Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 从反省中超越自我 / 252

每一次发生争端时,如果能反省到:我是在无明生死中,会颠倒苦乐的真相,实际上这就是一个凡夫的基本行相。 那么每一次的争端,都让我立志要超越凡夫,成为圣者,要看清一切事情的根源,把苦的根本全部拔掉。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Surpass Oneself Through Introspection / 252

If you can reflect each time there is a dispute that: I am ignorant and in cyclic existence, and will invert the truth of suffering and happiness, which is the basic behaviour of an ordinary person in reality. Then, every dispute allows me to aspire to surpass an ordinary person, to become a saint, to see the root cause of all matters clearly and completely pull out all the roots of suffering.

Autumn 破烦恼