anger, I insist on my compassion, anger is your flaming mountain, and compassion is my ocean water. | 春 善念种 |
70 | 非凡的力量 我一定要坚持慈悲心,绝对不舍弃;要一直坚持对你好,永远不退。慈悲比嗔恨、比怒火更有力量,能把一切隔阂都迅速消融,它像水一样柔和,可是却力量非凡。 | Extraordinary Strength I must maintain a spirit with kindness and compassion, and I will never abandon them. I must always treat you well and I will not withdraw from it at all times. Kindness and compassion are much stronger compared to anger and hatred, and when compared to flames of fury. They are able to quickly melt all misunderstandings and they are as soft and gentle like water. Yet they have extraordinary strength. | 春 善念种 |
71 | 善观缘起的道理 你要跟一个非常饥饿的人讲道理,必须先给他一碗饭,有时候甚至让他洗个澡,好好睡个觉,清醒一点之后,才把道理讲给他听。 这就是所谓的善观缘起,要先观察他所关心的事情是什么。 | The Meaning Of Skillfully Observing Dependent Arising When you want to explain a principle to someone who is famished, you must first give him a bowl of rice, sometimes even let him take a bath first, have a good sleep, then explain the principle to him after he is more sober. This is what it means to skillfully observe the dependent arising, to begin by observing what matters to him. | 春 善念种 |
72 | 养成关注他人的习气 随手做善行,随时关注别人,关注久了之后,慢慢你就会有一种习气,好像也不用费太大的力气,就能了解别人需要什么。 | Cultivating The Habit Of Showing Concern For Others Do virtuous acts in passing and show concern for others at any moment. After you have shown concern for a long time, you gradually will then have a kind of habit, as if you are able to understand the needs of others without spending too much efforts. | 春 善念种 |
73 | 纯净利他心的力量 当我们心里非常纯净地为他人的时候,就会有无比的勇气;一旦夹杂着以我为出发点,以自我为中心的思路,自己的力量就不能发挥到极致,因为「我」终归在在那里作祟。 | The Power Of Pure Altruism When we are very pure in our hearts for others, we will have incomparable courage; once we mixed up our starting point centred on me and use a self-centred thinking, then our own strength cannot be exerted to the extreme, because “I” is there after all causing trouble. | 春 善念种 |
74 | 见到一无是处中的阳光 学习佛法的人要运用智慧,善於从非常复杂、看来一无是处的事相之中,找到可以把它蜕变成非常积极和阳光的思路,这是内心上的功夫。 | Seeing the Ray of Sunlight When There is Good-for-nothing Learners of buddha's teaching must apply wisdom, and be adept in finding a way among extremely complicated and seemingly good-for-nothing event‘s phenomenon, and be able to transform it into a very positive and sunshine mentality. This is the inner skill of our mind. | 春 善念种 |
75 | 念念皆善自无忧 每日行一善,十善,到最后熟练了就随手都是善,念念都是善。 如果眼神看出去都是善,嘴边说出去都是善,那还愁来生吗? 来生肯定在善趣! 因为念念全变成善的,怎么可能它的果报会在恶趣呢? | When Every Thought Is Virtuous, You Will Be Worry-Free Do a virtuous deed daily, then ten virtuous deeds, till ultimately when you become proficient, every action will easily be virtuous, every thought is virtuous. If all seen by the eyes is virtuous, all said by the mouth is virtuous, then are there still worries about the next life? Your next life will definitely be reborn in the happy realms! Because every thought has all become virtuous, how can it's fruition be in the miserable realms? | 春 善念种 |
76 | 布施爱语暖人心 语言有表情吗? 我讲了,你听了,会笑,会温暖,会行善,会被鼓励的,那是爱语的力量吗? 化愁苦为欢颜,化沮丧为振奋,化麻木为感动,是爱语的力量吗? 当我用微笑,柔和的眼神,对你表达我真挚的感恩,你的心会为此而充满暖意吗? 愿我的爱语如花,在你的心中绽放,香飘人间。 | Giving Pleasant Speech Warms The Heart Does speech have expression? I spoke, you heard, you might smile, your might feel the warmth, you might perform virtuous acts and you might be encouraged. Wasn't that the power of pleasant speech? Transforming from sorrowful to smiling expression, diverting from dispiritedness to excitement, ability to be touched instead of being numb. Were these not derived from the power of pleasant speech? When I smile at you with gentleness in my eyes to express my genuine and sincere gratitude, will your heart be warmed by these? May my pleasant speech be like flowers, blooming in your hearts, and scattering this world with the fragrance. | 春 善念种 |
77 | 让自我靠边站 当发自内心地把他人放在很重要的地位,让自己慢慢靠边、靠边,只剩下一个小小的角落,到最後可能连角落也没有了,全部是以众生为自己生命的核心,这样苦恼就会降到最低,就会非常地快乐! | Let Ourselves Be Sidelined When we place from our heart the other person on a very important position and let ourselves move slowly to the side repeatedly until we are left with a very small corner, eventually there might not even have any corner left for us. When everything is based on all sentient beings as the centre of focus in our lives, then sufferings and worries will be reduced to the lowest level and we will be extremely happy then! | 春 善念种 |
78 | 视众生为独一爱子 佛菩萨视众生为独一爱子。 能把这么多有情捧在自己的心上,如此细微地观察着他们的需求和痛苦,找到切实可行的办法援助每个人,这是一件非常不可思议的事情。 | Seeing All Beings As The Only Beloved Child Buddhas and Bodhisattvas regard all beings as their only beloved children. Being able to hold on to so many sentient beings in their hearts, meticulously observing their needs and sufferings, and tailor practical and achievable methods to help everyone, this is an extremely incredible feat. | 春 善念种 |
79 | 珍贵的善念种 发誓永远做一个善人,不管遇到多么强烈逼恼的境界,都不让自己恶心萌发,保护着内心这个像光明,像灯火一样的善种子,这是多么珍贵的善心。 | Precious Seed Of Virtuous Mind Vow to be a virtuous person forever, do not let your non-virtuous mind sprout, no matter how intense and distressing the predicament you encounter, and protect this virtuous seed in your heart that is like a light and a lamp. This is such a precious virtuous mind. | 春 善念种 |
80 | 苦乐皆由业所生 要坚定地朝造善业的方向努力,朝止息恶业的地方撑持,因为所有乐皆由善业生,所有苦皆由恶业生,这是业果不变的法则。 | Both Suffering And Happiness Are Produced Due To Karma We must work hard firmly in the direction of creating good karma and shore up where bad karma is stopped, because all happiness is produced by good karma, and all suffering is produced by bad karma. This is the unchanging law of karma. | 春 善念种 |
81 | 也许我还是幸运的 只要我们留心他人的生活状态,就会发现:也许我还是幸运的!看到很多人非常痛苦,他的精神、身体、家庭关系等等,可能在某种程度上已经是极限运作。那么为什么不把我的一点点关怀贡献给他呢? | Maybe I am Still Fortunate As long as we pay attention to others on their state of living, we will discover – maybe I am still fortunate! Observed that a lot of people are in extreme pain and suffering, and their spirit, body, family relationships, etc. most likely have reached their limits in capacity. Why don't we offer him or her our little bit of care and concern? | 春 善念种 |
82 | 因果的法则 如果一直非常热忱地去布施他人快乐,给予力量,有一天那力量就会从远方,从近处,乃至从一个你从来没有注意到的地方回来,这就是因果! | The Principles Of Cause And Effect If you keep on giving happiness to others passionately, and give it power, one day that power will come back to you from afar, or from vicinity, or even from a place where you have never noticed. This is cause and effect! | 春 善念种 |
83 | 决断力能破一切难 对我们的生命来说,一旦决断了就没有困难,因为我将冲破一切困难。 | The Strength Of Resolution Can Overcome All Difficulties Pertaining to our lives, there will be no difficulties once we made a resolution. This is because I will break through all difficulties. | 春 善念种 |
84 | 让善永不竭尽 我们在这个世界上所做的善行,即使好像只是一滴水那么微不足道,可是一旦把它汇归到「进趣无上菩提」的汪洋大海时,这些善就会永无竭尽。 | Let Goodness Never Be Exhausted Every virtuous deed that we performed in this world, even if it seems insignificant like a droplet of water, once they are amassed into the great ocean of “the progression towards unsurpassable enlightenment“, these goodness will never be exhausted. | 春 善念种 |
85 | 点滴善行成美德 不要期待自己一开始就全部做得很好,因为这根本不现实。 透过一段时间努力,我们的生命能比过去有所改善,这就很难得了! 朝着一个光明的方向在改善,哪怕只有一点点,也是多少汗水与泪水换来的,可别小看啊! 善行一点一点累积,到最后就会成就内心珍贵的美德。 | Every Bit Of Virtuous Deeds Becomes A Virtue Don't expect yourself to do everything well from the beginning, because it's not unrealistic at all. Through a period of hard work, our lives can be improved compared to the past, which is very difficult to achieve! Making improvement towards a luminous direction, even if it is only a little bit, is also exchanged from much sweat and tears, don't underestimate it! Accumulate virtuous deeds little by little, and in the end will achieve the precious virtues in our hearts. | 春 善念种 |
86 | 坚持最可贵 在自己的起点上,能学多快就多快,慢也不必苦恼。 这样老老实实一步一脚印地走,即使你学得最末,能始终不退,这种坚持的精神也是最为稀贵的,定会成功。 | Perseverance Is Most Praiseworthy At your own starting point, learn as fast as you can and need not be distressed even if you are slow. Conscientiously taking one step at a time in this way, even if you are ranked last in learning, being able not to retreat all the time, such spirit of perseverance is also most rare and precious, and you will definitely succeed. | 春 善念种 |
87 | 财富由布施来 今生的财富从哪里来? 经典上写得非常清楚,是从布施,供养这些善业来的。 当然也有人说:「是我辛苦挣的。」那为什么有人千辛万苦也挣不到钱,有人就能挣到钱呢? 要相信佛所说的 – 财富是从布施来的!! | Wealth comes from Generosity Where does our wealth in this life come from? It is clearly stated in the scriptures that it comes from generosity, offerings and virtuous deeds as such. Of course some people may say, "I earned it through my hard work." Then why is it that some people work very hard but couldn’t earn much and yet some others could? Believe in what Buddha said - Wealth comes from generosity! | 春 善念种 |
88 | 幸福的依靠 善心是我们幸福的依靠;不是对方给你多少理解,给你多少安慰。 你自己的善意才是幸福的依靠,也是幸福的起点。 | Basis Of Happiness Kindness is the basis of our happiness; it is not how much understanding the other party gives you, how much comfort the other party provides you. Your own kindness is the basis of happiness and the starting point of happiness. | 春 善念种 |
89 | 正确而圆满的愿望 所谓正确的愿望是什么? 就是「真正能给自他生命带来快乐,而且越来越快乐,越来越快乐,彻底远离一切痛苦」,这样的愿望应该是最圆满的。 | Correct And Perfect Aspiration What is meant to be the correct aspiration? It should be “the true ability to bring happiness to both the lives of others and our own, and becoming happier and happier by the day till we thoroughly abandon all sufferings”. Such aspiration should be the most complete. | 春 善念种 |
90 | 法是光明与希望 闻法,会让绝望的心有希望,会让阴暗的感觉变成光明,会让苦涩的心境变得快乐,会让暴恶的心变得调柔,自私的心变得慈悲 ,狭小的心变得宽容。 | Dharma Is Light And Hope Listening to dharma, will give hope to a hopeless heart, will turn a dark feeling into light, will make a bitter state of mind become happy, will soften a violent and cruel heart, change a selfish heart to compassionate, and turn a narrow mind into forgiving. | 春 善念种 |
91 | 地球人关爱地球事 因为我们不是活在月亮上,所以每一个人都应该要关心这个世界的粮食、土壤、水源、教育等生存环境的问题。我们是负有责任的,不愿该把所有的责任推给他人。 | Earthlings Care and Concern on Earth's Matter As we are not living on the moon, therefore every person should be concerned about this world's issues on food, soil, and education, etc. living conditions. We do have responsibilities and should not push all responsibilities to others. | 春 善念种 |
92 | 信仰带来力量 信仰,是心灵的方向。 它启发我们内心的慈悲和智慧,为生命带来幸福和力量。 日久功深,那纠结在内心挥之不去的烦恼,便可轻松打开。 面对不幸和伤害,即使没人为我们的痛苦说声对不起,我们也有力量处理它,不会被它越套越死,不会陷在困境中不能自拔。 | Faith Brings Strength Faith, is the direction of our spirituality. It inspires the wisdom and compassion in our hearts to bring bliss and strength to our lives. With great efforts over a long period of time, those twisted knots of troubles lingering in our hearts can be easily loosened. When faced with misfortunes and hurt, even if there is no one to say a word of sorry for our sufferings, we also have the strength to deal with it, and not let it trapped us further, nor get stuck in a predicament and unable to extricate ourselves. | 夏 无碍行 |
93 | 用心改变命运 一旦心被改变,命运就改变了;命运改变了,苦就越来越少,快乐就越来越多,这是我对佛法的信心。 如果按照佛陀说的去做,我们一定会越来越快乐,越来越幸福。 | Use Our Hearts To Change Our Destiny Once our hearts are being transformed, our destiny will then be transformed. With the change in our destiny, our sufferings will progressively be lessen, happiness will progressively be increased, this is my faith in the teaching of the Buddha. If we act according to what Buddha had said, we will definitely become increasingly happier, and more and more blessed. | 夏 无碍行 |
94 | 法语如明镜 法语就像心灵的明镜一样,每天都要照一照,把脏垢的东西即时除掉,愚痴才不会越积越厚,这样就能成为一个快乐的修行者。 | Words of Dharma Are Like Clear Mirror Words of dharma are like our spiritual mirror. We should look at this mirror everyday to clear away our filth immediately, then ignorance will not accumulate further and grow thicker. In this way, we can be happy practitioners. | 夏 无碍行 |
95 | 此刻就是修行好时机 什么时候开始修行?就是现在,此时此刻!用什么样的心力修行?就用勇猛、专心致志的心 | Now is the Best Moment for Practice What is meant to be the correct aspiration? It should be “the true ability to bring happiness to both the lives of others and our own, and becoming happier and happier by the day till we thoroughly abandon all sufferings”. Such aspiration should be the most complete. | 夏 无碍行 |
96 | 自心即道场 在哪里修行? 就在各自的岗位,各自的地方,自心即是道场。 | Your Heart Is The Place Of The Way Where to practice? In your respective positions and locations, your heart is the place of the way. | 夏 无碍行 |
97 | 最踏实的起步 佛法是非常深邃的智慧,但是起步却非常踏实,脚踩下去是落地有声的 – 就从生活上开始改变自己。 怎么改变? 造善业。 怎么造善业? 从旁边的人开始,给他一个微笑,对他表达感谢。 | The Most Practical Start Buddha's teaching is a very profound wisdom, but it has a very practical start, and when you take a step, you will hear a sound – you start to change yourself in daily life. How to change? Create virtuous karma. How to create virtuous karma? Start with the person next to you, give him a smile and express gratitude to him. | 夏 无碍行 |
98 | 合转矛盾为桥梁 最美丽的风景,最明亮的灯,是我们心中的善,以及对他人的体谅和包容。 一定要善于化解同行之间的矛盾,把矛盾都变成增进友谊的桥梁,这就是转违缘为道用。 | Combine And Transform Contradictions Into Bridges The most beautiful scenery and the brightest lamp are the kindness in our hearts, as well as our understanding and tolerance for others. We must be adept in resolving contradictions among peers and turn all contradictions into bridges for enhancing friendship. This is transforming unfavourable conditions into good use. | 夏 无碍行 |
99 | 一个转念法门 人与人相处不容易,如果常常很不愉快,不妨试一试:拿一个小本子,写下那个最讨厌的人的十件好事,看能找出几件。能不能每天找出十个看他顺眼的地方?比如他什么事都做得很好。持续写下去,慢慢就会发现:啊!这个人有很多善良处可能是被我忽略的,很多他的用心也是被我忽略的。 | A Mind Transformation Method Getting along with people is not easy. If the experience is usually not pleasant for you, you could have a shot at this: Take a small booklet, write down 10 good things about the person you dislike most and see how many items you could list down. Are you able to discover 10 pleasant points about him or her every day? Eg. He is able to excel in all tasks performed. Continue this procedure every day and slowly you will discover – “Ah! This person has numerous virtuous qualities that could have been ignored by me and most of his diligence are also neglected by me.” | 夏 无碍行 |
100 | 你的双眼想看到什么? 双眼从一个窗口看出去,是看到满天的星辰,还是地上的泥泞,选择权完全在自己。我选择看什么,我的世界里就有什么。 | What Would Your Eyes Like to See? When both our eyes see through from the window, do they see the sky full of stars, or the muddy floor on the ground? The option to choose is totally on us. What I choose to see, my world will have that inside. | 夏 无碍行 |
101 | 楷定心的方向 实际上去练习观功念恩之后,早晨就会很留心:今天我会看到什么好人好事,看到别人的什么优点? 心就会朝着别人的优点,功德,以及善行的部分去观察。 它楷定了我一天对待别人的心理方向。 | Firmly Set The Direction Of The Mind In fact, after practicing to observe merits and appreciate kindness, we will be very careful in the morning: what are the good people and good deeds that I will witness today, what strengths of others will I see? The mind will turn towards observing other people's strengths, merits, and also what virtuous deeds they have done. It firmly sets the direction of my mind on how I will treat others in a day. | 夏 无碍行 |
102 | 观功念恩看到希望 观功念恩实际上就是一种生活态度。 在困境和麻烦的事出现时,是否好的东西也同时存在? 观功念恩就是要在困难,麻烦,苦难和很多很多痛苦之中,发现这样一个希望。 | Discover Hope From Observing Merits And Appreciating Kindness Observe merits and appreciate kindness is actually an attitude to life. When predicament and troublesome matters surface, is there anything positive that also exists concurrently? Observe merits and appreciate kindness is to discover such a hope in the midst of predicaments, troubles, sufferings and many more pains. | 夏 无碍行 |
103 | 最幸福的人 当我的心对别人所做的一切感到麻木的时候,是自己的心变冷酷了吧? 心变冷了,自己会幸福吗? 绝对不会。 心里装着满满的感恩的人,是最幸福的。 | The Most Blessed Person When my heart feels numb to everything others do, has my heart become callous? When my heart becomes cold, will I be happy? Absolutely not. People who are filled with gratitude in their hearts are most blessed. | 夏 无碍行 |
104 | 赞美是最简单的心钥 其实跟别人说几句赞美的话,他就开心了,但我们总把事情搞得太复杂,不会用非常简单的方式处理。 | Compliment Is The Simplest Key To Unlock Heart Actually if we compliment another person with a few words, he or she will easily open his or her heart to us. However, we often complicate the situation and do not know how to use a very simple way to deal with it. | 夏 无碍行 |
105 | 凡事都从「好」处看 养成一种习惯,一看就会看到别人哪里好,哪里善良,哪里无私,今天帮忙多少人,都从这样的角度去看待别人,沿着这样的方向,假以时日自己就会体会到越来越多的幸福感。 | See Everything From The “Good” Points Cultivate a habit of seeing others good points upon looking at them, where are they kind, selfless, and how many people they have helped today, look at others all from this perspective. Following such a direction, over time you will personally experience more and more sense of happiness. | 夏 无碍行 |
106 | 練出感恩心 感恩之心如温阳,温暖生命;如泉水,滋润心田,是生命中不可或缺的幸福饮品。感恩之心从何而来?念恩。如何念恩?练习。一天练几遍?可以很多遍。怎么练?将每天计算别人对我有多少得罪的角度,转化为他人对我有多少恩惠、帮助我的感恩的角度。这样练习下去、练习下去,有一天,我们才能感恩我们的敌人,因为正是他们这样伤害我、折磨我,我的心才会升华,才能生起稀有的证德,超越烦恼的洪流、超越烦恼的伤害。 | Cultivate a grateful heart A grateful heart warms lives like the sun and irrigates our minds like spring water, just like a delightful refreshment that is essential to our lives. How can we cultivate a grateful heart? OMAK. How do we OMAK? Practice. How often should we practice each day? We can practice many times every day. How do we practice? Change our perspective to one of gratitude. Observe how much people help us and benefit us instead of counting how many times they let us down every day. As we practice and practice in this manner, one day, we'll be able to feel thankful to our enemy, for it is because of the hurt and torment that he put me through that enabled me to achieve a great exaltation of mind as well as the rare and precious merit of realisation, allowing me to overcome the deluge of afflictions and the pain they bring. | 夏 无碍行 |
107 | 原谅别人的理路 就算这个人对我很不好,我通常都用一种方法原谅别人,就是:他在生死轮回中,我不要跟他计较了!生死的大苦、爱别离、怨憎会等等的痛苦他都将承受,这些苦已经把他折腾得不成样子了,所以我就原谅他,愿该好好帮忙他才是。 | The Reason to Forgive The Other Person Even if this person is very unkind to me, I will often use a method to forgive the other person. That is, he is in cyclic life, death and rebirth, and I shall then not bicker with him! These pains and sufferings have to be all tolerated by him – the great suffering of life and death, the separation from what is pleasant, and the encountering what is unpleasant, etc. These sufferings have already tortured him until he is in a very poor state. Consequently I have forgiven him and I should provide good assistance to him instead. | 夏 无碍行 |
