Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 修行人的快乐 / 340

物质的依赖已退居到最小的角落,盛满心灵宴响的法餐,丰盛而极度奢华。 华衣美食的喧扰,已化成月下禅思的宁静。 一朵出尘之花,在人生的各种境遇中傲然地绽放,清香远逸。

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ Happiness Of A Practitioner / 340

The reliance on materialism has been reduced to the smallest corner. A dharma feast that filled our hearts with spirituality is sumptuous and extremely lavish. The disturbance by gorgeous clothes and delicious food has already been substituted by the tranquility obtained from the meditative contemplation under the moon. A flower which is out of the world, remains to be blossoming proudly upon encountering all sorts of circumstances in life, scattering its fragrance in the distance easily.

Winter 乐丰收