🌻 律己是修行根本 / 165
解脱之路,成佛之道是从要求自己开始的。 在一切境界中,请把目光转向自己的心念,再看看嘴在说什么,身在做什么,一定要把持不要造恶业,这是修行最重要的事情。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Self-discipline Is The Root Of Our Practice / 165
The road towards liberation and the path towards buddhahood begin from setting expectation on ourselves. In any circumstance, kindly turn our view inwards to our mind and thoughts, then observe what our mouths are speaking and the actions our body are doing. We have to restrain ourselves from committing non-virtuous karma, this is the most important matter pertaining to our practice.
Summer 无碍行