108 | 感恩之人最富足 当我们慢慢练习感恩心,会更广阔地看到更多人,更多生命在此时此刻对一切的付出。 任何好的事情都不是从天而降,要学会感恩大众。 有人说:「哪里有贫穷?抱怨的人就贫穷。哪里有富足:感恩的人就富。」 | Those Who Are Grateful Are The Richest When we gradually learn to be grateful, it broadens our perspective as we begin to see so many people and lives making a difference in the moment. All good things do not fall from the sky, we must learn to be grateful to everyone. Some say: “Where can we find poverty? People who grumble live in poverty. Where can we find the Rich? Grateful people are wealthy.” | 夏 无碍行 |
109 | 幸福的筹码 感恩心是幸福的筹码,心里装得越多,实际上幸福感会越强。 | Token for Blissfulness The spirit of gratitude is the token for blissfulness. The more you collect them spiritually, the stronger the feeling of blissfulness in practice actually. | 夏 无碍行 |
110 | 不要失去行善的力 无论在家里或者在什么地方遇到问题,千万不要失去行善的力量! 用报复心对别人,最终会损失了自己的福报,自己伤害自己。 没有人可以真正伤害你,只有自己放弃了行善的动力,放弃善待这个人的想法,地狱之门才会为自己敞开。 | Do Not Lose The Strength Of Performing Virtuous Deeds Whether we bump into problems at home or somewhere else, we should never lose the strength of performing virtuous deeds. If we take revenge against another person, we will damage and lose our own merits and hurt ourselves eventually. As a matter of fact, no one can truly bring harm to us. Only when we have given up on performing virtuous deeds and forgone the kind thoughts of treating other people well, the door of hell will be opened to us. | 夏 无碍行 |
111 | 离苦得乐在当下 对父母、对亲人、对小孩,甚至老师对学生、学生对老师,员工对老板等等,这个社会中人跟人之间的关系,如果常常能从肯定别人善意的这个角度,用一种很宽容、很感恩的心去沟通的话,这样活过一生,真的会感觉到「离苦得乐」四个字是怎么实现的。就这么简单。 | Abandon Suffering and Obtain Happiness in Current Moment Towards parents, relatives, children, and even teachers towards students, students towards teacher, employees towards bosses, etc. – the interpersonal relationships in this society. If we can always use this perspective of affirming the other person's kindness, with a very tolerant and very grateful spirit to communicate, we will truly feel this phrase “abandon suffering and obtain happiness” how it is being realised by living our entire life in this way. It is as simple as this. | 夏 无碍行 |
112 | 快乐来自发现善 找一些让自己开心的事情,就可以用非常欢乐的心情度过每一天。 例如:发现别人的善心,发现自己的善心,这样就会很开心。 | Happiness Originate From Discovering Kindness Look for some matters that can make you happy, and they will allow you to pass each day with a very joyous mood. For example, discovering others' kindness, discovering your own kindness, and they will make you feel very happy. | 夏 无碍行 |
113 | 念恩度越绝望谷 单单是「念恩」,即可帮我们度越人生多少绝望时光。 仅仅照着经典上这几行字,认真地想,就足以在最苦的时候给予我们最深的安慰,让我们彻底振奋,不敢颓废,不敢变成坏蛋。 | Remembering Kindness To Surmount The Valley Of Hopelessness With solely “remembering kindness”, it can immediately help us surmount many times the feeling of hopelessness. By just following these few lines of words in the scriptures, and thinking conscientiously, it is sufficient to give us the deepest consolation when we are faced with the worst sufferings, allowing us to be entirely inspired, dare not be dispirited, and dare not become a scoundrel. | 夏 无碍行 |
114 | 期待挫折后的崛起 打开自己的心,会让我们没有太多的怖畏,尤其是与人相处的时候,愿意对大家敞开心扉,就更能够用比较积极的态度,看待自己生命中发生的那些不愉快的事情。 甚至慢慢会有一种期待:在每一个不愉快,每一个挫折后面,都有一个崛起在等着我。 | Look Forward To The Rise After A Setback Opening up our hearts will allow us not to have too much fear, especially when we are getting along with others, and we are willing to open our hearts to everyone, so that we can look at the unpleasant things that happened in our lives with a more positive attitude. Slowly, there will even be a kind of expectation: After every unpleasantness and every setback, there is always a rise waiting for me. | 夏 无碍行 |
115 | 转业的地平线 当我们由于自己或他人,生命遭到重创,而掉到深深的谷底,一无是处,一片黑暗时,彻底放弃并不是解决之道。 可否将那人生低限,看成是地平线。 黑暗与光明都发生在那条线上,太阳从地平线落下,又从地平线升起,何处颁落,何处新生! | Horizon Of Karma Transformation When our lives have been hit hard by ourselves or others, and we have fallen to the bottom of a deep valley, with nothing good at all and plunged into total darkness, giving up completely is not the solution. Can you regard the lowest threshold of your life as the horizon? Darkness and luminosity happen on that same line. The sun sets from the horizon and rises again from the horizon. Wherever it goes down, where will it be risen! | 夏 无碍行 |
116 | 百折不挠的修行之路 凡夫刚开始修行有没有可能不做错? 念头有没有可能不错? 不可能! 所以做错之后,第一时间不要去哀叹,内心正念的大 军就在眼前,能立刻召集的救援部队就是「忏悔」,赶快整顿,让自己重新获得铠甲,重新获得宝剑,开始还击,把善法的城池抢回来,这就是百折不挠的修行之路! | Be Undaunted Despite Of All Setbacks On The Path Of Practicing When lay practitioners embark on the path to practice, can they possibly not make any mistake at all? Can their thoughts be absolutely correct? Not possible! That's why after making mistakes, do not lament at the first instant. The army of mindfulness is right in front of us. If we can immediately gather the rescue forces of “repentance”, we should quickly reorganise, regain our armour, re-possessed our precious swords and start fighting back to snatch the city of virtuousness back. Be undaunted despite of all setbacks on the path of practicing! | 夏 无碍行 |
117 | 全心关注他人 真正想要生起菩提心的时候,就会非常在意自己有没有为他人拼尽全力。 如果自己对他人的问题有所保留,没有想尽办法去帮忙,就会觉得遇到这个人却没有彻底利益他,心里会非常过意不去。 | Care For And Focus On Others Wholeheartedly When you truly want to arise the spirit of enlightenment, you will be very concerned about whether you have given your best efforts for others. If you have reservations on other people's problems and have not thought of every means to help, you will feel that you encounter this person without completely benefiting him, and you will feel very apologetic. | 夏 无碍行 |
118 | 加油!行善的人 行善並非易事,先要扭转自心的方向。风和日丽下的善行,美妙温馨,凄风苦雨中的善行,更如彩虹亮丽。无须停下脚步,行善的人们啊!加油! | Cheer On! Virtuous Practitioner Performing virtuous act is not an easy task. First we have to twist and turn the direction of our mind. Virtuous act on a breezing and sunny day is wonderful and heart-warming, and virtuous act in a period with chilly wind and bitter rain is even brighter and prettier like a rainbow. Virtuous practitioners! Cheer on! | 夏 无碍行 |
119 | 扭转为「我」的习惯 发心遇到的最大问题,就是以他人为中心,还是以自我为中心的这种拉拔,一旦跳跃过就习惯了。 以他人为中心久了之后,偶而突然想到「我」,就会觉得很惭愧:「怎么又想自己了呢?这并非快乐之道。」所以这是一个习惯的问题。 | Reverse The Habit Of “I” The biggest problem that one encounters while making aspiration is like a tug-of-war on whether to focus on others or oneself. Once you have leaped across, you will get used to it. After being centred on others for a long time, at times when I suddenly think of “I”, I feel ashamed: “Why are you thinking for yourself again? This is not the way to happiness.” Hence this is an issue pertaining to habit. | 夏 无碍行 |
120 | 君子和而不同 勇于沟通,并真心地接纳不同的想法,就算有不同的想法,还是可以成为很好的道友。 | A Noble Person's Harmony In Diversity Pluck up the courage to communicate, and sincerely accept different ideas. Even if there is a difference in opinions, we can still become very good practitioners of the path. | 夏 无碍行 |
121 | 省察三门断苦因 一定要了知自己现在的心在想什么,嘴在说什么,身在做什么。 必须有了知自心的能力,当它趣向伤害别人的方向时,要如驯马师一般把它拉回来,因为断除了从三门自害害人的行为,我们的未来才会快乐。 | Examine And Scrutinise Our Body, Speech And Mind To Sever Cause Of Suffering We must know and understand what our mind is thinking now, what our mouth is saying, and what our body is doing. We must have the ability to know and understand our own mind, when it is heading towards hurting others, we must pull it back like a horse trainer, because by severing the harmful actions originating from our body, speech and mind that are hurting ourselves and others, we will then have happiness in the future. | 夏 无碍行 |
122 | 改变痛苦的记忆 当感觉被伤害的时候,要去缘念三宝,这样的话,事后回忆到那段痛苦时,也会同时忆起缘念三宝的心。 当痛苦强烈地一直挥之不去,一定要把三宝的力量注入自己的痛苦之中,去改变那种记忆。 | Alter Our Painful Memory When we felt hurt, we must think about the Three Jewels. By doing so, when we recall the painful experience aftermath, we will also remember the Three Jewels in our mind at the same time. When our pain and suffering are so strong that they are impossible to be discarded, we must inject the strength of the Three Jewels into these moments of suffering, to alter such memories. | 夏 无碍行 |
123 | 守护意业不容缓 很多痛苦都是从意业开始的。 发现自己的意业已经开始在犯罪的时候,要悬崖勒马,不可以再往前去一步。 因为想久了,自己的身体,语言就失控了,到那个时候再想把它拉回来,就来不及了,所以一定要警惕自己的意业。 | Guard And Protect Our Mind With No Delay A lot of pain and suffering started from the thoughts in our mind. When we discovered that our minds are beginning to commit sins, we have to rein them in immediately and cannot let them advance another step. That's because when we think about it for a longer period, we will then lose control on our body and speech. When we subsequently try to pull it back by then, it will be too late. Hence, we must be vigilant on the thoughts in our mind. | 夏 无碍行 |
124 | 坦然面对错误 犯错时有一条思路:走遇了最黑的地方,光明就在前面。由于看到了心灵黑暗之处,就可以去对治它,对治后这个弱点就不存在了。基于这个原因,我们可以坦然面对自己的错误。 | Facing Our Mistakes Calmly A perspective for us when we made a mistake: When we walk past the darkest place, the radiance is just in front of us. As we have seen the dark side of our spirituality, then we can mend it, and after mending it this weakness will no longer exist. Based on this reason, we can calmly face our own mistake. | 夏 无碍行 |
125 | 滴水之恶不可轻 像水滴那样小的恶业,由于不忏悔,日积月累地继续造作下去,到最后它可能会变成像大海那么沉重的恶业。 在嘻笑着,很轻松的状态下造作的恶业,未来的果报可能是我们承担不起的。 | The Evil of Dripping Water Cannot Be Taken Lightly A bad karma as small as a drop of water, because it was not repented, and built up over days and accumulated over months as we continued producing it, in the end it can turn into a bad karma as heavy as the sea. We may not be able to bear the future fruition of the evil karma created in a very relaxed state while laughing. | 夏 无碍行 |
126 | 包容他人的理路 为什么他会这样? 因为他很苦啊! 事实上每个人都很苦,所以没必要在彼此的矛盾上苦上加苦,一直要在他受不了的地方再去折磨他。 何妨就给他一个空间,让他可以度过毛病还没改的这个时候。 | Line Of Reasoning To Accommodate Others Why does he do this? Because he is suffering greatly! In fact, everyone is suffering, hence there is no need to add suffering to each other's conflicts, and to torture him where he can't stand it all the time. Why not give him a space so that he can survive this time when his shortcoming has not been corrected. | 夏 无碍行 |
127 | 忏悔须知恶因 必须要找到「因」是什么,为什么我一直要做这件事?到底合不合理?佛陀说这样做是不对的,为什么我一直要这样做,我到底有没有道理?把它想清楚!忏悔要这样。 | Repentance Must Realise Cause of Fault I must find out what was the 'cause'? Why do I always want to do this action? Is it proper at all? The buddha said that this action is not correct, why do I always want to do this? Do I have any reason at all? Think through it clearly. Repentance must be in this way. | 夏 无碍行 |
128 | 沾脏了更该洗净 我们犯了错,通常会在那里恐惧啊,忧恼啊。 其实这除了更深地折磨自己,丝毫帮助也没有。 如果沾染了罪恶,更应急速地跳进清净的水池,洗涤自己,因为罪业是可以忏悔净化的。 | Must Clean Up Even More When Tainted With Dirt When we have made a mistake, usually we will be in fear and feeling distressed. Other than torturing ourselves further, this in fact, does not provide any assistance at all. If we are tainted with sin, we should quickly jump into a pure and clean pool of water to wash up ourselves. That's because we can repent and purify our negative karma. | 夏 无碍行 |
129 | 修出忏悔的善法 道歉的心如果生不起来,或者有了道歉的心,却没有勇气跟别人道歉,不能任由它这样。 忏悔是个大善法,一定要把这个善法修出来! | Put Into Practice The Virtuous Act of Repentance If our intention to apologise cannot be produced, or if we have the intention to apologise but do not have the courage to apologise to the other person, we cannot let it be in this manner. Repentance is a great virtuous act, we must put into practice this virtuous act! | 夏 无碍行 |
130 | 拜佛改变命 专一至诚,以全部的身语意,礼佛! 口中缘念佛名,意中想佛,身体礼佛,当下心境开朗真纯,杂念全无。 透过拜佛,可能会实现心中的梦。 坚持拜下去,有一天,似乎就发现了一个全新的我,也发现了一个全新的世界。 因为身心,气质都改变了,所以此生后面的命运也都改变了。 | Prostrations To Buddha Changes Our Destiny Pay homage with absolute focus and sincerity using all our body, speech and mind. While we recite Buddha's name, we also visualise Buddha in our mind and bow with our body. At this moment, our hearts will be brightened with purity without any trace of distracting thoughts. Through prostrations to Buddha, we can realise our dreams. With persistence in the prostrations, one day we will somewhat discover a new “me” as well as a new world. This is because our body and mind have changed, our personality and temperament have changed, therefore our destinies ahead have also been transformed. | 夏 无碍行 |
131 | 迎向最亮丽的阳光 只要在佛前供上一盏灯,点上一炷香,或者站在佛前看着佛菩萨的容颜, 那慈悲深邃的眼神,永远像一束最亮丽的阳光,照亮我们的内心深处。 | Welcome The Brightest Sunlight Once we offer a lamp in front of Buddha, light an incense, or stand in front of Buddha looking at the smiling faces of the bodhisattva and Buddha, their compassionate and deep gazes, are always like a bouquet of brightest sunlight, illuminating deep into our hearts. | 夏 无碍行 |
132 | 祈求时就不孤单 祈求的时候,会觉得佛菩萨在倾听,至少在那时不会觉得是自己一个人面对困境,有佛菩萨和我在一起面对。 | Not alone when praying When praying, I will feel that the Buddha and Bodhisattva are listening, at least at that time, I will not feel that I am facing the dilemma alone, and there is a Buddha and Bodhisattva together with me. | 夏 无碍行 |
133 | 从更高的缘起看事情 一旦去皈依祈求, 就会从一个很长远的生命角度,很宽阔的缘起,去看待眼前发生的这件小小的事情。 | Look At Matters From A Higher Level Of Dependent-Arising The moment we take refuge and supplicate, we will look at the small matter happening right now, from a much farther perspective of life and a much wider perspective of dependent-arising. | 夏 无碍行 |
134 | 皈依是永恒的依靠 皈依,就是在任何危险、孤独无助的境界之中,有一个永恒保护的力量,那是我们生命深处一个非常非常温暖、始终会发出力量的依靠。 | Conversion is eternal dependence Conversion is the power of eternal protection in any dangerous, lonely and helpless realm. It is a very, very warm, deep-rooted dependency in our lives. | 夏 无碍行 |
135 | 依教奉行方能除苦 佛陀不是用水洗除我们的罪,或者用手拔除我们的痛苦,而是我们要依照他讲的真理去认真地改变自己的生命,如果像他所说的那样改变了, 我们的痛苦就消失了。 | Practice In Accordance To The Teachings Can Then Eradicate Sufferings Buddha does not wash away our sins with water nor does he use his hands to remove our sufferings. Instead, we must follow the truth that he said and earnestly change our own lives. If we change as he had said, our sufferings then will disappear. | 夏 无碍行 |
136 | 一定要成佛 佛陀这么圆满的状态,为我们的生命树立了一个目标:我将来也要像他一样!这就是学佛最究竟的目标,我们一定要成佛! | Definitely Must Become a Buddha Buddha had established a goal for our lives with such a perfect state – I want to be exactly like him in the future! This is the ultimate goal to learn from the buddha. We must definitely become a buddha! | 夏 无碍行 |
137 | 解决问题的良方 我们常常苦于事情到底该怎么办,冥思苦想地找办法。其实有一种办法就是祈求,它会让我们的心从现有的智慧层面上,更上层楼地去考虑问题。当慧力提高的时候,就知道这个问题该怎么解决了。 | Good Method to Solve Issue We are always troubled with how things should exactly be done, meditating and racking our brains to find a method. In fact there is one method and that is supplication. It will allow our mind to elevate from our current level of wisdom to a higher level to consider the issue. When the strength of our wisdom has improved, we will know how to solve this issue then. | 夏 无碍行 |
138 | 改变角度心更宽广 祈求会改变我们的业力,改变我们看问题的角度。 看问题的角度一变,很多问题就看开了。 凡夫最大的问题,就是执着此时此刻的现象是确实的,永恒不变的,所以必须改变自己的现行,我们的理路才能在更广阔的空间悠游。 | Change In Perspective Opens Our Hearts Wider Supplication will change our karma and change the perspective we look at problems. Once this perspective is adjusted, we will be able to resolve many problems. The biggest problem with lay person is the attachment to the current phenomenon being real and permanent. That's why we must change our current behaviour in order to allow our reasoning to cruise in a much bigger space. | 夏 无碍行 |
139 | 挫败只是虚妄的心情 挫败感只是一种心情,并非我的生命真是那样。 | Feeling Defeated is a Deceiving Mood Feeling defeated is just one of our moods. It doesn't mean my life is such. | 夏 无碍行 |
140 | 戒律是什么 没有戒律就没有佛教。戒律是什麽?就是二六时中看着自己的身口意,不要趣向恶行,要趣向如法行。 | What is Ethical Discipline If there is no ethical discipline, then there is no buddhism. What is ethical discipline? It simply means watching our own body, speech and mind within the six periods of the day and night, not to incline towards non-virtuous acts, and must incline towards proper actions. | 夏 无碍行 |
141 | 持戒是最深的回馈 世上有很多善,但有一种善叫戒善。 受者戒从传戒的善知识得到戒体,翻无始轮回的「迷」为「觉」,翻害人为利人,心心念念只要持戒回向这个世界,那就是最宏伟的资粮善,是对这个世界深深的报恩与回馈。 | Maintaining Ethical Discipline Is The Deepest Repayment There are many types of virtues in the world, but there is one type of virtue called the virtue of precepts. The precept recipient obtains the essence of precepts from his Excellent Teacher who imparts the precepts, turns the 'deluded' from beginningless cyclic existence to 'enlighten' , turns harming others to benefiting others, and constantly thinks of upholding ethical discipline in order to dedicate to this world. That is the most magnificent virtuous merits and is the deepest gratitude and repayment to this world. | 夏 无碍行 |
142 | 相信因果欢喜持戒 为什么会好好持戒? 相信因果呀! 佛陀说现在快乐,将来还是快乐的事情,要不要做? 要。 现在快乐,但将来痛苦的事情,要不要做? 不要。 现在痛苦,将来快乐的事情,要不要做? 要。 | Believe In Karma And Uphold Ethical Discipline Joyfully Why do we uphold our ethical discipline properly? [Because] we believe in karma! Things that Buddha said will bring us happiness now and, in the future, should we do them? Yes. Things that bring happiness now but pain and suffering in the future, should we do them? No. Things that bring suffering now but happiness in future, should we do them? Yes. | 夏 无碍行 |
143 | 戒律的味道 戒律的味道就是清凉,可以熄灭内心烦恼的炽烈火焰,让我们的生命安住在一种安全舒适的状态。 快乐的因会出生快乐的果,苦涩的因会出生痛苦的果。 持戒就是快乐的因,所以会结快乐的果! | The Taste Of Ethical Discipline The taste of ethical discipline precisely is cool and refreshing. It can extinguish the blazing flames of afflictions within our minds, and let our lives abide in a secured and comfortable state. The causes of happiness will bear fruits of happiness, while causes of bitterness will bear fruits of suffering. Ethical discipline is precisely a cause of happiness, hence it will bear fruits of happiness! | 夏 无碍行 |
144 | 内心的一轮明月 为什么要学戒、持戒、让戒律清净呢?就是为了得到快乐啊!因为所有生命都渴望内心的那一份清凉和悦意,而这一段路佛陀已经指给我们了,就是戒律!每一件事怎么做全部都说得清清楚楚,如灯明照,脚下踏实,依之而行,大千虽阔,何事非持?持之越久,清凉越胜,彷佛有一轮明月,朗耀内心。 | The Luminous Moon in Our Hearts Why must we learn the precepts, maintain the precepts and let our ethical discipline be pure? It is for the sake of achieving happiness! Because all living beings in their hearts yearned for coolness and blissfulness. Buddha had already pointed out this segment of the path to us and it is ethical discipline! How to perform every task was disclosed very clearly in detail like an illuminating lamp, the steps to take are steadfast and we can depend on it to walk the path. Though the world is so vast, what should we persevere? The longer we persevere, the more we will experience the coolness, as if there is a luminous moon, bright and radiant in our hearts. | 夏 无碍行 |
