Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 善因的光明性 / 2

晨光初照,天空透亮。 朝阳,从群山后放出万丈霞光,喷薄而出,跃上虚空。 此情此景,好似「善因」,其性光明,力量强大,万物因它而得以生长茁壮.

春 善念种

🌸 The Brilliance of Virtuous Causes / 2

The early morning sun shines: the sky brightens. The rising sun, from behind the mountains, radiates thousands of rays of glowing light, bursting forth, leaping into the void. This situation is like [Virtuous Cause]. Its nature is bright and powerful, and all things grow and thrive because of it.

Spring 善念种