Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 生命的目标 / 297

佛法伟大的力量,透过一年一年地听闻,讨论,慢慢浸润我们枯燥的身心。 佛陀的悲智力,透过善知识的教诲,一点一滴滋润我们的生命,让我们从只注视今生的苦乐想到来世,了知生命的目标是要究竟离苦得乐,要成佛,而且要帮忙所有的众生都走上这条路,都成佛。

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ The Goal Of Life / 297

The great power of Buddha's teaching, slowly infiltrates our dull and dry body and mind, through hearing and discussion year after year. The Buddha's compassion and intelligence, through the teachings of an Excellent Teacher, nourishes our lives bit by bit, allowing us to progress from looking at only the sufferings and joys of this life to think of the next life. Knowing that the goal of life is to thoroughly abandon suffering and achieve happiness, and to become a Buddha. In addition, we must help all living beings to take this path and all to become Buddhas.

Winter 乐丰收