Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 温暖的教化 / 307

关注他人苦乐的心,要努力让它变得越来越真诚,越来越无染,慢慢会发现与他人的关系开始改善了,改善之后就可以令「教化」发生 ,实际上就是用你身口意的行为感化他人。 这股暖流会温暖很多很多痛苦的心,让很多人有勇气去行善,遇到挫折时他也会继续前行。

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ Cultivate with Warmth / 307

Strive to change the heart that pays attention to others’ sufferings and happiness to be more sincere, more pure, then slowly you will realise that your relationship with other people have began to improve, which can cause “cultivation” to happen. Actually, you are using the actions from your body, speech and mind to influence other people. This warm current will bring warmth to many many hearts that are in misery, let many people have the courage to do virtuous deeds and to continue advancing forward even when they meet with obstacles.

Winter 乐丰收