145 | 如是因如是果 我们必须清醒地知道,死后能带往他世的是业,而业就是我面对别人造作身语意行为所累积的,这些到最后都会回到自己头上。 就像对着大风举起火把,一定会烧到自己;如果对着风散花,回到自己身上的也是鲜花。 | The Cause that Resulted in the Effect We must understand consciously what we bring forward to the next life after death is our karma. And karma is accumulated by the actions of our body, speech and mind towards others. All of these behaviours will come back to us in the end. Just like raising a fire torch against the strong wind, we will surely burn ourselves; if we scatter the flowers in the wind, these fresh flowers will also be showered back upon us. | 夏 无碍行 |
146 | 光明与力量的生源 在任何取舍的幽暗之处,唯有借着善知识点亮的这盏灯,我们才能够看清脚下的路。 在心灵面临非常艰苦的断崖时,也唯有忆念善知识的教诫,想到善知识对我的慈悲,才能生出一个力量,就是「我不要退!」 | The Source Of Light And Power To make any decision in the dark, only through this lamp lit by the Excellent Teacher can we see the way under our feet. When the mind is facing an extremely difficult cliff, only by remembering the explications of the Excellent Teacher and thinking of the compassion of the Excellent Teacher towards me can a force be born, that is, “I don't want to retreat!” | 夏 无碍行 |
147 | 修信能生无穷心力 对善知识的信心是一件非常奇妙的事情,它产生的力量能让我们穿越数不清的困境,好像心力无穷。 有时遇到困难会觉得:啊! 大概没有什么力了。 但是只要忆念到善知识,就会坚决地想到:因为他走在前面,我必须跟随,没有退路! 力量也就生起了。 | Practising Faith Can Develop Inexhaustible Strength Faith towards our excellent teachers is something wondrous. The power it generates can allow us to overcome countless predicaments, as if there is inexhaustible strength. When met with a difficult situation, sometimes we will feel: “Ah! I probably have not much strength left.” However, when we recall our excellent teachers, we will resolutely think: “Because he has walked ahead, I must follow, there is no turning back!” Then power is thus generated. | 夏 无碍行 |
148 | 领受照进身心的阳光 善知识的心,像一个完美的世界,是我们在这个苦难的世界,被很多业障、邪见所障蔽时,能够照临到我们身心深处的阳光。只要用心去感受阳光,生命就会无限地温暖。 | Receive the Sunshine Shining into our Body and Mind The mind of a virtuous teacher, is like a perfect world. When we are obstructed by many karmic hindrances and wrong views, in this world filled with suffering and hardships, it is the sunshine that is able to penetrate and shine into the depths of our body and mind. As long as we feel the sunshine attentively, our lives will be warm infinitely. | 夏 无碍行 |
149 | 善知识在乎什么 善知识不在乎你过去怎样,他在乎的是你未来会怎样。 因为在乎你的未来是否幸福,所以会格外珍惜你的当下。 | What Is The Excellent Teacher Concerned About The Excellent Teacher is not concerned about your past, what he is concerned about is your future. Because he is concerned whether your future is happiness, hence he will especially cherish your current moment. | 夏 无碍行 |
150 | 饮水思源 当我们站在一棵千年的大树前,会惊叹它怎么叶子这么繁茂,树干这么粗壮,而有心人就会感恩:是谁种了这棵树,我才有今日的荫凉! | Gratitude To The Source Of All Standing in front of a thousand years old tree, we will marvel at its lush leaves and stout trunk, while those who feel with a heart will pay their gratitude: Who has planted this tree, that allowed me to enjoy its shade now! | 夏 无碍行 |
151 | 转变追寻快乐的方向 修信念恩会让我们的生命有所转变,不再依靠外在物质或者感官的满足来让自己快乐。 由于善知识不停地指引,真正的快乐就在省察自心的过程中真实地产生。 | Transform The Direction Of Pursuit of Happiness Cultivating faith and remembering the kindness will transform our lives. We will not need to rely on satisfaction from external material or satisfaction through our sensory organs to make ourselves happy. Due to the continuous guidance from our virtuous Teachers, true happiness is produced in the process of examining and reflecting on ourselves. | 夏 无碍行 |
152 | 信心由不断串习而来 修信,就是让我们的心经过不断地观察,串习,成为那个信本身。 所谓的修,就是原来内心没有的证德透过数数地熟练,数数地串习,令它生起,令它茁壮,令它圆满。 | Faith Comes From Continuous Practice Cultivating faith is to let our minds become the faith itself through constant observation and practice. The so-called cultivation is to progress the initial non-attainment of merits, to make it arise, make it healthy and strong, and making it complete through repeated familiarisation and practice. | 夏 无碍行 |
153 | 走向美好的秘訣 如何擺脫心靈的重壓,吸取到正能量?就是面對事情時,嘗試看到它積極的一面,擺脫只看到不好一面的習慣。心靈之眼一直注視著美好,就會下意識地跟著它,走在美好、光明之中。 | The Happy Recipe What is the secret to removing hopelessness and absorbing positive energy? It is the ability to observe the positive aspect of things. With our eyes looking closely at beauty, unconsciously, we will follow and walk towards happiness and hope. | 夏 无碍行 |
154 | 养成光明的思路 一定要去想:这件事情它积极的一面是什么? 要不辞辛苦地训练自己,养成光明正向的思路习惯之后,遇到任何问题都会很勇敢,很欢喜,因为眼睛总是能看到那些美好。 视野之下,遍布生机,一路光明,喜乐倍增 | Cultivate Positive Mentality We must think: What is the positive aspect of this incident? We must strive against all odds to train ourselves to cultivate the habit to have a positive and forward-looking mentality. Then we will be courageous and joyful when we encounter any problem because our eyes will surely notice the beauty of positivity. Everything within our vision flourishes with vitality, the path is filled with positivity, while joy and happiness are multiplied. | 夏 无碍行 |
155 | 明天的我可以不一样 今天的我,明天可能焕然一新,这是佛法最不可思议的地方! 所以千万不要把自己或别人看死了。 | The “I” Tomorrow Can Be A Different “Me” Who I am today, can be an entirely brand new person tomorrow, this is the most incredible aspect of Buddha's teaching! Therefore do not fixate ourselves or others at a permanently unchangeable state. | 夏 无碍行 |
156 | 爱自即是众苦 因以自我为中心的偏执,搅扰着那一湖静水,但凡有事发生,怪外境的习气便鱼贯而出,甚至一发不可止,无奈越执着苦越多, 不如对境当下,痛击我爱执,生命方获几许清凉。 | Self Love Is Equivalent To All Suffering Due to the prejudice caused by self-centredness, it disturbs the lake of tranquility within us. Whenever something happens, the habit of blaming external factors will start pouring out and even become unstoppable. Helplessly the more attached we are, the more suffering we will have. On the contrary, why don't we attack the attachment towards ourselves when the situation arises? In this way, at least our lives will receive some refreshing coolness. | 夏 无碍行 |
157 | 决断前行必勇悍 所有的苦难,最终都会让我变得更勇悍!所以必须在这条菩提路上决断前行,没有刹那的犹豫,也不要有一丝丝的退意。 | Decision to Move Ahead is Certainly Bravery All the sufferings and difficulties will ultimately cause me to become more brave! Consequently, we must decide to move ahead on this bodhi path, and do not have any moment of hesitation. Moreover, do not have any slightest thought of retreat. | 夏 无碍行 |
158 | 改恶习要真修实练一下 什么东西做久了都会习惯,不停在恶行面前屈服也是习惯。 不停作小丑也是习惯,不停欺骗别人,欺骗自己也是习惯。 修行这件事情是不能靠谎言来撑的,对治习气必须要付出极其扎实的努力。 | Change Of Bad Habits Requires True Cultivation And Actual Practice Whatever that has been done for a long period of time will become a habit, and continuously giving in to non-virtuous actions is also a habit. Continuously acting as a clown is also a habit, and continuously deceiving others and deceiving oneself are also habits. Cultivation, this matter cannot be supported by lies, to remedy habitual practices require investment of extremely sturdy efforts. | 夏 无碍行 |
159 | 时时觉照自心 修行要能够每时每刻洞悉到自己的心灵在发生什么事情,并且善于引导自己的心走向正确的方向,不停地弃暗投明。 学习觉照的第一步,要先打击最粗猛的烦恼。 | Be Mindful Of Our Mind-stream Constantly As a practitioner, we must be insightful to what is happening in our mind every moment. Be adept in guiding our mind towards the right direction, forsaking the wrong views and adopting the right ones continuously. To learn mindfulness, first and foremost, we must strike the heaviest and strongest affliction. | 夏 无碍行 |
160 | 善知识示现悲智行 好好学经论,就会在亲近善知识的过程中,看到很多很多如经论上所写的佛菩萨的事迹。 它不只是一个古老的传说,或很遥远的行径,而是从善知识身语意的示现中,会清晰地看到一种真实悲智功德的流露。 | The Excellent Teacher Manifests Deeds Of Compassion And Wisdom Learn the sutras and treatises well, and in the process of relying on the Excellent Teacher, we will witness the numerous deeds of the bodhisattvas as written in the sutras and commentaries. It is not merely an ancient legend, or a very remote practice. Rather, from the manifestation of the Excellent Teacher's body, speech and mind, we will clearly see the good qualities of true compassion and wisdom being emanated. | 夏 无碍行 |
161 | 转换苦乐标准 由于我们的心一直在正法上串习的缘故,会慢慢不喜欢散乱的状态。 因为一旦品尝到宁静,微妙,不可言喻的喜悦时,谁还会去希求那种会带来很多过患,让心里不寂静的所谓「快乐」呢? 由于薰习佛法的原因,我们生命中苦乐的标准会发生转换,我们的行为方式也会发生转换。 | Change The Benchmarks Of Suffering And Happiness As our minds are constantly meditating on dharma, we will gradually dislike the state of (mind) being scattered. Because once we have tasted the serene, subtle and indescribable joy, who would still desire for the so-called “happiness” that will bring many faults and causes non-tranquility to the mind? Due to the conditioning and practice of dharma, our benchmarks of suffering and happiness in our lives will change, and the way we behave will also change. | 夏 无碍行 |
162 | 有限生命中该追求的 人生就这么短,得在有限的时间里取得最有用的讯息。 什么叫做有用? 对众生离苦得乐最有价值的,不随着时代变迁而改变的真理。 | What To Pursue In The Limited Lifespan Life is just so short, we have to obtain the most useful information during the limited time. What is “useful”? The most valuable truth for living beings to be liberated from suffering and attain happiness, the unchangeable truth that can withstand the test of time. | 夏 无碍行 |
163 | 佛陀最深的悲心 不必恐怯谈生死,因为佛陀最深的悲心,就显示在大家无法可想的生死问题上。佛陀想出辨法、走出了出路,而且那么多修行人都冲出了轮回,为什么你我要一直在这苦难的生死城里流连呢? | Deepest Compassion of Buddha Do not need to be fearful and afraid of discussing about life and death. Because the deepest compassion of Buddha is reflected on the inconceivable question we have on life and death. Buddha had thought of a solution and found the way out, and so many practitioners had rushed out of cyclic existence. Why should you and me keep lingering in this city of life and death filled with suffering? | 夏 无碍行 |
164 | 千古真理如百炼金 佛法如果经不起质疑,怎么能够成为千古传颂、这么多杰出的人都依之修行成就的一个真理?所以它经得起质疑,越质疑会显示它的纯度,就像黄金被火炼一样。 | The Truth Through the Ages is Like Well Refined Gold If buddha's teaching is unable to withstand questioning, how can it be eulogised through the ages, and be the truth that so many outstanding people had relied on to practise and achieved their attainment? Hence it is able to withstand questioning, and the more it is being questioned, it will reflect on its purity. Exactly like gold being refined in fire. | 夏 无碍行 |
165 | 律己是修行根本 解脱之路,成佛之道是从要求自己开始的。 在一切境界中,请把目光转向自己的心念,再看看嘴在说什么,身在做什么,一定要把持不要造恶业,这是修行最重要的事情。 | Self-discipline Is The Root Of Our Practice The road towards liberation and the path towards buddhahood begin from setting expectation on ourselves. In any circumstance, kindly turn our view inwards to our mind and thoughts, then observe what our mouths are speaking and the actions our body are doing. We have to restrain ourselves from committing non-virtuous karma, this is the most important matter pertaining to our practice. | 夏 无碍行 |
166 | 靠近佛菩萨的机会 碰到的困难越多,提醒自己向佛菩萨祈求的机会就越多,这样的活,每一次的困难都更加密切了自己和佛菩萨的联系,到最后就密不可分了! | Opportunities to be Near Buddhas and Bodhisattvas The more predicaments we faced, the more opportunities we will have to remind ourselves to supplicate to the buddhas and bodhisattvas. Living in this way, every predicament will forge closer ties between us and the buddhas and bodhisattvas each time, and we will become so inseparable in the end! | 夏 无碍行 |
167 | 依戒如理作善友 利益一个人、帮助一个人要依於戒,让他对戒律生起希求心、信心。令他作恶的时候作不成,做善的时候都能成就,这样的人就叫作善知识和善友吧! | One Who Rely on Precepts Properly Makes a Virtuous Friend To benefit a person, to help him, one must rely on precepts to let him develop yearning and faith toward ethical discipline. Causing him to be unable to succeed in doing non-virtuous and to succeed when doing the virtuous. Such a person is known as a virtuous teacher and friend! | 夏 无碍行 |
168 | 依善士语净恶业 如果做了坏事就永远不可救药,那忏悔不就是空话了? 所以在苦果还没有成熟之前,依止善知识的教诫,对恶业进行有力的净治,会产生不可思议的力量。 | Relying on Excellent Persons' Words to Purify Non-Virtuous Karma If there is no remedy forever after committing a bad deed, then wouldn't repentance become empty words? Hence, before the fruits of suffering ripens, rely on the explications of excellent teachers and purifying non-virtuous karma with vigour, will result in unbelievable power. | 夏 无碍行 |
169 | 修信以为根本 信心是怎么来的? 修来的。 所以在亲近善知识的时候,修信是最重要的根本,这也是整个成佛之道的命脉,根本。 「根本」是什么意思? 如果没有这个,就不会有其他的枝干或花果。 | Cultivate Faith As The Root How is faith developed? Through cultivation. Hence, when relying on the Excellent Teachers, cultivating faith is the most important fundamental, this is also the lifeline and root of the entire path to achieve Buddhahood. What is the meaning of “root”? If this is absent, there will not be other branches, flowers or fruits. | 夏 无碍行 |
170 | 万善根本由师出 「万善根本从师出,能生利乐如良田」,每断一个过失,生一个功德全赖于善知识。 从开始发心,中集资粮到最后成佛,整个成佛之路我们不可能离开善知识独自去成就。 所以值遇善知识后,最重要的一点就是要持续不断地修信念恩。 | All Virtuous Deeds Are Inspired By Virtuous Teacher All virtuous deeds originate from virtuous teacher and the virtuous teacher can produce benefits and happiness like a fertile field. Every fault we eradicate and each merit we gain are all dependent on the virtuous teacher. Beginning from our spirit of enlightenment, accumulating merits in the process, to becoming a Buddha in the end, we cannot abandon our virtuous teacher to achieve our own attainment on this path towards Buddhahood. Consequently after we have met our virtuous teacher, the most important thing is to cultivate faith towards our teacher and constantly remember our teacher's kindness continuously. | 夏 无碍行 |
171 | 沟通从倾听开始 每个人都可以做沟通的高手,先要学会尊重他人,不要强硬地把自己的观点塞给别人。 如果能付出真心听对方说话,花时间了解别人内心的苦楚和难点,那就更佳。 因为你愿意作他的忠实听众,有一天当你说出真知灼见,他也会认真地倾听。 | Communication Starts From Listening Attentively Everyone can also be an expert in communication, first learn to respect others and not force your own view points on others. If you can listen to others with a sincere heart, spend time to understand the distresses and difficulties in other people's hearts, that is even better. Because you are willing to be his loyal listener, one day when you share the true penetrating insights, he will also earnestly listen attentively. | 夏 无碍行 |
172 | 法如明珠能净浊 法本身的作用就是清凉,有涤净烦恼的作用。 就像一杯浑浊的水,一颗明珠放下去之后,水就变得澄澈。 | Dharma Is Like A Pearl That Can Purify Turbidity The function of dharma itself is to cool and purge the afflictions. Just like a cup of turbid water, after a pearl is placed inside, the water becomes clear then. | 夏 无碍行 |
173 | 相互撞击进步快 一堆马铃薯如果单独一颗一颗洗,会费时良久。 若集中一起,放入水中,不停搅动,相互撞击,泥巴就掉得很快。 大家的优缺点不一样,互相碰撞,互相学习,很快地一些问题就解决了。 | Improvement Is Faster Colliding With One Another If you wash a pile of potatoes one by one individually, it will take a long time. If you gather them together, place them into water, churning them continuously and letting them collide with one another, the mud on them will drop off very quickly. As everyone's strength and weakness are not the same, when we collide with one another and learn from one another, some problems will then be solved very quickly. | 夏 无碍行 |
174 | 主宰自己的幸福 就内心的状态来说,感恩就代表着幸福,抱怨就代表着不幸。 所以活在天堂还是活在地狱里,自己能不能主宰呢? | Dictate Your Own Happiness As far as the state of the heart is concerned, gratitude represents happiness, and complaint represents misfortune. Hence whether you live in heaven or hell, are you able to dictate it? | 夏 无碍行 |
175 | 对境觉察提正念 改变世界从改变内心开始,改变内心从改变知见开始;要改变自己的行为,从每一次对境提起正念开始;而提起正念,是从每一次对境的时候要觉察现行烦恼开始。 | Be Aware And Mindful When Faced With A Situation To change the world, we have to start from changing our mind. To change our mind, we have to start form changing our view. To change our behaviour, it starts from lifting our mindfulness every single time we face a situation. In order to be mindful, we have to start by being aware of our behaviour and afflictions whenever we face the situation. | 夏 无碍行 |
176 | 拔除恶习最痛快 只有对付自己,打倒自己的恶习的时候,才会感受到真正的痛快。 | Eradicate Bad Habits Most Joyful Only by dealing with ourselves and overthrowing our own bad habits, then we can feel the true joy. | 夏 无碍行 |
177 | 心念决定生命方向 语言就是思路的一个腾飞,一念一念的连结。 你最初的动机趣向哪里,你的语言就会带着你趣向哪里,心念趣向哪里,最后生命就会趣向那里。 | The Mind Determines The Life's Direction Language is the take-off of ideas, the connection of each thought. Wherever your initial motivation is, your language will bring you towards wherever it is, and wherever your mind is, then life will be directed towards there in the end. | 夏 无碍行 |
178 | 命运握在自己手上 一分善业一分快乐,真实不虚,命运就握在自己手上。 已经知道了什么叫恶,什么叫善,只要在克制自己习气的部分再努力一些,再努力一些,快乐的路就会越走越坚定。 | Our Destinies Are In Our Own Hands One virtuous act brings the same resulting portion of happiness. It's the absolute truth and without a doubt that our destinies lie in our hands. We have learnt what are non-virtuous and what are virtuous. All we need to do is to work harder and more on restraining our own habits, then the path of happiness will become more certain and firm. | 夏 无碍行 |
179 | 久练成精熟 在对治自心的经验上慢慢积累,慢慢积累,这样练个十年、二十年。生生世世练下去,就成为高手了。修行熟练的人就知道怎么对付自心的烦恼。 | Long Term Practice Achieves Mastery Slowly accumulating the experiences to apply remedies on our mind, and continue to accumulate slowly such experiences for ten to twenty years. By practicing lives after lives, we will then become a highly skilled person. Skilful practitioners will know how to deal with own afflictions in the mind. | 夏 无碍行 |
180 | 最大的勇士 佛陀是大勇士,从来不避讳人生的每一分痛苦,不会用一种涂清凉油或者掩耳盗铃的方式,去解决我们生命的苦果和苦因。他都是直击性的,直接抽剑、直接击毙痛苦,从不躲闪。 | The Greatest Warrior Buddha is a great warrior and he had never avoided and shunned any single point of pain and suffering in life. He will not use a temporary method like applying soothing ointment to alleviate suffering, or deceive himself such as covering the ears whilst stealing a bell, in order to solve the effects of suffering and the causes of suffering in our lives. He always confronts pain and suffering directly, draws the sword directly and strikes directly to destroy them. Never had he evaded them. | 夏 无碍行 |
181 | 挥别缺憾种未来因 与其抱怨生命中有这么多缺憾,不如把那些缺憾的,在自己生命里种植出来,以后就不缺了。 | Wave Goodbye To Regrets And Plant Causes For The Future Rather than complaining that there are so many regrets in life, why not grow and fill those voids in your own lives, then you will not be devoid of them in the future. | 夏 无碍行 |
182 | 修行要从自身找问题 希望我们能习惯一种思路:在自己身上找问题,并设法解决它。 修行之路即是如此。 | We Must Search For Issues Within Ourselves In Practice Hope that we get can used to a type of thinking: To search for issues within ourselves, and establish ways to resolve them. The route for practice is such. | 夏 无碍行 |
183 | 净罪集资的真义 佛陀告诉我们断恶修善的法,要照着去做! 透过不断地学习,实践的过程,将以前错误的认知跟习惯逐渐地改过来,这个部分叫「净罪」;从现在开始慢慢地了解如何行善,养成行善的习气,叫作「集资」。 如果我们现在就在净罪集资的路上,即是正在离苦得乐的行进中! 应该由衷地为自己感到高兴,想一想,佛陀应该也会为此感到很欢喜吧! | True Meaning Of Clearing Obscuration And Accumulating Merits We must perform according to the method the Buddha had told us to eradicate non-virtuous acts and practice virtuous acts. Through unceasing learning and putting into practice, we will gradually correct our previous mistaken perspectives and habits. This portion is known as "clearing obscuration". As we slowly begin to understand how to practice virtuous acts from now onwards and cultivating it into a habit, this is known as "accumulating merits". If we are now on the path to clear obscuration and accumulate merits, then we are currently advancing towards abandoning suffering and achieving happiness! We should feel happy for ourselves from the bottom of our hearts and as we think about it, Buddha should also be delighted with this! | 夏 无碍行 |
