Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 生命的剧本 / 363

生命就是这样,刹那刹那不停地向前流去,而未来会怎样,则跟我们现在做什么有直接关系。 所以现在就是在写剧本,自己就是导演,然后未来自己去演出。因此在撰写下一世脚本的时候,不要把自己塑造成悲剧的主角,一定要是一个欢欢喜喜,吉祥如意,庄严聪慧,善根丰厚的人。

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ Script Of Life / 363

Life is just like this, it flows continuously forward in split seconds, and how the future will be, has a direct relationship that is dependent on what we are doing now. Hence, we are writing the script currently, we ourselves are the directors, and then we will act out (the script) in the future. Therefore, when writing the script for our next life, do not mould ourselves to be the main leads of a tragedy, it must be a person who is filled with happiness and joy, auspicious with good fortunes, dignified and intelligent, and has thick virtuous roots.

Winter 乐丰收