⛄️ 虚妄与真实 / 330
世上很多事情看起来很有诱惑力,很有魅力,但是你真正走进它的时候,实际上是很空虚的,这就是五欲八风的滋味。 但是如果闻思正法,你越靠近它,用心去琢磨它,慢慢地学会结合内心的话,会对自他的生命产生真实的饶益,会得到真实的法喜。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Delusion and Truth / 330
Many things in the world are very alluring and captivating, but when you truly enter it, (you will realise) it is hollow in reality, this is the experience of the five desires and eight worldly dharmas. However, if you listen and contemplate about dharma, the closer you move towards it, the more you ponder about it earnestly, and slowly learn to integrate it in your mind-stream, there will be true benefits generated for your life and others', and you will gain the true joy of dharma.
Winter 乐丰收