184 | 痛苦的真正的原因 希望大家真实的洞悉到,是什么原因使自己过得这么痛苦,是不是没有遇到好的人,没遇到好的事,还是自己不会快乐的方法?如果是不会快乐的方法,那么可以「学」如何快乐,可以「练」这个心,让它学会朝着快乐的思路去。 | Actual Cause of Pain and Suffering Hoped everyone truly understands very clearly, what caused yourself to be suffering and living in pain. Is it because you did not meet good people? Or you did not come across good moments? Or you do not know the method to be happy? If you do not know the recipe to be happy, then you could 'learn' how to be happy and 'train' your mind to progress towards thoughts on happiness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
185 | 痛苦来自错误的思路 痛苦从哪里产生?错误的理路。 想错了生命就越来越苦;想对了,生命就越来越快乐。 如果越想越痛苦、越想越痛苦,要赶快从你的思路里把心拉回来,这个方向显然是不对的;如果越想心里越慈悲、越宽容,那么这样的思路是我们应该采取的。 | Suffering Originates From Wrong Train Of Thought Where does suffering originate from? Wrong logical thinking. When thought wrongly, life becomes more and more bitter; when thought correctly, life then becomes happier and happier. If the more you think the more miserable you get, the more you think the more miserable you become, you must quickly pull your mind back from your train of thoughts, this direction is obviously not right; if the more you think the more your heart is filled with compassion, the more forgiving you feel, then this train of thought is what we should adopt. | 秋 破烦恼 |
186 | 摆脱苦难是最辉煌的事 我们看事情就会只看现在的苦,所以修行感到辛苦时就会想退,但实际上我们现在正在做一件最辉煌的事——正在经历摆脱苦难的过程。 | Breaking Away From Sufferings Is The Most Glorious Activity We will only see the present sufferings when we look at things, hence we will want to retreat when we feel that practising (the Dharma) is arduous. However, we are currently doing the most glorious activity in reality - experiencing the process of breaking away from sufferings. | 秋 破烦恼 |
187 | 烦恼绝对不能累积 如果有一件事不能累积的话,那一定是烦恼! 如果有一件事需要马上去做的话,那一定是对治烦恼! 因为放纵我们的心容蓄烦恼,是对自己最大的伤害。 | Definitely Cannot Accumulate Afflictions If there is one thing we cannot accumulate, then it must be affliction! If there is one task we must do immediately, that will be getting rid of our affliction! If we allow our hearts to be indulgent, it will accumulate more affliction and will hence bring us the greatest harm. | 秋 破烦恼 |
188 | 善用智慧能安忍 佛法中所谓的「安受苦忍」,就是用非常智慧的方式去处理痛苦。本来痛苦已经这么多了,如果不智慧地处理,可能会变成极难堪忍,但是如果能用智慧面对,至少会降低大半,甚或可以全部净除。 | Leveraging On Wisdom Can Have Patience That Accepts Suffering “Patience of accepting suffering” in Buddha's teaching is referring to the ability to manage suffering with very wise methods. Life is often full of sufferings. If we do not manage them wisely, it can become extremely unbearable. However, if we are able to face them with wisdom, these sufferings can be reduced significantly at the minimum or even can be totally eradicated. | 秋 破烦恼 |
189 | 践踏痛苦最痛快 哪有比践踏痛苦更痛快的? 「你压迫我,我就把你踩在脚下!」这样心力会越来越强大,生命会越来越散发出一种强大的光芒。 所以痛苦没有毁灭我们,恰恰是这种种痛苦成就了我们! | The Greatest Satisfaction Is To Trample On Suffering Where can we derive greater satisfaction compared to trampling on suffering? “You [Suffering] oppress me, I will have you stamped under my feet!” With this, our mental strength will grow stronger and stronger, and our lives will also progressively exude a formidable radiance. Hence, suffering did not destroy us. On the contrary, it is the various of suffering that accomplished us! | 秋 破烦恼 |
190 | 何必被怨气所绑 其实怨气绑住的不是一个人,是两个人或者更多人。所以还是宽恕了比较好,宽恕了别人,自己也被宽恕了。 | Why Should We Be Tied By Resentment What resentment has really tied down is not just one person, two persons or even more persons. Consequently forgiveness is still better, by forgiving another person, we have also forgiven ourselves then. | 秋 破烦恼 |
191 | 用短暂人生创造无限价值 很多人都想要变得更美,那就好好修忍辱,利用这短暂的人生是可以达到的。 想变得更有智慧的话要怎么办? 研习经典,尊敬有智慧的人,恭敬法宝,还有在佛前供灯等等。 在这一小段生命的努力,对于我们无限生命的影响是非常非常深远的。 | Using Our Short Human Life To Create Infinite Value Many people also wants to become more beautiful, then practise the perfection of patience well, which is achievable by making use of this short human life. What should be done then to gain more wisdom? Research and study the scriptures, respect people who have wisdom, be reverent towards dharma treasures, and also offering lamps to the Buddha, etc. Working diligently in this ephemeral life has an extremely extremely deep and extensive impact on our indefinite lives. | 秋 破烦恼 |
192 | 斩除生气的习惯 正因为有人总是惹我们生气,最好把自己喜欢生气这个毛病彻底改了,这样就算所有的有情有一天都来敌对我们,我们都不会再生气了。 要训练自己的心,在对境的时候能够非常熟练地调伏,有一天我们就会变成彻底不会生气的人,像弥勒佛一样,永远都开心。 | Sever the Habit of Becoming Angry It is precisely because there are always going to have people antagonising us, it is best for us to thoroughly eradicate this fault of becoming angry from ourselves. This way, even if all living beings turned their back on us one day, we will never become angry again. We have to train our minds to become extremely skilled at subduing ourselves when confronted by circumstances. One day, we will become persons with no anger at all, like Matreiya Buddha, who is always happy. | 秋 破烦恼 |
193 | 转苦涩为快乐 当发现自己有一种习惯的思路,会让自己的人生过得非常苦涩,那么就要把这个习惯改掉,改成快乐的思路。 有快乐的思路就会有快乐的心境,有快乐的心境就会有快乐的人生。 如果自己快乐,就会带给家人,朋友快乐,无论走到哪里都会带给人家快乐。 所以快乐真是一件非常珍贵的礼物,拥有它的人会非常非常地富足。 | Transform Bitterness To Happiness When we discover that we have a habitual thought process that leads us to a life filled with bitterness, then we have to discard this habit and change to happy thoughts. Thoughts of happiness will give rise to a happy mind; a happy mind will lead to a happy life. When we are happy, then we can bring happiness to our families and friends. Wherever we go, we will bring happiness to others too. Hence happiness is a very precious gift and those who possess it will be bountifully rich. | 秋 破烦恼 |
194 | 凡夫的苦受 当痛苦来临,感觉苦受似乎被无限增大时,要意识到:这是一个凡夫感受上的认知,并非感受的那般真实! | Suffering Of Ordinary Person When pain and suffering arrive, and the suffering feeling seems to be infinitely increased, realised that this is the perception of an ordinary person's feelings, it is not as real as the feelings! | 秋 破烦恼 |
195 | 从初发点击溃苦 当我们的苦受如大海的浊浪拍天,这时再用功就有点晚了。 要从心里开始有一丝丝的不悦,一丝丝的伤心时,就以正念之矛数数击刺我们的苦受。 | Defeat Suffering From The Beginning When the sufferings we are experiencing are like the great turbulent waves in the ocean, it will be too late to work hard on it at this point. We should start practising when our hearts felt the slightest unhappiness, or the slightest sadness, by piercing and attacking the miserable sufferings with the spear of mindfulness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
196 | 学习以法调心 学会用法调伏心,学会用法穿越困境,学会用感恩的心看待你所得到的一切——包括痛苦。 | Learning To Use The Teaching To Harmonise Your Heart Learn to use the teaching to harmonise and subdue your heart, learn to use the teaching to pass through predicaments, and learn to look upon all that you have received, including suffering, with gratitude. | 秋 破烦恼 |
197 | 抓出烦恼背后的坚固见解 任何炽盛的烦恼后面都有一个坚固的见解,要把它找出来,才能真正降伏烦恼。 | Catch The Firm View Behind The Affliction Behind every blazing affliction, there is a firm view. We must find and catch this view in order to conquer our affliction. | 秋 破烦恼 |
198 | 泛滥成灾的思路 想要达到生命深沉的宁静和喜悦,就必须战斗内心中那些乱七八糟的见解。 没有用理性分析过的思路,就像溃堤的河道一样,会造成灾难。 | Rampant Thoughts That Lead To Disasters If we want to achieve life's profound serenity and joy, battling those messy and disorganised opinions in our minds is a must. Thought process that is established without logical analysis is like rivers with collapsed dams. It will result in disasters. | 秋 破烦恼 |
199 | 不要对自己失去耐心 要懂得欣赏自己与烦恼斗战的过程,不要每次都看成是失败。哪怕比上一次多坚持一秒,都是成功!多鼓励自己,不要常常对自己失去耐心。 | Must Not Lose Patience with Yourself You must learn to appreciate yourself in the process of fighting with afflictions. You must not see it as a failure every time. Even if it merely lasted one more second compared to the previous time, it was also a success! Encourage yourself more and you must not always lose patience with yourself. | 秋 破烦恼 |
200 | 方法正确还需上阵练 我们已经找到能对治内心烦恼的法,它悲悯和清凉的力量,能让生命的痛苦慢慢变弱。 接下来,就要透过闻思把理路学习清楚,然后上阵实练。 | Correct Method Still Requires Practice In Battle We have already found the teachings that can remedy the afflictions in our mind. Its compassionate and empathetic, cool and refreshing power are able to gradually weaken life's pain or suffering. Subsequently, we have to learn the logical thinking clearly through listening and contemplation, and then go into battle for actual practice. | 秋 破烦恼 |
201 | 下决心让自己幸福的人 下个决心让自己幸福,快乐,别习惯生活在忧悲苦恼和各种情绪的纠结之中,这才是真正漂亮的选择! | Make A Resolve To Be A Fortunate Person Make a resolve to make ourselves fortunate and happy. Don't be so accustomed to the habit of living in worry, sadness, distress and different emotional entanglement. This will be a truly beautiful choice! | 秋 破烦恼 |
202 | 痛苦来自错误的安立 当一个人开始为「我」辩解时,我爱执会极度膨胀,其实我们并不会因此感到快乐。 正是因为迷失了对空性的观察,以为过失完全都是在对方那边,没有一个自己的分别心安立上去的作用,我们才会有这么多痛苦。 | Suffering Came From Wrong Mindset When a person starts to defend for 'his ego', his self-attachment will be immensely inflated. As a matter of fact, we will not derive any happiness from this. This is because we are lost in the observation and reflection about the nature of emptiness. We always assume that the fault is someone else's, and lack the realisation that the perception of this situation was determined by my discursive mind. This is the cause of the immense suffering and pain. | 秋 破烦恼 |
203 | 以欢喜心灭除忧嗔 有了欢喜心就没有忧虑,没有忧虑就不会有嗔恨,没有嗔恨就不会有伤害,不会去做伤害自己和他人的事。 | Eradicate Anxiety And Anger With Joyful Mind With a joyful mind there is no anxiety, without anxiety there will not have anger, without anger there will not have harm, and you will not engage in actions that harm yourself and others. | 秋 破烦恼 |
204 | 正理源于净智 正理是什么呢? 正确无垢的道理。 非常简单地说,它是清净的智慧对于事物所安立出来的量则。 | Right Reasonings Originate From Pure Wisdom What are right reasonings? Reasons which are correct and stainless. Simply put, they are the realisations of all phenomena derived from the purest wisdom. | 秋 破烦恼 |
205 | 训练心的力量 当我们的心越来越有力量的时候,就可以挑战越来越大的痛苦;克服痛苦之后,心又会越来越有力量。 力量一直增长,到最后就可以摧灭一切痛苦。 | Train The Strength Of The Mind When our minds become stronger, we will be able to challenge greater sufferings; after overcoming the sufferings, our minds will again become stronger. The strength grows continuously, till the end we will be able to destroy all sufferings. | 秋 破烦恼 |
206 | 智慧是幸福第一要素 我最想要拥有的财富就是智慧,最不能舍离的挚友、尊师也是智慧,最不能离开的光明也是智慧,最不能失去的、像山一样的依靠,也是智慧,因为它是幸福的第一要素。 | Wisdom is the Number One Factor for Happiness The wealth I wanted most is wisdom. The bosom friend and honourable teacher that are the most unbearable to abandon is also wisdom. The radiance we definitely should not depart is also wisdom. The reliance which is like mountain that we definitely should not lose is also wisdom. Because it is the number one factor for happiness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
207 | 澈见一切得大乐 有了对一切都了解的智慧,就能远离一切恐怖,远离一切颠倒的认识,生命会进入彻底大乐的境界。 | Lucid View Of All Things Acquires Great Happiness Having the wisdom that knows all things, we can stay away from all terror, stay away from all inverted understanding, and our lives will enter into a thorough state of great happiness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
208 | 沟通的基础 沟通要在不散伙的状态下才能进行,如果老存着一种想另起炉灶自己干的心,是没办法沟通的。 | Basis of Communication Communication should be carried out with an attitude to not disband it. If we are always thinking of setting something up in our own ways, then communication cannot take place. | 秋 破烦恼 |
209 | 起点无论高低 不管自己的起点有多低,都要敢于面对,并且就从这样的起点上开始修行,这没有什么不光彩的! 因为所有的生命,都需要在自己的起点上开始向前迈进。 | Regardless Of Starting Point High Or Low Regardless of how low your starting point is, you must dare to face it, and then start practicing from such a starting point. This is nothing disgraceful! Because all lives need to begin moving forward from their own starting point. | 秋 破烦恼 |
210 | 比生命还重要的珍宝 无论什么理由,什么困境,都不足以使我们放弃佛法! 因为它是比生命更重要的珍宝! 佛菩萨在因地里甚至舍弃生命,都没有舍弃佛法,我们那一点点困境又算什么? | Gem That Is More Important Than Life No matter what is the reason, regardless of the predicament, it is not sufficient to make us give up on Dharma! Because it is a gem that is more important than life! Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can even give up their lives in the causal ground, and they also did not give up on Dharma, what are those little predicaments to us? | 秋 破烦恼 |
211 | 静心能生善行 一旦我们的心安静下来,不再被情绪所控制的时候,就能够看清楚自己怎么了,这个时候该行的善就都能起步行起来。 | Calmness Can Produce Virtuous Deed Once our hearts calmed down and are no longer being controlled by emotions, then we can see clearly what happened to ourselves, and at this time the virtuous deed will be produced. | 秋 破烦恼 |
212 | 以法调心自清凉 如果不用法向内调伏,大大小小的事都会带来痛苦和麻烦;如果能借助法的力量向内调伏,内心就会获得安稳和清凉。 | Taming Our Hearts Via The Teaching Will Lead To Coolness If we do not use the teaching to tame our hearts from within, any matter whether it is big or small will bring us pain, suffering and troubles. If we can leverage on the strength of the teaching to tame ourselves from within, our hearts will obtain stability and coolness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
213 | 常保快乐的方法 练习每天警醒,觉照自己的心,这样的话到八十岁,九十岁,甚至也有人一百多岁了还是很开心。 老就老,很开心,越老越开心;病就病,病也可以开心,躺在床上也可以开心。 | Method To Maintain Long-lasting Happiness Practise vigilance every day, be aware and mindful of your own heart. In this way, till eighty years old or ninety years old, or even more than a hundred years old, there are people who are still very happy. Let old age be, stay happy and the older you become, the happier you are. Let sickness be, you can also be happy when you are sick, and you can be happy even when bedridden. | 秋 破烦恼 |
214 | 琐碎中彰显真理 用平庸的认知,面对每天的生命,那些琐碎烦扰也只是琐碎烦扰。 换一种神圣的心态,看待生命中的林林总总,如一片水晶折射太阳的光辉,当你定睛观看,哪怕是一件朴素无华的平常事,也能显现出真理的璀灿光芒。 | The Truth Revealed In Trivial Matters When we handle our daily lives with mediocre awareness, trivial worries will only be trivial worries. However, if we manage the abundance of variables in our lives with a divine and sacred mindset instead, it's like a crystal refracting the radiance of the sun. When you stare at it, even if it is a plain and normal matter, its resplendent and brilliant truth will be revealed. | 秋 破烦恼 |
215 | 法语是行事的准绳 当有什么事需要找一个依靠作为准绳去抉择的时候,祖师,佛菩萨的法语,就是我们的心该朝向那里动转的一个指示灯,只有依着它动转心的方向 ,我们才能够离苦得乐 | Teachings Of Buddha Is The Best Yardstick For Our Actions When we need to rely on a yardstick to make a decision, our hearts should be inclined towards the teachings from buddha, bodhisattvas and the lineage masters. Their words of wisdom are like a signage that offers the best direction for our hearts. Only by relying on their way shown, we can eliminate suffering and achieve happiness | 秋 破烦恼 |
216 | 攀登者 当我们背起简单的行囊,去征服教典的高峰,体力与耐力的瓶颈,长久地卡在一个高度,困顿地无法攀登时,空气稀薄,饥寒难耐,寒风成了你披着的战袍 ,飞雪成了你唇边唯一的食物。 而你要达到的顶峰,在不可见的虚空深处。 勇士啊! 不要绝望,请凝神钦心! 在你心中的莲花月垫上,妙音天女天衣飘举,抱着她的乐琴,正为你弹奏着无死之歌;勇士啊! 不要绝望,请侧耳倾听! 辽阔的虚空中,遍布着为你播响的战鼓;广阔的大地上,殷殷渴盼你采回不死甘露的鲜花,正浓烈芬芳地盛开。 | The Climber When we carry our simple backpack, to conquer the peak of the scriptures, we are stuck at a high level for a very long time due to the bottleneck of physical strength and stamina. Exhausted and unable to to climb anymore, the air is thin and it's difficult to endure the hunger and cold, the chilling wind becomes your combat robe on you and the blowing snow becomes your only food on your lips. Moreover, the peak that you want to reach, is not visible in the deep end of the space. Warrior! Do not despair, kindly concentrate and pay attention to your heart! On the lotus mat within you heart, Sarasvatī, with her heavenly robe flying with the wind, is carrying her musical instrument (vina) and playing the undying song. Warrior! Do not despair, kindly listen attentively, in the vast and extensive space, the war drums are spread all over and playing aloud. On the wide and extensive ground, the flowers that are earnestly looking forward to you in fetching the elixir dew, are blooming with a strong fragrance. | 秋 破烦恼 |
217 | 努力造善趣向佛果 如果心续就是出生佛果的地方,我永远不会失去我的心续,那为什么要忧悲苦恼? 只要在每一次会堕落的境界上,努力去造善业往上走,最终一定会超越恶业的追讨,乃至成就圆满的佛果。 | Strive To Act Virtuously And Turn Towards Buddhahood If my mindstream is where the fruition of Buddhahood is produced, and I will never lose my mindstream, then why must I be in sorrow or misery? So long I strive to create virtuous karma and step upwards at every situation that will cause me to degenerate, I will definitely surpass the dun from non-virtuous karma eventually, and even accomplish the perfect Buddhahood. | 秋 破烦恼 |
218 | 薰习正法生命升华 当下一念的痛苦,实际上并没有实质的自性,就像阳炎和闪电一样虚妄。了解这个道理,对自己执着为苦的这点,就会觉得很可笑。随著不停地熏习正法,对自我的认识会不停加深,对自己执着的东西会一次又一次放掉,慢慢增长智慧和慈悲。观察观察,焠练焠练,渐行见行,行到云深处,心无半点尘,胸中皎洁,自然天辽地阔。 | Soak in Practicing Sublime Teaching Elevate our Lives The current thought of pain and suffering, in fact do not have a substance in its nature actually. It is an illusion, exactly like the glare of sunlight and lightning. After understanding this truth, you will find it ridiculous pertaining to our attachment to suffering. Soaking ourselves in practicing the sublime teaching relentlessly along the way, our familiarity with ourselves will deepen incessantly. We will let go of our attachment to things again and again, and slowly grow our wisdom and compassion. Observe and examine, practice and hone it, progressively effecting the practice. When you reached the depths of the clouds, our spirit has no dirt at all, our heart is clear and radiant, and the sky is vast and the ground is extensive naturally. | 秋 破烦恼 |
219 | 心灵风暴的庇护所 就像大风雨来了,鸟都躲到树林里,好像躲进妈妈的怀抱一样,那心灵的风暴来了,我们要躲到哪里去? 一定是躲到佛菩萨的教言之中,这样就会得到清凉。 所以越是危险,越是烦恼的时候,越要去怀念佛菩萨的法语。 | Refuge Of Spiritual Storm Just like when there is strong wind and heavy rain, birds will hide in the forest as if hiding in the arms of the mother. When the spiritual storm arrives, where can we hide? We must definitely hide in the teachings of the Buddha and bodhisattva, then we will obtain the coolness from it. That's why the more dangerous the moment is, the more afflicted we are, the more we have to reminisce the teachings of the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas. | 秋 破烦恼 |
220 | 注视死亡才知道该怎么活 有人说:「不要一谈佛法就谈生死。」实际上必须注视死亡,我们才会知道该怎么活着! | Pay Close Attention To Death To Know How To Live Someone said, "Don't talk about life and death once you talk about Buddhism.” In fact, we must pay close attention to death, then we will know how to live!" | 秋 破烦恼 |
