🌸 点亮世界的明灯 / 30
善行真的就像点亮灯火一样,当有一盏灯开始亮,慢慢就都亮了;而这一片亮起来的时候,就没有黑暗了。 那么点亮这个世界的那盏灯到底是什么呢? 就是你心中的善意啊! 对他人的那种无悔的关注,就是你心头的明灯。
春 善念种
🌸 Luminous Lamp That Lights Up The World / 30
Virtuous acts are similar to lighting up the lamps. When one lamp is lights up, gradually everything starts to brighten up. When an area brightens up, there will be no more darkness. So what is that lamp that lights up this World? It is the kindness in your heart! That attention which you provide to others with no regrets – it is the luminous lamp in your heart.
Spring 善念种