Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 比生命还重要的珍宝 / 210

无论什么理由,什么困境,都不足以使我们放弃佛法! 因为它是比生命更重要的珍宝! 佛菩萨在因地里甚至舍弃生命,都没有舍弃佛法,我们那一点点困境又算什么?

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Gem That Is More Important Than Life / 210

No matter what is the reason, regardless of the predicament, it is not sufficient to make us give up on Dharma! Because it is a gem that is more important than life! Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can even give up their lives in the causal ground, and they also did not give up on Dharma, what are those little predicaments to us?

Autumn 破烦恼