🌻 改变角度心更宽广 / 138
祈求会改变我们的业力,改变我们看问题的角度。 看问题的角度一变,很多问题就看开了。 凡夫最大的问题,就是执着此时此刻的现象是确实的,永恒不变的,所以必须改变自己的现行,我们的理路才能在更广阔的空间悠游。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Change In Perspective Opens Our Hearts Wider / 138
Supplication will change our karma and change the perspective we look at problems. Once this perspective is adjusted, we will be able to resolve many problems. The biggest problem with lay person is the attachment to the current phenomenon being real and permanent. That's why we must change our current behaviour in order to allow our reasoning to cruise in a much bigger space.
Summer 无碍行