⛄️ 真理如何澈见 / 290
真理到底如何澈见? 如何励力心志去探讨真理? 那令自他都能够得到饶益的正知见是什么? 要走向从所未经之地,没有一个良好的环境,不跟随真正了解的响导善知识去走,没有几个人能走过去吧! 懈怠,散乱,我慢,怯懦等诸多的内外障碍,还有身心的种种病苦,这些都足以摧残自己的道心。 所以应矢志不移,紧随师行。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ How To Have Lucid View Of The Truth / 290
How do we have a lucid view of the truth? How do we keep our will motivated to explore the truth? What is the right view that can benefit ourselves and others? To advance towards a place that we have never been, if there is no conducive environment, and we do not follow a virtuous Teacher as a guide who has truly comprehended it, not many people are able to cross it! Internal and external obstacles like sluggishness, scattered thoughts, arrogance, timidity, etc. and also the various pains and sufferings on our body and mind, they are all sufficient to destroy our aspirations on the path. Hence, we should be unshaken with our resolve and closely follow the Teacher on the path.
Winter 乐丰收