🌻 修信以为根本 / 169
信心是怎么来的? 修来的。 所以在亲近善知识的时候,修信是最重要的根本,这也是整个成佛之道的命脉,根本。 「根本」是什么意思? 如果没有这个,就不会有其他的枝干或花果。
夏 无碍行
🌻 Cultivate Faith As The Root / 169
How is faith developed? Through cultivation. Hence, when relying on the Excellent Teachers, cultivating faith is the most important fundamental, this is also the lifeline and root of the entire path to achieve Buddhahood. What is the meaning of “root”? If this is absent, there will not be other branches, flowers or fruits.
Summer 无碍行