Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 苦乐由心安立 / 243

快乐和痛苦都是我们的心制造出来的。 当别人骂我们,不承认我们,或者歪曲事实,把话都颠倒着说,就用它来制造快乐,造作善行吧! 因为一切境界都是没有自性的,苦乐取决于我们内心对境的安立。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Suffering And Happiness Are Defined By The Mind / 243

Happiness and suffering are both produced by our minds. When others rebuke us, do not acknowledge us, or distort the facts and speak inversely (of the truth), then use these to produce happiness and perform virtuous deeds! Because of the selflessness nature in all situations, suffering and happiness are determined by how our mind defines the situation.

Autumn 破烦恼