🍁 净化恶习的缘起 / 229
正是要靠着帮助别人的缘起,净化无量劫以来的种种恶习:以自我为中心,无视他人,不希求般若智慧等等,所以一直都在无明的束缚下,过着暗无天日的生活。 常常思惟一下,向前走就会有力量!
秋 破烦恼
🍁 Purifying The Dependent-Arising Of Non-Virtuous Habits / 229
It is precisely through relying on the dependent-arising of helping others that all kinds of non-virtuous habits accumulated from countless eons are purified: By being self-centred, disregarding others, and not aspiring to gain the Prajna wisdom, etc. Henceforth bound by ignorance all this while, living in darkness without daylight. Contemplate about this often, you will have the strength to advance forward!
Autumn 破烦恼