221 | 辩论的意义 要学着去喜欢跟自己唱反调的人,因为没有他的挑战,我的正理宝剑怎么会越来越锐利? 正由于他总是站在反方,一直提出对立的观点,我们就得拼命学习教理来对付他。 一直交锋,一直对决,最后佛陀的正理在我们内心,就如持剑的勇士,剑锋光华璀灿,威震一切邪解误解! 我们的心胸坦荡如大海,正见坚固如须弥山王。 | Meaning of Debate We must learn to like people who express different views with us. Because without their challenges, how can our swords with right principles become sharper and sharper? Due to the fact that they are always taking the opposing side and always proposing opposing perspectives, we shall have to learn the teachings and reasonings at all costs to deal with them. Constantly engaging and always confronting them. In the end the right principles from buddha in our minds are like sword-wielding warriors, the sword's edge is brilliance and resplendent and overawe all wrong views and misunderstandings! Our hearts and minds are magnanimous and open like great ocean and our right views are as firm as Mount Meru. | 秋 破烦恼 |
222 | 舍自能得大自在 「爱自己就是痛苦的因,爱众生就是快乐的因」,这句话佛在两千五百多年前已经讲了,我们信不信呢? 信了之后,到关键时刻舍不舍得放下自己? 舍得下你就赢了! 现在舍不下,到最后死主来时也是都拿走了,什么也留不下。 所以还是早一点舍,就早一点自在! | Letting Go Of Self Can Gain Great Ease "Loving yourself is the cause of suffering, and loving all living beings is the cause of happiness", Buddha has said this statement more than 2,500 years ago, do we believe it or not? After we believe, can we bear to let go of ourselves at critical times? If you can bear to let go, you would have won! Now that you can't bear to let go, at the end when the Death Lord comes he will also take away everything, and nothing can be left behind. Hence, it's still to better to let go earlier, and gain sense of ease earlier! | 秋 破烦恼 |
223 | 勿因他恶毁自善 当你被深深地伤害的时候,请不要放弃做一个好的理想,因为只有心里想好的,嘴上说好的,身口意都做善行,生命才会越趋完美 。 如果相信因果,就不要因为别人的错误而毁灭自己。 | Don't Destroy Your Own Virtue Because Of Others When you are deeply hurt, please don't give up on a good ideal, because only if you think of goodness in your heart, say virtuous words, and your body, speech and mind are all performing virtuous acts, your life will become closer to perfection. If you believe in cause and effect, don't destroy yourself because of the mistakes of others. | 秋 破烦恼 |
224 | 心情不好更要坚守目标 有的人心情不好会放弃目标,其实心情不好更要坚守目标。 因为就是过去造了恶业,没有好好修行佛法,才会心情不好。 如果在心情不好的时候,再放弃造善业的机会,那接下去可能会更加地心情不好。 | Hold On To Our Goals Especially When Our Moods Are Not Good Some people give up their goals when they are not in a good mood. In fact it is even more important to hold on to our goals when our moods are bad. The reason our mood is not good is a result of non-virtuous acts and the lack of proper practice in our previous lives. If we give up again on performing virtuous deeds when our mood is not good, then our mood can become worse subsequently. | 秋 破烦恼 |
225 | 闻法能生智慧 为什么听佛法就会发现自己错了? 因为听法会让心慢慢地平静下来,平静的心才能够生起取舍的智慧,看到敦是孰非;就如一方静湖,白昼可照云霞飞鸟,夜晚怀抱灿灿星空。 | Listening To The Teaching Can Generate Wisdom Why do we realise our mistakes when listening to the Buddha's teachings? Because listening to the Dharma helps to gradually calm the mind, and only with a calm mind can wisdom of discernment arise, seeing what is right and what is wrong; just like a tranquil lake, during the day it can reflect the flying birds and clouds, and at night it embraces the dazzling starry sky. | 秋 破烦恼 |
226 | 妄想才是最危险的敌人 最危险的敌人,是自己那些狂妄的想像。 一件很小的事,透过非理作意的扭曲,会变得面目狰狞,如同鬼怪,完全不符合事实的真相,此时如何能做出正确的判断? | Delusion Is The Most Dangerous Enemy The most dangerous enemy is our wildest imagination. A very small matter, distorted by incorrect thoughts, can be transformed into a sinister appearance like a monster which is totally mismatched with the truth of that matter. How can we make a correct judgement at this point? | 秋 破烦恼 |
227 | 压力越大越能撑出刚骨 面对困难苦练久了之后,越大的压力压到你头上,你的反抗力越大,到最后就变成大力士,可以撑起一片天! 别人都倒了就你站着。 然后看你站着,旁边有些人就会跟着撑起来站着,所以经历的苦难越来越多,越来越多,一个一个修行人的刚骨就全都立起来了。 | The Greater The Pressure, The More Able To Shore Up Rigid Bones After training to face difficulties for a long time, the greater the pressure crushing on your head, the greater your resistance, and in the end you will become a strong man who can shore up the sky! You are standing when others have all fallen. Then, upon seeing you standing, some people next to you will follow and shore themselves up standing. Hence when more and more suffering are experienced, practitioners one by one, all their rigid bones are established. | 秋 破烦恼 |
228 | 助人也是自助 每个人的成长都需要有他人的帮忙,善知识就是这样生生世世带着我,我才走到今天。现在轮到我帮助别人,实际上这也是一个帮助自己的过程,就是去学习如何帮助别人,学习如何在很多很多压力下,坚守利他心,不断地朝着光明的方向精进思惟,勇悍前行。 | Helping People is Also Self-Helping The maturing and growth of every person requires the help from other people. The virtuous teacher has been guiding me lives after lives and that is how I arrived at where I am today. Now it is my turn to help other people and in fact this is also the process of helping myself. That is to learn how to help other people and learning how to hold fast to the spirit of benefiting others under numerous layers of pressures, continuously contemplating and joyously persevering towards the direction of radiance and moving ahead bravely. | 秋 破烦恼 |
229 | 净化恶习的缘起 正是要靠着帮助别人的缘起,净化无量劫以来的种种恶习:以自我为中心,无视他人,不希求般若智慧等等,所以一直都在无明的束缚下,过着暗无天日的生活。 常常思惟一下,向前走就会有力量! | Purifying The Dependent-Arising Of Non-Virtuous Habits It is precisely through relying on the dependent-arising of helping others that all kinds of non-virtuous habits accumulated from countless eons are purified: By being self-centred, disregarding others, and not aspiring to gain the Prajna wisdom, etc. Henceforth bound by ignorance all this while, living in darkness without daylight. Contemplate about this often, you will have the strength to advance forward! | 秋 破烦恼 |
230 | 缔造神话的信念 我的生命有一个缔造神话的信念,非常希望跟诸位分享,就是:我不向厄运屈服! 我觉得现在的生命状态是不圆满的,我就要改变它。 不到无死国,精进永无止。 | Faith To Create Myths My life has a myth-making faith, and I very much hope to share it with all of you, that is: I will not succumb to bad luck! I feel that the current state of life is incomplete, and I will have to change it. Without arriving at the kingdom of no death, there is no end to joyous perseverance. | 秋 破烦恼 |
231 | 铸造未来的神秘之手 有一双神秘的手在铸造我们的命运 - 那就是心,我们心中的每个起心动念,就在铸造自己的未来。 | The Mysterious Hand That Forges Our Future There is a pair of mysterious hands that forges our destiny - That is our mind, every thought arising in our mind, is forging our future. | 秋 破烦恼 |
232 | 与烦恼奋战到底 面对一个邪恶的烦恼习气,我们必须要数数地修,就是一天一天,一月一月,一年一年,乃至一生一生,矢志不移地战斗下去。 | Fighting Afflictions To The End Facing an evil affliction and habit, we must practice to fight it continuously, meaning day by day, month by month, year by year, even lives after lives. We must fight it to the end with an unshaken vow. | 秋 破烦恼 |
233 | 与其担忧不如奋斗 与其胡思乱想,担忧自己的未来,不如打定主意当下好好奋斗。 | Strive Instead Of Worrying Instead of letting imagination run wild, worrying about our future, why not set our minds to strive in current instant. | 秋 破烦恼 |
234 | 四字箴言 有的时候一直努力,一直努力,结果还没有出现,这时就看一看:我努力的目标有没有偏误? 如果依据经论确定方向没有错误,次第没有倒乱,现在还没有出现结果怎么办? 四个字 - 「继续努力」! | Four Words Motto Sometimes when we keep striving and striving again, but the outcome has not appear yet, take a look and see at this point: Is there a deviation or misalignment from the goal that I'm striving for? If it follows the scriptures and certainly there is no mistake in the direction or disorder in the steps, then what needs to be done if right now, there is no outcome yet? Four words - “Continue and Keep Striving”! | 秋 破烦恼 |
235 | 苦乐操之在我 一旦发现我们的心,对自己是否快乐负有决定性的责任时,就会特别振奋,用很大的力度来了解自心。 了解了苦乐是自己可以去造作的时候,怎么能坐在那里白白受苦呢? 一定会行动起来,去息灭恶业,广造善业! | Suffering And Happiness Are Controlled By Me Once we discover that our mind carries the conclusive responsibility on whether we are happy, we will be extremely inspired and spend a lot of efforts to understand our own mind. How can we be sitting there and suffer for nothing when we have understood that suffering and happiness can be created by ourselves? We will definitely start to take actions to eradicate non-virtuous karma and create vast virtuous karma! | 秋 破烦恼 |
236 | 转心 这个世界是不是很不完美?那佛陀为什么以指按地,它就变成金色的净土?到底是它真的不完美,还是由于我们的心不完美,使得映入我们眼帘的世界就是不完美的?那么要诀在哪里?就是转心! | Reframe (the) mind Is this world imperfect? Why did the Buddha press the ground with his fingers and it turned into golden pure land? Is it really imperfect, or is it because our hearts are imperfect that the world that sees us is imperfect? So what's the secret? Just reframe (the) mind! | 秋 破烦恼 |
237 | 离苦得乐必须勤学苦练 如果想了解离苦得乐是怎么回事的话,我们必须勤学苦练 —— 勤奋地学习教理,然后对境当下要彻底扫荡自己的无明烦恼! | Must Be Diligent In Learning And Practice Hard To Abandon Suffering And Achieve Happiness If we want to understand what is meant by abandoning suffering and achieving happiness, we must be diligent in learning and practicing hard — diligent in learning the teachings, followed by the thorough wiped out of our ignorance during those moments when we encounter difficult situations. | 秋 破烦恼 |
238 | 不要停止对真理的追寻 不要停止广学多闻,不要停止闻思修空性,不要停止对内心中苦受错误的根源再再地寻觅、再再地探察,一定要找出到底是什么原因使自己这么痛苦,然后去息减它 | Do Not Stop the Pursuit of the Truth Do not stop the extensive learning and the numerous times listening to the teaching. Do not stop listening, contemplating and meditating on emptiness. Do not stop the repeated seeking and repeated probing in our mind pertaining to the wrong perception on the root cause of the sufferings we experienced. We must find out what is the actual reason that caused us to suffer in pain so badly and then eradicate it. | 秋 破烦恼 |
239 | 佛法的了悟在心 佛法的「懂」和一般的「懂」完全是两回事,那么它的区分到底在什么地方? 看内心有无转变。 | Understanding of Buddha's Teaching Is In The Heart The "understanding" of Buddha's teaching and the general “understanding” are completely different things, so what exactly is the distinction? See if there is any change in your heart. | 秋 破烦恼 |
240 | 苦不会因怕就不见 我们的生命能不能真正离苦得乐? 百分之百可以! 因为造什么业就感什么果。 如果遇到事情就只想到困难或抱怨,就会陷入负面情绪的泥沼中,完全不能动弹,也会越来越没有胆量,越来越萎缩。 可是苦不会因为我们怕就不见了,必须提起所有心力超越它去造作善业! | Fear Will Not Cause Suffering To Disappear Can we really abandon suffering and achieve happiness in our lives? 100% possible! Because we reap what we sow. If we only think of difficulties or complains when we face a situation, then we will slip into a mire filled with negative emotions immobilising our entire body. Then we will start losing our courage gradually and begin shrinking progressively. However, suffering will not disappear from our fear. We must lift up all our mental strength to overcome and exceed the fear in order to perform virtuous acts! | 秋 破烦恼 |
241 | 生死事大,修行最急 死盯着眼前的小事反覆串习的话,就会变得好像很大。 就像眼皮上沾了东西,看出去就会觉得很庞大,但把它拿下来看,可能还没有芝麻大。 实际上到底什么事最大? 生死事大! 什么东西最急? 修行最急! | Life And Death Are Big Matters While Meditation Practice Is Most Urgent If we are fixated on a small matter in front of us and repeatedly practice it, it will become like a significantly big matter. It's as though our eyes are stained with something which appears to be very gigantic while we are looking out. However, when we take it out, it might not be bigger than a sesame seed. In reality what is the most important thing? Life and death are most important! What is most urgent? Meditation practice is most urgent! | 秋 破烦恼 |
242 | 修行人的习惯 正知正念是用来护戒的,以正知力常常去观察,看自己的正念在不在。 修行人的习惯就是这样的,它是一种不断调伏自心的过程。 | A Practitioner's Habit Vigilance and mindfulness are used to safeguard ethical discipline, often observe with vigilance whether our mindfulness exists. A practitioner's habit is like this, it is a continuous process in disciplining one's mind. | 秋 破烦恼 |
243 | 苦乐由心安立 快乐和痛苦都是我们的心制造出来的。 当别人骂我们,不承认我们,或者歪曲事实,把话都颠倒着说,就用它来制造快乐,造作善行吧! 因为一切境界都是没有自性的,苦乐取决于我们内心对境的安立。 | Suffering And Happiness Are Defined By The Mind Happiness and suffering are both produced by our minds. When others rebuke us, do not acknowledge us, or distort the facts and speak inversely (of the truth), then use these to produce happiness and perform virtuous deeds! Because of the selflessness nature in all situations, suffering and happiness are determined by how our mind defines the situation. | 秋 破烦恼 |
244 | 把压力转为动力 学会把压力变成动力,把弱点变成优点,如果在内心上训练这种能力的话,再多流言蜚语来的时候,我们可能会越来越感觉到平静,乃至极其深度的平静。 | Transform Stress Into Power Learn to transform our stress into power and transform our shortcomings into strengths. If we train our mind with such capabilities, we will feel greater sense of calmness progressively when rumours and gossips arise, or even the deepest tranquillity. | 秋 破烦恼 |
245 | 最强大的军队 有时候我们正念的军队,还是打不过烦恼的强敌,所以需要对佛法大量地串习,思惟。 在这种状态下,精进如法地听闻,就是在培训我们摧伏烦恼最强大的军队。 | The Strongest Army Sometimes our army of mindfulness is still unable to defeat the powerful enemy of afflictions, hence we need to study and reflect on Buddha's teaching extensively. Under such circumstance, joyously persevere to listen in accordance to the teachings is precisely training our strongest army to destroy afflictions. | 秋 破烦恼 |
246 | 洞察秋毫抉择身心 听法的时候,必须抖擞精神、全力以赴,要非常注意自己三业的造作。应该让我们的慧眼不染尘埃,洞察秋毫,对三业的观察要像粉末一样细致,不可以像大石块的砂石一样非常粗糙,自己在做什么都不知道。这就是用所闻的法,数数抉择自己的身心。 | Clearly Understand Fine Details to Decide Mind and Body Performance When we are listening to the teachings, we must rouse our spirit and put in our best efforts, and we must pay extreme attention on the doings of our three paths of action. We should not let our insight be tainted with dust and we must clearly understand the fine details. Our observation on our three paths of action must be as delicate as powder, it cannot be very coarse like a big sandstone rock which means we do not know know what we are doing. This is applying the teaching we have listened, and repeatedly making decisions on the performance of our mind and body. | 秋 破烦恼 |
247 | 超越生死的正见 佛说的正见有两种:一种是世间的正见一业果见,它可以让我们好好持戒,不堕落三恶趣,得到人,天的果报;另一种是出世间的正见 一空正见,可以让我们无视于死主的挑战,超越生死轮回,得大自在。 | Right Views That Surpassed Life And Death There are two types of right views said by Buddha: one type is the mundane right view – Cause and Effect, which can help us to uphold our ethical discipline well, not degenerating into the three miserable realms and be reborn in the human and heavenly realms; another is the supra-mundane right view – Knowledge of Emptiness, which allows us to disregard the challenge from Lord of Death, surpassed cyclic existence, attained great freedom and be at ease. | 秋 破烦恼 |
248 | 微笑的力量 实际上一个微笑的力量,在内心中存留的感觉是很久的,而且是正向的,所以请多布施你那灿烂的微笑。 | The Power Of Smiles Actually the power of a smile, it’s feeling that remains in our hearts, stays for a long time. In addition, it is a positive feeling, hence kindly give your splendid smiles to others more frequently. | 秋 破烦恼 |
249 | 忍耐宽容并非怯懦 其实忍耐和宽容不是一种怯懦,反而正是一个人大度和勇悍的表示。 就如静静的大海,沉静恢宏,温柔而雄浑,像微笑着的勇士。 | Patience And Tolerance Are Not Cowardice In fact, patience and tolerance are not a form of cowardice, but rather an expression of a person’s generosity and bravery. Just like the quiet ocean, calm and magnificent, gentle and vigorous, like a smiling warrior. | 秋 破烦恼 |
250 | 不必忧愁的理由 「若事尚可为,云何不欢喜?若已不济事,忧恼有何益?」如果把这两句话实践在生活中,这样的人生简直太壮观了! 因为再也没有什么事可以吓倒我们了。 可以改变的痛苦我不愁,不可以改变的痛苦我也不愁,那请问还有什么愁事吗? | Reasons Not To Worry “If something can still be done, why be displeased? If nothing can be done, what is the use of worrying?” If these two statements are put into practice in life, such a life is simply spectacular! Because nothing can scare us anymore. I am not worried about the suffering that can be changed, and I am also not worried about the suffering that cannot be changed. Is there anything to worry about then? | 秋 破烦恼 |
251 | 苦难赐予的礼物 尽管生命中有很多痛苦,如果能以苦为道,就能在每一个痛苦中发现苦难的价值,让自己成长;在自己成长了之后,发现又有陷在苦难里的人,还可以去救他。所以,苦难给我们的礼物不仅是提升自己,还能帮助他人。 | Gift of Suffering Even though there is much suffering in our lives, however if we treat this suffering as the path to practice, we will be able to discover the value of each suffering and grow from it. Once we grew out of it, we could identify people who are suffering from similar miseries and hence had the ability to help them. That's why suffering is a gift to improve ourselves and to help others. | 秋 破烦恼 |
252 | 从反省中超越自我 每一次发生争端时,如果能反省到:我是在无明生死中,会颠倒苦乐的真相,实际上这就是一个凡夫的基本行相。 那么每一次的争端,都让我立志要超越凡夫,成为圣者,要看清一切事情的根源,把苦的根本全部拔掉。 | Surpass Oneself Through Introspection If you can reflect each time there is a dispute that: I am ignorant and in cyclic existence, and will invert the truth of suffering and happiness, which is the basic behaviour of an ordinary person in reality. Then, every dispute allows me to aspire to surpass an ordinary person, to become a saint, to see the root cause of all matters clearly and completely pull out all the roots of suffering. | 秋 破烦恼 |
253 | 顽石可雕心定能转 认真学,认真去体会,照着佛菩萨讲的那样认真地去改变自己,一定会被改变的! 心又不是石头,为什么不能改? 就算是石头都可以雕出传世精品来,为什么我的心不能转变? | If Stubborn Stone Can Be Carved, The Heart Can Be Changed If we earnestly learn the teachings, and conscientiously experience the change based on the instructions from Buddha and bodhisattvas, we will definitely transform ourselves. Our hearts are not made of stones. Why can't we change? Even a stone can be carved into a fine piece of art and exist through generations, why can't our hearts be changed? | 秋 破烦恼 |
254 | 选择当个勇士 挫败感其实只是一种心情,不停地战胜它,就是勇士的风采,否则就永远陷溺在困境里裹足不前。 选择权是在自己手里,看你要怎么做。 | Choose To Be A Warrior The feeling of being defeated is actually just a type of emotion and to overcome it repeatedly is a warrior's demeanour. Otherwise, we will be trapped and drown in the predicament forever and unable to move ahead further. The choice is in our own hands, it depends on how you approach it. | 秋 破烦恼 |
255 | 更扎实的努力 嫉妒心,就是总觉得自己拥有的比别人少,但这样并不能得到想拥有的束西。如果缺福报就赶快培福,缺智慧就赶快去闻思,这样努力更脚踏实地。 | More Sturdy on Diligence Jealousy is when we always feel that we own less than others. However we cannot own what we want by feeling this way. If we are lacking in merits then we must quickly accumulate merits, and if we are lacking in wisdom then we must quickly listen and contemplate on the teaching. Such diligence is more down-to-earth. | 秋 破烦恼 |
256 | 欢喜心何处寻 觉得自己什么也做不对,什么也不会,生不出欢喜心的时候,听听佛菩萨的故事,或思惟暇满人身以及善知识的功德,想这些就会生欢喜心 。 所以当你的生命周围好像找不到值得欢喜的事时,要记得去找佛菩萨。 | Where To Seek Joyfulness When we feel that we are unable to do anything correctly, not knowing anything at all, and cannot produce any sense of joyfulness, we should listen to the stories of Buddha and bodhisattvas, or contemplate on the life of leisure and opportunity, as well as the merits and virtues of virtuous teachers. Thinking of these will produce joyfulness. Hence when you cannot seem to find any joyful things revolving around your life, remember to look for Buddha and the bodhisattvas. | 秋 破烦恼 |
