🌻 依善士语净恶业 / 168
如果做了坏事就永远不可救药,那忏悔不就是空话了? 所以在苦果还没有成熟之前,依止善知识的教诫,对恶业进行有力的净治,会产生不可思议的力量。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Relying on Excellent Persons' Words to Purify Non-Virtuous Karma / 168
If there is no remedy forever after committing a bad deed, then wouldn't repentance become empty words? Hence, before the fruits of suffering ripens, rely on the explications of excellent teachers and purifying non-virtuous karma with vigour, will result in unbelievable power.
Summer 无碍行