Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 相信因果欢喜持戒 / 142

为什么会好好持戒? 相信因果呀! 佛陀说现在快乐,将来还是快乐的事情,要不要做? 要。 现在快乐,但将来痛苦的事情,要不要做? 不要。 现在痛苦,将来快乐的事情,要不要做? 要。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Believe In Karma And Uphold Ethical Discipline Joyfully / 142

Why do we uphold our ethical discipline properly? [Because] we believe in karma! Things that Buddha said will bring us happiness now and, in the future, should we do them? Yes. Things that bring happiness now but pain and suffering in the future, should we do them? No. Things that bring suffering now but happiness in future, should we do them? Yes.

Summer 无碍行