257 | 以慧力削弱烦恼 痛苦来临的时候,会发现痛苦好像粘在身心上、捆绑着我们,甚至是死缠烂打,一直逼迫着我们,怎么甩也甩不掉。一定要想办法用慧力対治它,用智慧善巧地削弱烦恼这种紧密粘着的力道。 | Weaken Affliction with Wisdom When pain and suffering strike, we will realise that pain and suffering seems to stick onto our body and mind, restraining us, to the extent of being relentless, continuously compelling us, no matter how hard we try we cannot get rid of it. We must find a way to use the power of wisdom to counter it, using wisdom and skilful means to weaken this kind of tight, restraining, and sticky force of affliction. | 秋 破烦恼 |
258 | 注视生命的大苦 一旦注视到生死大苦的时候,眼前的这些小事情根本不会放在心上,因为再痛也比不了生死的痛,堕落恶趣的痛。 | Focus Your Attention On Life's Great Sufferings Once you focus your attention on the great sufferings of life and death, these trifle matters at present do not bother you at all. Because no matter how much the pain is, it is not comparable to the pain of life and death, and the pain when fallen into the miserable realms. | 秋 破烦恼 |
259 | 绝不向恶念屈服 绝对不要向心中的恶念屈服! 不要在乎它有多恶,也不要在乎它有多可怕,我们要做的就是跟它们,把它歼灭! | Never Surrender To Evil Thoughts Never surrender to the evil thoughts within our mind! Do not be bothered about how evil it is, and do not be bothered about how frightening it is. What we need to do is to follow them, and destroy them! | 秋 破烦恼 |
260 | 空性的利斧 空性慧就是一把利斧,可以把轮回的根刹那砍掉,从此永脱生死,不再轮回。 | The Sharp Axe Of Emptiness The wisdom that knows emptiness is a sharp axe that can instantly chop off the roots of cyclic existence and free us from life and death with no more reincarnation. | 秋 破烦恼 |
261 | 离苦先助人 在自己痛苦的时候,能选择先去帮忙别人,这样的人一定会幸福的! | Help Others First To Be Liberated From Suffering When you are suffering, you can choose to help others first, such a person will definitely be blissful! | 秋 破烦恼 |
262 | 秋日的感恩 秋日的田野,五色斑斓,一片丰收的喜悦,善知识啊!我望着善行的心田,感恩您慈悲的恩赐啊! | Gratitude on Autumn Days The fields on autumn days, are multicoloured and gorgeous. There is an atmosphere of harvesting joy, my virtuous Teacher! I'm so grateful for your kind and compassionate gifts as I gazed at my virtuous heart! | 秋 破烦恼 |
263 | 发现宽恕 当我们反省自心的时候,就会发现宽恕。 | Discover Forgiveness When we reflect on our own mind, we will then discover forgiveness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
264 | 莲花出自淤泥 勇士是从什么地方出生的?胆小怯弱,自私自利,嫉妒比较,心里跌宕起伏,名闻利养一大堆,就是从这些烂泥滩里生出了勇士的莲花。不要小看自心中的佛性,一旦它得到善知识的启发而萌芽,就会在这些烦恼的粪土中,开出最美的莲花,亭亭出尘,卓尔不群。 | Lotus is Born From Mud Where is the warrior born? Timid and weak, selfish and self-centred, jealous and comparative, the mind is moving up and down, and being famous and profit oriented, they are in abundance and the lotus warrior is born from these mud shores. Do not look down on the buddha nature within us. Once it is inspired by the virtuous teacher and begins sprouting, it will grow on these filthy grounds of afflictions into the most beautiful lotus, upright and out of this world, standing above the common crowd. | 秋 破烦恼 |
265 | 要怎么收获先那么栽 幸福是索求来的,还是因为付出而收获的? 要想得到别人尊重,先尊重别人;要想得到别人的感恩,先去感恩别人;要想得到别人的恭敬,先去礼敬别人,常常礼敬佛菩萨,礼敬众生,自然会得到他人的敬重。 | How To Harvest, Plant In This Way First Does happiness come by asking, or is it gained by giving? If you want to gain the respect of others, respect others first; if you want to obtain the gratitude of others, be grateful to others first; if you want to receive the deference from others, first pay homage to others, often pay homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and homage to all living beings, and you will naturally be revered by others. | 秋 破烦恼 |
266 | 从心深处拔除苦因 佛陀说,所有痛苦的因都在我们心中。 所以必须把内心深处的问题解决之后,痛苦才不会再发生。 | Eradicate Cause Of Suffering From The Depth Of The Heart The Buddha said that all the causes of suffering are in our hearts. Hence, we must resolve the the problems deep in our hearts, thereafter the suffering will not happen again. | 秋 破烦恼 |
267 | 正遍知之义 佛陀又叫「正遍知」,就是对所有事情都有正确,不颠倒的了解。 他也是透过长久的修行,不断增长内心的悲智而达到的。 | Meaning Of Omniscient Buddha is also known as the ‘Omniscient', which means having the correct and no misconstrued understanding of all phenomena. He has also attained this through long periods of cultivation and practice, and continuously increasing the compassion and wisdom within him. | 秋 破烦恼 |
268 | 战争由嗔起 在任何地方我们都应该息灭争端,达成人与人,人与自然之间的和平,希望全世界的人都能和平相处,息灭心灵的战争。 所有的唇枪舌战,乃至流血的杀戮等等,这一切战争都是从内心的嗔恨,对立开始的。 | War Stems From Anger We should cease all disputes wherever we are to achieve peace amongst mankind and peace with the nature, and hope everyone in this world can get along peacefully and end all wars within our minds and spirits. All kind of wars such as harsh verbal conflicts, bloodsheds and slaughtering, etc., stem from opposing others with the anger and hatred in our hearts. | 秋 破烦恼 |
269 | 转动命运的巨轮 行持不只是身口的行为,实际上行持是从内心开始的,要从内心的意乐改起,思惟正理即可转动命运的巨轮。 | Turning The Great Wheel Of Destiny Our conduct does not merely derive from the behaviour of our body and speech. As a matter of fact, our conduct begins with our mind. In order to turn the great wheel of our destiny, we must start from correcting the attitude in our mind and contemplate on the right principles. | 秋 破烦恼 |
270 | 胸怀天下苍生 慢慢地扩大自己的心量,以后就可以胸怀天下苍生,不依靠他人,自愿承担所有众生离苦得乐的责任,这就是增上意乐。 | Keeping All Living Beings In The World In Your Heart Slowly expand your heart capacity and in the future, you will be able to keep all living beings in the world in your heart, without relying on others, and willingly undertake the responsibility to liberate all sentient beings from suffering and to achieve happiness. This is the wholehearted resolve. | 秋 破烦恼 |
271 | 大乘道的扼要 佛陀的教诲就像一盏明灯,告诉我们对境的时候,应该舍什么,应该取什么。 在整个大乘道中,最重要的扼要就是菩提心,如果没有菩提心,就无法成佛;不能成佛的话,就达不到生命最美妙,无悔的境界;不要说利他,自利也是不圆满的。 | Essence Of Mahayana Path The teaching of Buddha is like a bright lamp that guides us what to discard and what to adopt when we face a situation. On the entire Mahayana Path, the most essential point is the spirit of enlightenment. If there is no spirit of enlightenment, then we will not be able to attain Buddhahood. If we cannot become a buddha, we will be unable to attain the most wonderful state with no regrets. Not to mention about benefiting others, we won't even be able to perfect the act of benefitting ourselves. | 秋 破烦恼 |
272 | 实现美好的愿望 一定要相信善有善报,恶有恶报,把心底里的恶彻底清除掉,生命才能如自己所想要的那样。 想要亲近善知识,常随佛学,快点证得空性,或者生起刹那也不忘失菩提心,这些美好的愿望,都会因为努力断恶修善而实现。 | Realising Wonderful Aspirations You must believe that being virtuous has its own rewards, being non-virtuous has its retributions, and by eradicating all the faults at the depths of your heart, life can then become like how you have wanted it to be. If you want to rely on the Excellent Teachers, following the teachings at all times, quickly attain the nature of emptiness, or generate the spirit of enlightenment that is not forgotten even for an instant, these wonderful aspirations will all be realised because of the great efforts placed to eliminate faults and cultivate virtues. | 秋 破烦恼 |
273 | 充满内心的幸福 如果能够把握值遇到善知识的因缘,好好地跟他学习,善知识的恩泽就足以充满我们的心。 当我们的内心充满之后,我们就可以献出更多的关爱给他人,让幸福充满世界。 | Full of Inner Blissfulness If we can seize the dependent arising of encountering the Excellent Teacher, learn from him well, the grace of the Excellent Teacher will be enough to fill our hearts. When our hearts are filled, we can devote more care and love to others, and fill the world with blissfulness. | 秋 破烦恼 |
274 | 修行乐无忧 经典里的每一条理路,都是针对我们内心的烦恼,如果能好好依教奉行,一一调伏,心里真的就会快乐无忧。 | Happy And Worry-free Practice Every line of reasoning in the scriptural collections is always directed at the afflictions within our minds. If we can practice well according to the teachings to subdue the afflictions one by one, our minds will truly feel happy and worry-free. | 秋 破烦恼 |
275 | 走向生命的大自由 每个人都想得到自由,其实能不被烦恼束缚,才是生命的最大自由! 让内心彻底从无明中醒觉,就像从恶梦中醒来,得到一种完全清晰无谬的认知。 切断烦恼的根本及其习气,心灵才得以摆脱重担,行到彼岸,自由飞翔。 | Head Towards Great Freedom In Life Everyone hopes to achieve freedom. In fact, the greatest freedom is not to be bound by afflictions! Awaken our mind thoroughly from ignorance, just like waking up from a bad dream and obtain a perfectly clear and inerrant cognition. By severing the roots of affliction and its bad habits, then our spirit can get rid of the heavy burden, to arrive at the other shore and be free to soar. | 冬 乐丰收 |
276 | 彻底拔除苦根 为什么要去除无明的根本? 因为所有的衰损,痛苦,包括所有的心情不好,人际关系不好,沮丧等等这些麻烦,都是源自无明。 如果我们不把这些痛苦的根源彻底地去除,总是在一些枝末上挣扎,想要解决生命的问题,实际上还是从一个深坑掉到另一个深坑,继续承受不一样的苦罢了。 | Thoroughly Pull Out The Roots Of Suffering Why do we want to remove the roots of ignorance? Because all waning, pain and suffering, including all the times we were emotionally down, had poor relationship with others, felt dejected etc., all these troubles originated from ignorance. If we do not eradicate these roots or sources of pain and suffering, and always struggling at some branch tips when we want to solve lives’ problems, actually we are still falling from one deep pit into another deep pit, and merely continuing to endure different sufferings. | 冬 乐丰收 |
277 | 遇困难时自我提问 在遇到困难时去琢磨:我遇到了什么事?遇到了这件事,我的反应是什么?而这个反应的结果又是什么?反之,这件事的正确反应应该是什么?它的结果又是什么?两者对比一下,何者能真正的离苦得乐,我们就应该选择那一个。 | Probe Ourselves When Faced with a Difficult Situation Ponder on them when faced with a difficult situation – “What situation am I in? What is my reaction when faced with this situation? Moreover what is actually the result of this reaction? Otherwise, what should be the correct reaction in such a situation? And what is then it’s result?” Compare the two of them. Whichever that could truly abandon suffering and obtain happiness, we should choose it then. | 冬 乐丰收 |
278 | 困境不过是念头 所谓的困境,所谓的低沉和绝望,也就是几个念头来回转的问题。 你用对了方法就会发现:心好像一个风车一样,这边的风一大,哗! 朝那边,那边的风一大,朝这边。 它是很灵巧的转动。 | Predicament Is Just A Thought The so-called predicament, so-called downcast and hopelessness, are merely the issue of a few thoughts spinning back and forth. Once you used the right method you will realise that: the mind is akin to a windmill, once the wind here is strong, whoosh! It faces there. Once the wind there is strong, it turns to face here. It is very deft turnings. | 冬 乐丰收 |
279 | 云后有明月 不要被遇到的困境所困。 困境虽然如黑暗阴沉,厚重,恐怖,但它依然具有暂时性,待我们勇敢地穿越了它,就会看到云层后面的月轮有多么美,多么皎洁! 我们的心就像那深邃的天空,也是很博大的,当有一天真正认识到它的时候,就会发现最宽广的是心,最美丽的也是心。 | A Bright Moon Behind The Cloud Don’t be trapped by the predicament encountered. Although the predicament is dark and gloomy, thick and heavy, and terrifying, it is still temporary. When we bravely cross it, we will see how beautiful and brilliant the moon disk is behind the clouds! Our heart is like the deep sky, and it is also very vast. When one day we truly realise it, we will find that the broadest is the heart, and the most beautiful is also the heart. | 冬 乐丰收 |
280 | 心的力量 我们的内心有极其罕见的力量,一定要善于运用这种力量,把它变成是善的力量,和平的力量,慈悲的力量,让这种力量充满自他的生命。 | The Power Of Our Hearts There is an extremely rare power in our hearts and we must be good at using this power. Turn it into a force of good, a force of peace, a force of compassion, and let our lives as well as others be filled with such powers. | 冬 乐丰收 |
281 | 修出欢喜如涌泉 开心是怎么来的? 修出来的,不是从天上掉下来砸到自己的,是修出来的。 是要天天用功夫,欢喜才会在心里像泉水一样一直涌出来,一直涌出来。 | Cultivate Joy Like A Fountain How does happiness comes about? It’s cultivated, it didn’t drop from the sky to hit upon us. It’s cultivated. We need to practice hard and diligently everyday. Then like spring water, joy will emerge from our hearts continuously too. | 冬 乐丰收 |
282 | 佛教确实的利益 佛教之所以千百年来被很多人矢志不移地追求,是因为它确实能带来心灵的和平与清凉,以及人与人之间的相互尊重。 它能化解仇怨,使颓废变精进,甚至给病弱在床,饱受人生重创的人们一股强劲的力量,让他再度奋起。 | The Real Benefits of Buddhism The reason why Buddhism has been pursued by many people for thousands of years is that it can indeed bring peace and coolness to the spirit, as well as mutual respect between people. It can resolve hatred, make a decadent become diligent, and even give people who are bed-ridden and those badly battered in life a strong force to rise again. | 冬 乐丰收 |
283 | 光明温暖的大树 我们的信仰可以让我们的心成为这个世界的光明,慈悲心会成为很多很多人一个温暖的依靠。 就像一棵大树,各种小鸟都来了,无论是习惯放声高歌的,或浅唱低吟的;白色的,黑色的,彩色的,身着各色衣衫的小动物;大如雄鹰,小如蚂蚁都来了。 因为有一棵大树,大家都聚集在一起,依靠着大树而居。 | Luminous And Warm Tree Our faith can make our hearts become the luminosity of the world, and compassion will become a warm support for many, many people. Just like a big tree, all kinds of birds are here, whether they are accustomed to singing loudly or crooning softly; white ones, black ones, colourful ones, small animals in various colours; those big as an eagle, small as ants are all here. Because there is a big tree, everyone gathers together and lives with support from the big tree. | 冬 乐丰收 |
284 | 勿轻小善 你现在对境每一步的善,每一步的自我超越,也许你自己觉得比芝麻粒还小,但是实际上它所产生的作用,果报,可能连虚空都不能容受! | Don’t Belittle Small Virtuous Act Every single step of your virtuous act in a situation and every single step of exceeding yourself may feel as though it is smaller than a sesame seed. However the effect and fruition that it has produced is so magnificent that even the virtual space may not be able to contain it. | 冬 乐丰收 |
285 | 坚持正确的道路 不要怕,不要犹疑,不要退却,坚持下去一定会成功的。 只要方向百分之百正确,为什么我们不能达到快乐呢? | Persist On The Right Path Don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate, don’t retreat, you definitely will succeed for persisting on. As long as the direction is hundred percent correct, why can’t we attain happiness? | 冬 乐丰收 |
286 | 超越痛苦便是喜悦 身心上的痛苦,有的时候透过修行,可以产生忽然超越它的感觉。 那么一个瞬间,你觉得超越了它,就好像痛苦突然消失了,内心充满了感动和喜悦。 | Overcoming Suffering Is Precisely Happiness The sufferings of the body and mind, at times through cultivation and practice, can suddenly develop a feeling that they can be overcome. At that very instant, you feel that you have overcome it, as though the sufferings have suddenly disappeared, filling the heart with emotions of being moved and joy. | 冬 乐丰收 |
287 | 法喜从何而来 所谓的法喜是怎么得到的? 从听闻经典的当下,会诸根愉悦,心欢喜。 再再研究智者的理路,数数思惟,感动如云,欢喜如雨。 进而学会更广泛的,更清晰的抉择角度,来调伏身心相续的问题,所得到的法喜更是喜不自胜啊! | Where Does Dharma Bliss Comes From How do we receive the so-called, dharma bliss? From the moment of listening to the scriptures, our senses will be delighted, and the mind is joyful. When we study and research on the wise men train of thoughts again and again, and repeatedly contemplating on them, it touches our hearts like clouds and brings showers of joy. And then learn to make decisions from a broader and clearer perspective, to overcome the issues pertaining to our body and mind stream, the resulting dharma bliss received is even harder to contain one’s joy. | 冬 乐丰收 |
288 | 困境是自我超越的契机 如果用一种非常积极的心态,去面对所遇到的困境,有可能现在觉得过不去的这个关,正是你展翅高飞的时刻,因为你会完成对自己极限的超越。 | Predicament Is The Opportunity For Self-Transcendence If you use a very positive mindset, to face all the predicaments you are experiencing, this current difficulty that you feel is not possible to cross, is exactly the moment for you to spread your wings and soar. Because you will accomplish surpassing your own limits. | 冬 乐丰收 |
289 | 澈见真理尽除诸苦 如果沿着正确的知见去努力,有一天澈见真理的时候,也就是所有的苦恼都消除的时候。 | Clearly Seeing the Truth Thoroughly Eliminate All Sufferings If we follow the correct understanding and right view, and work on them diligently, when we clearly see the truth one day, it is also the moment when all sufferings are eliminated. | 冬 乐丰收 |
290 | 真理如何澈见 真理到底如何澈见? 如何励力心志去探讨真理? 那令自他都能够得到饶益的正知见是什么? 要走向从所未经之地,没有一个良好的环境,不跟随真正了解的响导善知识去走,没有几个人能走过去吧! 懈怠,散乱,我慢,怯懦等诸多的内外障碍,还有身心的种种病苦,这些都足以摧残自己的道心。 所以应矢志不移,紧随师行。 | How To Have Lucid View Of The Truth How do we have a lucid view of the truth? How do we keep our will motivated to explore the truth? What is the right view that can benefit ourselves and others? To advance towards a place that we have never been, if there is no conducive environment, and we do not follow a virtuous Teacher as a guide who has truly comprehended it, not many people are able to cross it! Internal and external obstacles like sluggishness, scattered thoughts, arrogance, timidity, etc. and also the various pains and sufferings on our body and mind, they are all sufficient to destroy our aspirations on the path. Hence, we should be unshaken with our resolve and closely follow the Teacher on the path. | 冬 乐丰收 |
291 | 没有学不会的道理 遇到自己不会的,不懂的,要怎样? 要学! 学了不懂怎样? 再学! 再学还不懂怎样? 再学! 那再学还不懂呢? 继续学! 直到把它学会,直到把它学懂。 实际上,方法如果对,又有老师教,怎么可能永远都学不会? | There's Nothing That Can't Be Learned When we come across something that is beyond us, or something we don't understand, what do we do? Learn it! What if we don't understand after learning? Learn again! What if we still don't understand after learning again? Continue learning! We have to keep learning till we understand it one day. In actual fact, if we have the right method, with excellent Teacher to guide us, how can it be possible that we are always unable to master it? | 冬 乐丰收 |
292 | 苦乐自心作主 这一生是苦恼还是快乐,谁来作主? 修行人要自己作主。 要过苦恼,堕落,绝望,乃至悲观的一生,还是欣喜,慈悲,智慧的一生,抉择权完全在自己手里。 就像训练有力的手臂,透过心智的训练,当心越来越有力的时候,不但自己容易化苦恼为清凉,也能有力地支援他人离开痛苦。 | Our Mind Is In Charge Of Suffering And Happiness Who is the one in charge of one's own misery or happiness? Practitioners must be in charge of ourselves. Do you want a life filled with misery, degrading, despair, and pessimism? Or a life with delight, compassion and wisdom? The decision is in our hands. Just like a strong arm which has been well-trained, when our mind has gone through training of wisdom, and it becomes stronger by the day. It will certainly becomes much easier to transform misery and sorrow to a mind stream of purity and calmness in our mind. We will also increase our ability to help others abandon their pain and suffering. | 冬 乐丰收 |
293 | 开发内心无限的潜力 如何从自己的眼,耳,鼻,舌,身所认知的狭小范围上,去加深对于这个宇宙或内心世界的探索? 因此佛菩萨为我们宣说了修心之道,一定要把所有的力量专注于内心。 因为内心的能力被开发后,会远远地超越现在眼见,耳闻的一切,这种探索在时空的跨度上,将会是无限的。 | Develop The Unlimited Potential Of Our Minds From the narrow extent of understanding gained from our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, how do we deepen the explorations of this universe or our inward world? Consequently, the buddhas and bodhisattvas have disclosed and explained to us the path to cultivate our minds and we must focus all our energy on our minds. Because after we have developed the abilities of our minds, it will far surpass everything that is presently seen and heard. The span of this type of explorations will be unlimited in space and time. | 冬 乐丰收 |
294 | 佛法是省察自心的教育 佛教更像一种教育,就像上大学的感觉,因为佛陀有太多的思路,会跟自己碰撞。 当我们完成一种对自我心灵的省察,提升,乃至净化,就能超越表面这些不停波动的现象,用非常审慎而理性的态度去看待问题。 | Buddha's Teaching Is The Education Of Self-examination Buddhism is more like an education, just like going to university, because the Buddha had too many train of thoughts that would collide with ours. When we have completed a kind of self-examination, elevation, and even purification of our own spirituality, we can transcend these phenomena fluctuating non-stop on the surface, and look at problems with a very cautious and rational attitude. | 冬 乐丰收 |
