🌸 放掉自我心自辽阔 / 50
怀着一颗坦荡的心走向每一个人,那是完全利益他的心,一点也不期待从他身上索取什么,你会在这个过程中体会到很多法味。 那种庄严是放掉了自我,把生命投注在广大的利他事业中所体会到的辽阔感。
春 善念种
🌸 Let Go Of The Self For Feeling Of Vast Expanse In The Heart / 50
If you approach others with a magnanimous heart that is entirely to benefit them, and without any expectation in return from them, you will experience lots of dharma's realisation in the process. Such dignity is derived from letting go of ourselves and focusing our lives on the extensive work of benefiting others. It leads to a feeling of vast expanse in the heart from the process of benefiting others.
Spring 善念种