⛄️ 法喜从何而来 / 287
所谓的法喜是怎么得到的? 从听闻经典的当下,会诸根愉悦,心欢喜。 再再研究智者的理路,数数思惟,感动如云,欢喜如雨。 进而学会更广泛的,更清晰的抉择角度,来调伏身心相续的问题,所得到的法喜更是喜不自胜啊!
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Where Does Dharma Bliss Comes From / 287
How do we receive the so-called, dharma bliss? From the moment of listening to the scriptures, our senses will be delighted, and the mind is joyful. When we study and research on the wise men train of thoughts again and again, and repeatedly contemplating on them, it touches our hearts like clouds and brings showers of joy. And then learn to make decisions from a broader and clearer perspective, to overcome the issues pertaining to our body and mind stream, the resulting dharma bliss received is even harder to contain one’s joy.
Winter 乐丰收