295 | 菩提心的大威神力 了解了菩提心的功德,看到诸佛菩萨的威神之力,就会生起非常羡慕欢喜的心,也想做一个伟大的菩萨。 因为所有的有情都想要最美好的东西,菩提心既然如此美好,如此超胜,如此具有大威神力,为什么我们不要呢? | The Mighty Power Of Spirit Of Enlightenment Knowing the merits of spirit of enlightenment, seeing the mighty power of buddhas and bodhisattvas, we will produce an extremely envious and joyful mind, and want to be a great bodhisattva. Because all sentient beings want the most beautiful things, since spirit of enlightenment is so beautiful, so superior, and possess such mighty power, why don't we want it? | 冬 乐丰收 |
296 | 改变世界的开始 希望我们一起让这个世界变得更美好!哪怕你的努力就发生在一盏灯光下,就只面对一个人,你对他说几句感恩的话,哪怕寒冬腊月,一句良言善语,亦能暖心暖意,实际上世界会因为你的感恩心而改变。让这改变就从感恩我们身边的人开始吧! | Beginning Of Changing The World Let's hope that together we will make this world an even better place! Even if your hard work takes place under a lamp of light, facing only one person, just tell him a few words of gratitude. No matter if it's cold wintry month end of the year, just a sentence of kind words and virtuous advice can also warm the heart and mind of a person. In actual fact, the world will certainly change because of your gratitude. So let's change the world by beginning to be grateful towards the people around us! | 冬 乐丰收 |
297 | 生命的目标 佛法伟大的力量,透过一年一年地听闻,讨论,慢慢浸润我们枯燥的身心。 佛陀的悲智力,透过善知识的教诲,一点一滴滋润我们的生命,让我们从只注视今生的苦乐想到来世,了知生命的目标是要究竟离苦得乐,要成佛,而且要帮忙所有的众生都走上这条路,都成佛。 | The Goal Of Life The great power of Buddha's teaching, slowly infiltrates our dull and dry body and mind, through hearing and discussion year after year. The Buddha's compassion and intelligence, through the teachings of an Excellent Teacher, nourishes our lives bit by bit, allowing us to progress from looking at only the sufferings and joys of this life to think of the next life. Knowing that the goal of life is to thoroughly abandon suffering and achieve happiness, and to become a Buddha. In addition, we must help all living beings to take this path and all to become Buddhas. | 冬 乐丰收 |
298 | 累积福报回向菩提 如果我们能依外在的殊胜境,又依内在的殊胜发心,累积到很大的福报,要将这个福报回向正法久住,众生安乐;回向为了芸芸众生的解脱,我早一天生起菩提道的证德,早一天去证得佛果。 尤其大乘道是以菩提心为根本,这个发心非常非常需要广大的资粮。 | Accumulate Merits To Dedicate Towards Enlightenment If we can rely on the external extraordinary circumstances and also our unique aspiration within us to accumulate huge amount of merits, we must dedicate these merits towards the teaching to stay for a long time and towards all sentient beings to be safe and happy. Moreover, for the sake of liberating every sentient being, dedicate that I will produce the associated attainments and virtues earlier on the path towards enlightenment, and attained Buddhahood in advance. In particular, the root of Mahayana path is based on the spirit of enlightenment and this aspiration requires extremely extensive amount of merits. | 冬 乐丰收 |
299 | 听法启发抉择慧 法音入耳,抉择取舍的美玉璇琮之声,充遍身心。 耽着感受,昧于取舍的愚痴浓雾,渐散渐去,我们轻轻腾跃,脱离现行烦恼的泥潭,飞翔于清晰喜乐的抉择之天空下,目及辽远,审慎当下。 | Listening To The Dharma Inspire Discerning Wisdom When the voices of the dharma enter our ears, it is like the sound to make a right choice on a beautiful jade vessel and fills our entire heart and body. The ignorance cloud that indulged in our feelings and concealing our ability to make a right choice, progressively disperses itself and slowly disappears. We make a gentle leap to break away our behaviours from the mire of afflictions, flying beneath the sky under our clear and joyful choice, with a vision that is far and remote, and being prudent of the current moment. | 冬 乐丰收 |
300 | 生命长远的赢家 每个人都是自己生生世世这家公司的董事长,你自己决定,是只忙眼前利益 ,还是要注意到更长远的利益。 用眼,耳,鼻,舌,身,意运行的这家公司,你看得越远,赢得越多。 | Long Term Winner In Life Everyone is a Director of your personal company lives after lives. You decide on your own, whether to engross yourself with immediate gains, or to pay attention to longer term benefits. This company that is operated by our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, the further you place your vision, the more you win. | 冬 乐丰收 |
301 | 问题如山也如纸 不要把自己的问题看得太严重,其实有的问题差不多就像隔一层窗纸那样,一插就透,你就突然明白了。 明白之后就不会再觉得像一座巨山一样压在自己的身心上。 | Issues Can Be As Heavy As Mountains And As Light As Papers Do not see your own issues too seriously. In fact some of the issues are just like being blocked by a layer of window’s pane paper, they can be penetrated easily with one poke, and then you will understand them suddenly. When you understood them, you will no longer feel that they are weighing on your body and mind like huge mountains. | 冬 乐丰收 |
302 | 珠宝的河流 为大众效命的人,福报是不会穷尽的,就像一条珠宝的河流,怎么看也看不到尽头。 | River of Gems The person who goes all out to serve the masses, his merits will not be exhausted, just like a river of gems that you cannot see the end no matter how you try. | 冬 乐丰收 |
303 | 净化心续的事业 佛法的事业,它的核心就是净化我们的心续,如果我们把以自我为中心这种习性从内心全部净化掉,成为坚固的菩提心等流,那辉煌佛果,便指日可待。 | The Undertaking Of Purifying The Mind Stream The core of dharma’s undertaking is to purify our mind streams. If we purify the self-centred habit entirely within our minds and turn it into a firm spirit of enlightenment mind stream, then the glorious Buddhahood will be well in sight. | 冬 乐丰收 |
304 | 在菩提心树下乘凉 教小孩教到心情烦躁时,可否找到一棵菩提心树,轻轻坐下,闭目纳凉? 体会阵阵利他清风拂面,待心头热恼渐渐清凉,你便更有心力,去面对第一千次的挑战,陪伴一颗年幼的心渐渐长大。 | Enjoying The Cool Under A Bodhi Tree When you feel frustrated from teaching a child, can you find a bodhi tree, gently take a seat, close your eyes and enjoy the coolness? Experience the rippling light breeze of benefitting others brushing your face, and wait till the heat from feeling vexed gradually cools off, you will then have more strength, to face the thousandth challenge, to accompany a young heart that is gradually growing up. | 冬 乐丰收 |
305 | 无限生命的视野 生命是一个无限的、无限的延伸,不是只有这一生就完了。因此,大可以把目光从眼前望向无尽的未来,打造更美好的来生。 | Unlimited Lives Horizons Life is an unlimited and unbounded extension. It is not finished merely after this life. Subsequently, we can boldly set our vision from current view to the endless future, and to create a more beautiful and better next life. | 冬 乐丰收 |
306 | 平凡中的伟大 不一定要去做什么惊天动地的事,最惊天动地的就是你的心了。 你可能只是扫个地,擦个桌子,做这些看起来很平常的事,一旦用一个伟大的目标统摄时,就能成就伟大的一生! 有一天就突然发现,你的心发出了万道光明照耀这个世界,那即是你心性光明的非凡绽放。 | The Greatness Of Being Ordinary You might not need to do something earth-shaking because the most earth-shaking thing is your mind. You could be sweeping a floor, wiping a table, or doing very simple tasks. If these tasks are commanded by a much bigger goal, the you will be accomplishing a great deal in this life! One day, you will suddenly discover that your mind has radiated thousand rays of brilliance to illuminate this world, that is the extraordinary blooming of your luminous mind. | 冬 乐丰收 |
307 | 温暖的教化 关注他人苦乐的心,要努力让它变得越来越真诚,越来越无染,慢慢会发现与他人的关系开始改善了,改善之后就可以令「教化」发生 ,实际上就是用你身口意的行为感化他人。 这股暖流会温暖很多很多痛苦的心,让很多人有勇气去行善,遇到挫折时他也会继续前行。 | Cultivate with Warmth Strive to change the heart that pays attention to others’ sufferings and happiness to be more sincere, more pure, then slowly you will realise that your relationship with other people have began to improve, which can cause “cultivation” to happen. Actually, you are using the actions from your body, speech and mind to influence other people. This warm current will bring warmth to many many hearts that are in misery, let many people have the courage to do virtuous deeds and to continue advancing forward even when they meet with obstacles. | 冬 乐丰收 |
308 | 永恒的光明能源 大乘发心是这个世界永恒的能源体,永恒的光明,永恒地发起善业之地。 一切的佛菩萨看到这个发心的人会有什么感觉? 就珍爱啊! 因为珍爱他就等于珍爱很多很多人的生命,有这个心就会保护很多人不受伤害。 | Eternal Luminosity Source Of Energy Mahayana aspiration is the eternal energy source of this world, the eternal luminosity, and the place to initiate virtuous karma eternally. How do all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas feel when they see this person with such an aspiration? Cherish with love! Because cherishing him is tantamount to cherishing the lives of many, many people, and having this aspiration will protect many people from harm. | 冬 乐丰收 |
309 | 编织善的共业网 平常最好能多心存善念,口说善言,多表达内心的感恩,把这个共业网,像织布一样织得非常地绚烂,不要让它褴褛不堪, 乃至到最后被恶业反扑而撕毁,因为自己的苦乐和他人是息息相关的。 | Weave A Virtuous Net Of Collective Karma It is best if you can have more virtuous thoughts in your mind during normal times, speak with virtuous words, express feelings of gratitude more often. Weave this net of collective karma like an extremely dazzling woven cloth, do not let it be ragged utterly, and finally even caused it to be completely torn and destroyed by the counterattack of non-virtuous karma, because our suffering and happiness are closely correlated to others. | 冬 乐丰收 |
310 | 修道种乐因 「无上菩提」就是所有的快乐都圆满的佛陀果位,而这个「道」就是能引生佛陀果位的方法。所谓的修道,也就是一定要在善所缘上数数地令心安住、令心坚固,广泛种下能达到快乐的因。到处都是快乐的因之后,自然就能快乐无穷。 | Cultivate Causes of Happiness on Path "Unsurpassed enlightenment" is the resultant state of a buddha when all happiness are complete and this 'path' is the method that leads towards and actualises the buddhahood. What is meant by cultivation on the path, exactly also means repeatedly focusing the mind and letting it stays steadfastly upon a virtuous object of meditation, and extensively sowing the causes of happiness. When there are causes of happiness all over, naturally there can have infinite happiness. | 冬 乐丰收 |
311 | 谁也夺不走的喜悦 修行人要慢慢学会依靠法得到快乐。法,就是从舍恶取善开始。面对痛苦,一次又一次地以法为依靠,取舍对了,欢喜力就会渐渐生起来。这样的习惯练成之後,会发现生命变得自由,无论别人赞赏或是批评,总之内心降伏烦恼的那一分喜悦,是谁也套不走的。 | The Joy No One Can Deprive A practitioner must slowly learn to rely on the teaching to achieve happiness. The teaching, begins from giving up evil for good. When faced with pain and suffering, we must rely on the teaching again and again, and when our ability to make the choice is correct, our joy will be progressively intensified. When such a habit is cultivated successfully, we will discover that our lives become free. Whether other people praise or criticise us, in short it means that no one can deprive us of that moment of joy that came from taming our affliction within us. | 冬 乐丰收 |
312 | 学会跟困难斗智 在遇到困难的时候,要学会和它斗智,斗勇,一定要想方设法超越。 | Learn To Battle Wits With Difficulty When faced with difficulty, learn to battle wits with it, battle courage, and we must devise ways and means to overcome it. | 冬 乐丰收 |
313 | 天堂与地狱的差别 传说天堂的人用的勺子很长,他们吃饭都是互相喂的,所以大家都能吃饱,过得很幸福;地狱的人也用长勺子吃,但只想给自己吃 ,结果谁也吃不到。 这说明了什么?「以他人为中心的幸福人生观,以自己为中心的痛苦人生观」。 | The Difference Between Heaven And Hell Legend says that the people in heaven use very long spoons, they feed one another during meals, hence all of them can eat their fill and live in bliss. The people in hell also use long spoons to eat their meals, but they only want to feed themselves, nobody gets to eat anything in the end. What is the meaning of this? ”The blissful view of life that is centred on others, the misery view of life which is centred on oneself." | 冬 乐丰收 |
314 | 生命的价值感 我们在相互帮助中,会体会到自己的生命在他人生命中的价值感,这种价值感能让一个人不会自寻死路。 一旦发现自己是一个有用的人,就不会选择毁灭自己。 | The Value Of Life When we support one other, we will realise the sense of value of our own life in the lives of others. This sense of value can help one person not to pursue ending his own life. Once you find yourself a useful person, you will not choose to destroy yourself. | 冬 乐丰收 |
315 | 未来的希望 只要我们不绝望,孩子们就有希望了!要相信人是可以改变的!假以时间、假以智慧,假以无尽的慈悲,是可以改变的! | Hope in Future As long as we do not despair, we will then have hope for the children! We must believe that mankind can be transformed! Bestowed with time, bestowed with wisdom and bestowed with endless compassion, they can be transformed! | 冬 乐丰收 |
316 | 坚持最美好的希望 在这条路上我们必须坚持努力下去,守护着希望。 这个希望到底是什么? 佛陀说的,所有的众生都可以转变,都可以变成最美好,最无私,最有智慧的那个人,这是佛陀用他最清净的慧眼澈见的真实。 | Persevere In The Most Wonderful Hope We have to persevere diligently on this path, guard and protect our hope. What is this hope? Buddha had said, all living beings are able to transform, and are all able to turn into the most wonderful, most selfless and the wisest person. This is the truth that Buddha has seen lucidly with his purest eyes of wisdom. | 冬 乐丰收 |
317 | 二种心情 「这个问题把我卡死了」,为此感到焦灼沮丧;和「这个问题是我准备超越的,这只是显示了我的慧力不足」,积极地去找办法把它超越。 后者的心情是欣喜的,有点跃跃欲试的期待感,而且会觉得希望无穷。 | Two Kinds Of Moods "I'm stuck in a dead end by this problem” and felt very anxious and dispirited by it; versus "This problem is something I am going to surpass. It just shows that my wisdom is insufficient.” and proactively find a way to surpass it. The latter's mood is joyful, a little eager and looking forward feeling, and will feel there is infinite hope. | 冬 乐丰收 |
319 | 助人得以离自苦 有没有这样的经验?你心中有一件很烦恼的事情,结果出去之后发现一个很苦恼的人,你就特别想要帮助他。在帮助他的过程中也遇到一些困难,但是你一直想帮他,结果这件事结束了之后,你突然发现自己那个很可怕的情绪,或者很可怕的低落的阶段就过去了。 | Help people to be free from suffering Any such experience? There is a very troublesome thing in your heart, and when you go out and find a very distressed person, you especially want to help him. You also encountered some difficulties in helping him, but you have always wanted to help him. After the incident is over, you suddenly find that your terrible mood or the terrible low stage has passed. | 冬 乐丰收 |
320 | 助人之心离无明 我发现当我靠近每一颗心,想要帮助每一颗心的时候,实际上每一颗心都在帮忙我,帮我去除对另一颗心的无明。 | The Heart To Help Others Is Free From Ignorance I found that when I am close to each person's heart and want to help every heart, in fact each heart is helping me, it's helping me to get rid of the ignorance towards another heart. | 冬 乐丰收 |
321 | 佛法出生一切美善 佛法美啊! 般若美啊! 美在哪里呢? 就是谁碰到谁就得到益处。 你这样修了之后,自己得救了,然后把你得救的方法告诉其他人,谁修了谁就得救。 它会出生一切善的,乐的,美的一切好东西,所以才叫宝啊! | All Beauty And Virtues Arise From Dharma Dharma is beautiful! Prajna wisdom is beautiful! How are they beautiful? It is whoever meets them will receive benefits. After you have practise in this way, you get salvaged, then you share the method on how you got salvaged with others, whoever practices it gets salvaged. It will give rise to all things that are virtuous, joyful and beautiful good stuff, hence it's called a gem! | 冬 乐丰收 |
322 | 真实之法最有魅力 人啊,你要是找到一个他最喜欢的事情,他是可以一直做下去的。 那你说学佛法可以像网路游戏那么迷人吗? 为什么不可能呢? 虚假的东西都可以那么有力,真实的东西难道不是更有魅力吗? | Real Phenomenon Most Intriguing Human beings are such, if they have found something they liked to do most, they would continue doing it. Can learning Buddha's teaching be as bewitching as online gaming then? Why is it not possible? Since virtual stuff could be so enticing, shouldn't the real stuff be even more enchanting? | 冬 乐丰收 |
323 | 利他的喜悦 虽然我们自己的心中对道的某一些体悟,也会喜悦,也是会清凉的;但是看到他有情的心续中,自己辛勤播下的善种子开始冒出嫩芽,长出绿叶 ,在阳光下随风摇曳,那种喜悦更是凌空欲飞,波涌如海,风光无限。 | Joy Of Benefiting Others Though our hearts will feel joy when we have some realisations on the path, however the joy that is derived from seeing the change in the mind stream of sentient beings from our hard work of sowing virtuous seeds in them, watching the sprout that turn into green leaves swaying in the wind under the sun. This kind of joy is far greater than the former; it soars high in the sky, roars through the waves at sea and feels beyond a boundless vista. | 冬 乐丰收 |
324 | 欢喜的修行法 喜悦,只能从感受上获得吗?超越了感受,让思惟进入到正向光明的作意时,是否那严谨的思路,也会出生喜悦呢?在每件事发生的时候,要清净发心,正行时,将护三业。做对的部分,随喜自己;做不对的部分,向内调服、忏悔;再将自己已做的善,悉数回向无上菩提。那么,总结起来,可清晰明见的是自己在断恶修善的征途上,勇悍前行。至此,可欢喜吗 | Method to Practice Delight Can we receive happiness only through our feelings? When we transcended our feelings and allowed our thoughts to embrace a positive state of mind and radiance, would this rigorous thought process be able to produce happiness too? In practice we should protect our three paths of action. Rejoice ourselves when we performed actions correctly and for actions not correctly performed, we should moderate inwards to subdue and repent on our incorrect actions. Subsequently we shall dedicate all our virtuous acts towards unsurpassed enlightenment. To sum up, in this way what we could clearly see are ourselves striding courageously on this expedition to abstain from wrong doings and cultivate virtuous acts. Till here, are you delightful? | 冬 乐丰收 |
325 | 振奋心力一念间 当你把心力振奋起来的时候,困难就变小了;如果不振奋,芝麻点大的事也可以让你粉身碎骨。 心志就是这样的一个东西! | Rouse Strength In Mind In One Instant Thought When you rouse strength in your mind, the difficulty becomes smaller; if you don’t rouse it, something as small as a sesame seed can also smash your body and break your bones. The will of our minds is such a thing! | 冬 乐丰收 |
326 | 当自己生命的导演 每一刻生命的光阴,都是你自己可以操纵,用来达到未来快乐的时光。 你是自己生命的导演,自己写剧本,自己主演,自己受乐,受苦。 | Be The Director Of Our Own Life Every period in our lifetime, we can control it ourselves and use it to achieve our future moment of happiness. You are the director of your own life, to write your own script, to make yourself as the main cast, and to bear the happiness and suffering by yourself. | 冬 乐丰收 |
327 | 常败将军 我是一直失败,但为什么是将军而不是逃兵呢? 因为我确定再一直一直努力下去,这个困境是会被突破,乃至苦根也是会被彻底摧毁的。 | The Undaunted General I have failed all the time, yet why am I a general and not a deserter? This is because I have ascertained that by working diligently on it all the way, there will be a breakthrough in this predicament, and even the roots of suffering will be thoroughly destroyed too. | 冬 乐丰收 |
328 | 如覆大地的防护力 《入行论》说:「片革垫靴底,即同覆大地。」对境如何防护自心? 就像你的脚穿了鞋,等于覆盖了整个大地,没有东西可以刺到你的脚,那就是正念正知的力量。 | Power of Protection And Prevention Equivalent to Covering The Whole Earth Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says: Simply wrap some leather round your feet and it's as if the whole earth has been covered! How do we protect and prevent our heart when we face a situation? Just like wearing the shoes on our feet, it's equivalent to covering the whole earth. Nothing will prick our feet. Such is the power of right mindfulness and right view. | 冬 乐丰收 |
329 | 让世界更美好 如果我们能踏实地从此弃恶从善,都变成一个非常良善的人,这个世界会因为我们改变自己变得更加美好。 | Let The World Be A Better Place If we can steadily turn away from non-virtuous activities and engage in virtuous acts from now onward, we can all become very good and kind persons, and this world will become a better place because we have changed ourselves. | 冬 乐丰收 |
330 | 虚妄与真实 世上很多事情看起来很有诱惑力,很有魅力,但是你真正走进它的时候,实际上是很空虚的,这就是五欲八风的滋味。 但是如果闻思正法,你越靠近它,用心去琢磨它,慢慢地学会结合内心的话,会对自他的生命产生真实的饶益,会得到真实的法喜。 | Delusion and Truth Many things in the world are very alluring and captivating, but when you truly enter it, (you will realise) it is hollow in reality, this is the experience of the five desires and eight worldly dharmas. However, if you listen and contemplate about dharma, the closer you move towards it, the more you ponder about it earnestly, and slowly learn to integrate it in your mind-stream, there will be true benefits generated for your life and others', and you will gain the true joy of dharma. | 冬 乐丰收 |
