🌻 信仰带来力量 / 92
信仰,是心灵的方向。 它启发我们内心的慈悲和智慧,为生命带来幸福和力量。 日久功深,那纠结在内心挥之不去的烦恼,便可轻松打开。 面对不幸和伤害,即使没人为我们的痛苦说声对不起,我们也有力量处理它,不会被它越套越死,不会陷在困境中不能自拔。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Faith Brings Strength / 92
Faith, is the direction of our spirituality. It inspires the wisdom and compassion in our hearts to bring bliss and strength to our lives. With great efforts over a long period of time, those twisted knots of troubles lingering in our hearts can be easily loosened. When faced with misfortunes and hurt, even if there is no one to say a word of sorry for our sufferings, we also have the strength to deal with it, and not let it trapped us further, nor get stuck in a predicament and unable to extricate ourselves.
Summer 无碍行