🌻 守护意业不容缓 / 123
很多痛苦都是从意业开始的。 发现自己的意业已经开始在犯罪的时候,要悬崖勒马,不可以再往前去一步。 因为想久了,自己的身体,语言就失控了,到那个时候再想把它拉回来,就来不及了,所以一定要警惕自己的意业。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Guard And Protect Our Mind With No Delay / 123
A lot of pain and suffering started from the thoughts in our mind. When we discovered that our minds are beginning to commit sins, we have to rein them in immediately and cannot let them advance another step. That's because when we think about it for a longer period, we will then lose control on our body and speech. When we subsequently try to pull it back by then, it will be too late. Hence, we must be vigilant on the thoughts in our mind.
Summer 无碍行