331 | 和合能生究竟乐 为什么我们要朝着与他人和合的方向串习,不朝着发展自我而不管别人的方向串习呢? 因为你看佛陀慈爱众生,就知道快乐是怎么出生的;你看众生都只爱自己,就应该知道痛苦是怎么出生的。 | Harmony Can Produce Ultimate Happiness Why should we practice in the direction of having harmony with others, and not in the direction of developing ourselves while disregarding others? Because when you see that the Buddha loves all living beings, you know how happiness is born; When you see that all living beings only love themselves, you should know how pain is born. | 冬 乐丰收 |
332 | 善业丰收念师恩 当你看到满眼善业丰收的美丽风光时,一定会想到:是谁使这一切变得这么美? 那个时候对师长恩德的怀念就不只是文字,在自己的身心上可以找到落脚点,是很真实的——我靠近他,听闻他说法,得到了这些! | Recall Teacher's Kindness On Good Harvest Of Virtuous Karma When you see the beautiful scenery with an eyeful of virtuous karma during a good harvest, you will surely think: Who made all these become so beautiful? At that time, cherishing the memory of the teacher's kindness will not be merely words, it can find a foothold in my body and mind, and it is very real – I approached him, listened to his discourse, and received all these! | 冬 乐丰收 |
333 | 学习的心 一旦我们的内心调到一个学习的角度,无论面对任何境界,我们只会计算学到了什么——升华内心,服务他人。 我们最在意的是内心的收获,所谓欲平天下者,先平自心。 | The Heart Of Learning Once our hearts are adjusted to a learning's perspective, no matter what kind of situation we are faced with, we will only reckon with what we have learnt – to sublime our mind, and to serve others. What we care the most for is what our minds will reap, which is what they call “The person who wishes to pacify the world, first pacifies his own mind”. | 冬 乐丰收 |
334 | 如何让正法久住 对难可值遇的佛法,一定要生起珍惜、祈愿它久住的心。怎样令正法久住?听法的如法地听,讲法的如法地讲,佛法就会久住。 | How to Let the Sublime Teaching Remains for a Long Time Towards the buddha's teaching that is so difficult to encounter, we must produce a spirit to treasure it and supplicate that it will remain for a long time. How do we cause the sublime teaching to remain for a long time? When the audience listens properly and when the speaker gives the teaching properly, then the buddha's teaching will remain for a long time. | 冬 乐丰收 |
335 | 增长慈悲就减少伤害 佛法告诉我们,要让心从一种不原谅,嗔恨,或者受伤的状态,调整到理解,感恩,增长智慧和慈悲的方向。 一旦调整到这样的方向,我们慢慢会感觉到自心的力量,就不会那么害怕别人的伤害。 | Increase In Compassion Will Reduce Harm Buddha's teachings tell us to adjust our hearts from an unforgiving, hateful and state of being hurt to another direction which is understanding, grateful, increasing in wisdom and compassion. Once we manage to adjust in the direction of such, we will gradually feel the inner strength within ourselves and we won't be so afraid of the harm brought upon by others. | 冬 乐丰收 |
336 | 发心刹那即成菩萨 当生起菩提心那一刹那间,纵然是个还没有证得空性的凡夫,你已经是菩萨了。 微风吹过你的衣服,吹过你的头发,再吹到另一个众生身上,他就得到益处了。 有了菩提心,你就是大宝藏,人天的应供处。 | Becoming A Bodhisattva Instantly When Spirit Of Enlightenment Arises The instant your spirit of enlightenment arises, even if you are layman who has not attained the nature of emptiness, you are already bodhisattva. When the breeze blows pass your clothes, through your hair, then onto another sentient being, he will have been benefited. With the spirit of enlightenment, you are a great treasure, the one worthy of offerings from humans and heavenly beings. | 冬 乐丰收 |
337 | 速成菩提慰苍生 让我们早一点发起真实的菩提心,证悟甚深的空性,乃至用最速疾的修法去成就无上菩提,以慰天下苍生! | Attain Enlightenment Speedily To Comfort All Sentient Beings Let's make real aspirations to develop spirit of enlightenment as soon as possible, realise the profound nature of emptiness, and even the speediest method to practice and attain unsurpassable enlightenment, so we can comfort all the sentient beings. | 冬 乐丰收 |
338 | 礼敬大雄世尊 佛陀是最强大,最勇悍的,没有什么可以难倒他,礼敬那不再被业惑之绳捆绑的大自在! 他在轮回中无数次将陷溺在恶业里的我们拯救出来,过程虽然壮烈,但胜利实在辉煌! 从发心起,直至成佛,所有努力皆为利益有情,礼敬那白莲花般圣洁的志向! 礼敬大雄世尊! | Homage To Buddha The Exalted Hero The Buddha is the most powerful and brave, nothing can stump him, homage to the great freedom that is no longer tied by the rope of karma and afflictions! He had rescued us who were trapped and drown by evil karma countless times in the cycle of reincarnation. Although the process was heroic, the victory was truly glorious! From the arising of his aspiration, till becoming a Buddha, all his efforts were for the welfare of sentient beings, homage to his holy and pure ambition that was like the white lotus! Homage to Buddha the exalted hero! | 冬 乐丰收 |
339 | 终极幸福绝对可能 所有的生命有没有终极幸福的可能性呢? 佛陀给出了令我们心悦诚服的答案:是绝对可能的! 为什么呢? 因为所有的生命都有离苦得乐的趋向性。 就是这样的能力,会促使大家去寻觅,如何达到那没有一丝丝痛苦,永恒快乐的生命境界? 有无数的佛陀都已圆满实现了那个梦! | Ultimate Happiness Is Absolutely Possible Is it possible for all living beings to achieve ultimate happiness? Buddha has given us a satisfying and convincing answer: “It is absolutely possible! Why is that so? Because all livings beings have an inclination to be liberated from suffering and achieve happiness. It is such kind of ability that will propel everyone to seek out, how do I reach a state in which there is not a single bit of misery, and has eternal happiness in life? There are countless Buddhas that have already fully realised that dream! | 冬 乐丰收 |
340 | 修行人的快乐 物质的依赖已退居到最小的角落,盛满心灵宴响的法餐,丰盛而极度奢华。 华衣美食的喧扰,已化成月下禅思的宁静。 一朵出尘之花,在人生的各种境遇中傲然地绽放,清香远逸。 | Happiness Of A Practitioner The reliance on materialism has been reduced to the smallest corner. A dharma feast that filled our hearts with spirituality is sumptuous and extremely lavish. The disturbance by gorgeous clothes and delicious food has already been substituted by the tranquility obtained from the meditative contemplation under the moon. A flower which is out of the world, remains to be blossoming proudly upon encountering all sorts of circumstances in life, scattering its fragrance in the distance easily. | 冬 乐丰收 |
341 | 步步减过分分生德 痛苦的脚下如何出生快乐的莲花?解脱的轻风怎样拂去烦恼的尘埃?功德无不圆、过失无不离的美月,何时胸中朗耀?步步减过,分分生德,渐行渐趋,直至菩提。 | Step-by-Step Diminishing Faults and Minute-by-Minute Producing Merits How do we grow happy lotus with pain and suffering under our feet? How does the breeze of liberation brush away the dust of afflictions? Merits are never incomplete, faults are never not distant from the beautiful moon, and when will our heart be bright and radiant? Step-by-step diminishing our faults, minute-by-minute producing our merits, gradually moving ourselves and hastening progressively, directly until enlightenment. | 冬 乐丰收 |
342 | 衣带渐宽终不悔 修行一定要有「衣带渐宽终不悔」的决心。 历经风雨的艰辛后,总有一天,打开那窗子:哇! 千树万树梨花开! 走进我期待的那座离尘的花园,美妙的觉受竞相盛开,我的心就成为功德花海。 | The Belt Is Gradually Becoming Loose And I Won't Regret It Our practice must have the determination of “The belt is gradually becoming loose and I won't regret it”. After going through thick and thin hardships, one eventual day, open that window: Wow! Many thousands of pear trees bloomed! Walking into the garden which is away from the mundane world that I am looking forward to, the wonderful feelings are jostling in full bloom, and my heart then became a sea of merit flowers. | 冬 乐丰收 |
343 | 最终极的孝道 佛法是最终极的孝道,因为他把每一生的父母都放在心上,想要给予父母最究竟的快乐,从衣食奉养,承欢膝下,升华到拔除父母所有痛苦最究竟的苦根! 这是作为学佛的弟子,报答这一世乃至无量劫来的父母亲,所要尽的一个大孝。 | The Ultimate Filial Piety Buddhism is the ultimate filial piety, because he (who practices it) places his parents of every single lifetime in his heart and wants to give them the most complete happiness. From the offering of material items such as clothing and food, to being joyfully at their service, and subliming to eradicate all their roots of pains and suffering completely! As disciples who are learning from the Buddha, we must fulfil our upmost filial piety, which is to repay our parents of this lifetime and even our parents from countless eons to date. | 冬 乐丰收 |
344 | 生命真正的归宿 能发心趣向大乘的人,会令佛菩萨的心无限地喜悦,因为这是所有生命真正的归宿。 必须舍己为人,为很多人效命,自己的生命才能够得到真正的升华,才能够摆脱痛苦的困境,也同时撑持了天上人间最美的教法。 | The True Final Destination For Living Beings People who are able to make their aspirations to progress on the Mahayana path will fill the buddhas' and bodhisattvas' hearts with boundless joy, because this is the true final destination for all living beings. Sacrificing oneself for others is a must and we need to go all out to serve many people. Then our lives can be truly sublimated to a higher state, in order to escape from the painful predicaments, and concurrently sustain the most beautiful teachings on both heaven and earth. | 冬 乐丰收 |
345 | 离苦得乐的舟 教典是离苦得乐的舟航,每一条理路,都会消灭我们内心中的非量,建立合量的理路。 所谓的合量,就是什么是快乐,什么是痛苦;什么是快乐的因,快乐的果,什么是苦因和苦果,教典中广泛无谬地宣说这些真理。 | The Boat that Liberates Suffering and Achieve Happiness Dharma texts is the boat that navigates and liberates us from sufferings and achieve happiness. Every line of logic will eliminate the falsehoods within our mind and establish the correct theorem. What “theorem” here refers to, is the knowledge of what happiness is, what suffering is, what the causes and fruition of happiness are, and what the causes and fruition of suffering are. These truths are extensively and infallibly explained in the dharma texts. | 冬 乐丰收 |
346 | 困境中的收获 一切困境终究会过去,乌云不可能永远遮住太阳的光辉,这只是一个短暂的过程。关键是走过的时候,你带了一些什么礼物?穿越这段时光,你带着什么宝贝走到下一段?到底增加了一些什么本事,长养了多少慈悲与智慧?这是我们要计算的。 | Reaping from Predicament All predicament will eventually be over and the radiance of the sun can never be blocked by dark clouds. This is only a short process. When you have been through it, the crux is what gifts have you collected along the way? What treasures have you brought along to the next stage when you crossed this period? What skills have you actually acquired and how much compassion and wisdom have you cultivated? This is what we must compute. | 冬 乐丰收 |
347 | 立定信念走大乘 立定一个当菩提薩埵的坚定信念,而且从此做每一件事都立定这个心念,你就开始走向了大乘之路。 | Firm Up Your Conviction To Walk The Mahayana Path Firm up your conviction to be a bodhisattva. From now on – for every task you do, if you never fail to firm up this conviction, then you are beginning to walk towards the Mahayana path. | 冬 乐丰收 |
348 | 思惟的力量 将违缘转为顺缘是一个艰辛的历程,但只要矢志不移、方法正确,人类最了不起的是什么力量?就是心力。心力是怎么获得的?由思惟获得的。一旦得到这种力量,你是可以转变命运的。转变命运是什么?就是改变现状和未来。 | The Power of Contemplation To transform unfavourable condition to favourable condition is an arduous process. However, as long as your resolve is unshaken and the method is correct, what is the greatest strength of mankind? It is mind power. How is mind power acquired? It is through contemplation. Once you obtained such power, you are able to transform your destiny. What is meant by transforming our destiny? It is changing our current and future state. | 冬 乐丰收 |
349 | 调伏自心之路 修行的第一步,从亲近善知识开始就要调伏自心,到后面的六度,都是要调伏自心,沿着这样的方向,我们才能完成自觉觉他的这条路。 | The Path To Subdue Our Own Mind The first step of cultivation, we need to subdue our own minds beginning from relying on the excellent teachers, till the later part on the six perfections, we all need to subdue our own minds. Going along with such direction, we can then complete this path of enlightening ourselves and enlightening others. | 冬 乐丰收 |
350 | 超越轮回的希望 宇宙有两大类现象,一类就是生死,另一类就是涅槃。 生死是痛苦的,涅槃是快乐的。 我从小就想探索有没有超越生死的可能,是不是所有生命在这里边都没有办法? 后来居然找到了希望 – 佛陀,他就超越了这个苦难的生死轮回! | The Hope To Surpass Cyclic Existence There are two kinds of phenomena in the universe, one is life and death, the other precisely is nirvana. Life and death are painful, nirvana is happy. I've wanted to explore is there a possibility to surpass life and death since young, whether all sentient beings here do not have the means (to be liberated)? Subsequently, I actually found hope – Buddha, he has surpassed the cyclic existence of suffering, of life and death. | 冬 乐丰收 |
351 | 伟大的心灵教育 佛陀的心灵教育,正好可以突破现代教育的瓶颈,如果这个教育能够深入到家庭,深入到各行各业,实际上大家会很和乐的。 | Greatness Of Spiritual Education Buddha's spiritual education can aptly breakthrough the bottleneck of current education (system). If this education can be extended deeply to families, deeply to all trades and professions, everyone will actually be very harmonious and happy. | 冬 乐丰收 |
352 | 幸福之路就在脚下 学习佛法,做一个幸福,和平的人,甚至给周围的生命也带来这种希望,其实并不困难,从布施一个微笑,说一句感恩的话开始,路就在脚下! | The Road To Happiness Is Under Your Feet Learning the Buddha's teaching, be a happy and peaceful person, and even bringing this kind of hope to the lives around you, is actually not difficult. Starting from giving a smile and saying a word of gratitude, the road is under your feet! | 冬 乐丰收 |
353 | 佛法真实不虚 佛陀的真理之所以震撼人心,是因为它太真实了! 面对它的时候,你不能回避,不能躲藏。 它是一种灵魂深处最真挚的相对。 | Dharma Is True With No Falsity The reason that Buddha's truth is thrilling, is because it is so true! When faced with it, you cannot dodge, you cannot hide. It is a kind of most sincere face-to-face encounter with the depth of the soul. | 冬 乐丰收 |
354 | 最大的恩人 佛陀是我们最大的大恩人,他从最初发心,中集资粮,最后成就正等正觉,全都是为了拯救你我痛苦的生命。 他经历了难以数计的苦行,生生世世为你我无悔地奉献,这样的恩情,我们何以为报? | The Greatest Benefactor Buddha is our greatest benefactor. From his initial development of the spirit of enlightenment, to the accumulation of the collections of merit and sublime wisdom in the middle, and the final attainment of the perfect enlightenment, it was entirely for the sake of rescuing you and me from the sufferings of life. He underwent uncountable ascetic practices, and had devoted himself to you and me with no regret lives after lives. How can we repay, such great kindness? | 冬 乐丰收 |
355 | 闻法最直接的利益 听闻佛法带给我们最直接的利益,就是真的会变得聪慧,聪慧的人就知道到哪去找幸福。 | The Most Direct Benefit Of Listening To The Teaching The most direct benefit of listening to the Buddha's teaching, is that we will truly become intelligent. Intelligent people will know where to find happiness. | 冬 乐丰收 |
356 | 正法久住生命向荣 正法如果能够久住,我们又能够跟法相应,并且引领更多的人跟法相应,即便是在这个苦难的轮回,生命还是欣欣向荣的。 | The Sublime Teaching Remains for A Long Time And Lives Will Prosper If the sublime teaching can remain for a long time and we can be in concordance to the teaching, and also lead more people to be in concordance with it, then our lives are still prosperous even in this cyclic existence of suffering. | 冬 乐丰收 |
357 | 成佛的意义 成佛意味着我们的生命没有一点点遗憾,没有一点点不圆满,没有一点点错谬,对一切事物悉知悉见。 | The Meaning Of Becoming A Buddha To become a Buddha means that our lives do not have a single bit of regret, a single bit of incompleteness, a single bit of mistake, and possess clear knowledge of everything. | 冬 乐丰收 |
358 | 菩萨的愿行 菩萨,能给绝望的人带来无穷的希望,在没有路的地方走出千万条路,帮助他人从痛苦走向无尽的快乐,这就是菩萨的愿行。 | Bodhisattva's Aspiration And Action Bodhisattva can bring infinite hope to desperate people, walk thousands of paths where there is no road, and help others from suffering to endless happiness. This is the aspiration and action of the Bodhisattva. | 冬 乐丰收 |
359 | 自利利他的人生 改变自己的心,给自己带来希望,光明和充实的人生,从而影响他人,利益他人。 佛法就是这样的「自利利他」。 | Life Of Benefiting Self And Others Transform your heart and bring hope, brightness, and a fulfilling life to yourself, thereby influencing others and benefiting others. Buddhism is as such “benefiting self and others.” | 冬 乐丰收 |
360 | 为利众生愿成佛 看到一个小生命,即使他不认识我们,也想要让他离开痛苦得到欢乐,把这种心推而广之,愿所有的生命都离开所有的痛苦,愿所有的生命都得到至极的快乐。 那怎样才能有力量荷担所有众生离苦得乐这件事? 一定要成佛! | Aspire To Achieve Buddhahood To Benefit All Sentient Beings Having seen a small living being, even if he does not know us, we will also want to help him to be liberated from suffering and achieve happiness. By growing and expanding this aspiration, we hope that all living beings can all be liberated from all sufferings and hope that all living beings can all achieve extreme happiness. How do we then have the strength to shoulder the responsibilities of liberating all sentient beings from suffering and achieve happiness? We must achieve Buddhahood! | 冬 乐丰收 |
361 | 正理之路 一切佛语皆可现为当前一念的修行,用以斩断烦恼,趣向智慧,离开非理作意的泥潭,踏上如理作意的宝洲。 因为所有的理路,都可以让我们心灵的脚更健壮,越跑越快,到最后健步如飞,用一个理路就跑到死亡见不到的地方,那这一辈子就彻底赢了! | The Path Of Right Reasonings All the teachings from Buddha can surface at any moment of our thoughts to practice immediately, to use them to eliminate afflictions, to incline our mind towards wisdom, to get out from the quagmire of wrong thoughts, and set foot on the treasure island of correct thoughts. Because all the right reasonings can strengthen our spiritual legs to run faster and faster, till the end when our running feels as though we are flying, making use of just one reasoning will enable us to reach a place where death cannot be seen. If that’s the case, we would have won an absolute victory in this entire life! | 冬 乐丰收 |
362 | 走出一条康庄大道 要好好珍惜过去生辛辛苦苦得来的善果,要让它越变越大,越变越大,创造出自己生生世世都受用不尽的幸福。 这都是由于师长三宝在前面引路,在左右陪伴,我们才能在世间这个充满苦恼的荆棘丛里,走出一条康庄大道。 | Pave The Royal Road To Bliss You have to deeply cherish the virtuous fruition borne from past painstaking efforts, have to make it grow bigger and bigger, progressively bigger, to create an everlasting and inexhaustible bliss that you can enjoy life after life. This is all because our Teachers and the Three Jewels are leading the way in front, accompanying by our sides, so that we can pave a royal road to bliss in this world filled with thistles and thorns of afflictions. | 冬 乐丰收 |
363 | 生命的剧本 生命就是这样,刹那刹那不停地向前流去,而未来会怎样,则跟我们现在做什么有直接关系。 所以现在就是在写剧本,自己就是导演,然后未来自己去演出。因此在撰写下一世脚本的时候,不要把自己塑造成悲剧的主角,一定要是一个欢欢喜喜,吉祥如意,庄严聪慧,善根丰厚的人。 | Script Of Life Life is just like this, it flows continuously forward in split seconds, and how the future will be, has a direct relationship that is dependent on what we are doing now. Hence, we are writing the script currently, we ourselves are the directors, and then we will act out (the script) in the future. Therefore, when writing the script for our next life, do not mould ourselves to be the main leads of a tragedy, it must be a person who is filled with happiness and joy, auspicious with good fortunes, dignified and intelligent, and has thick virtuous roots. | 冬 乐丰收 |
364 | 最完美的生命 用我们的生命,用我们的眼泪,用我们所有的一切的一切,让大乘佛法的瑰宝在世界上传承下去,而且从现在开始,尽未来际都做这件事,天上人间实在是找不到比这更完美的生命! | The Most Perfect Life With our lives, with our tears, with everything that we have, let the treasures of Mahayana Buddhism be passed on in the world, and from now on, we will do this till the infinite future. It is impossible to find a more perfect life than this in the heavens and on earth! | 冬 乐丰收 |
365 | 光明海载黄金舟 光明的大海,传承着黄金之舟,每一缕光波,辉耀的是佛陀千古的悲心、永恒的智慧。那在黑暗中痛苦、摸索、沉沦的有情啊!快来这里,这里有温暖!这里有光明、希望和力量!快登上这大乘的黄金之舟,速到彼岸! | Golden Boat on Luminous Ocean The luminous great ocean is carrying the golden boat. What every ray of light wave shining on is the eternal compassion and everlasting wisdom of Buddha. Those sentient beings suffering in pain, fumbling, sinking into vices in the dark! Come here quickly, there is warmth here! There is light, hope and strength! Quickly board on this Mahayana’s golden boat and reach the other shore! | 冬 乐丰收 |