🍁 法语是行事的准绳 / 215
当有什么事需要找一个依靠作为准绳去抉择的时候,祖师,佛菩萨的法语,就是我们的心该朝向那里动转的一个指示灯,只有依着它动转心的方向 ,我们才能够离苦得乐
秋 破烦恼
🍁 Teachings Of Buddha Is The Best Yardstick For Our Actions / 215
When we need to rely on a yardstick to make a decision, our hearts should be inclined towards the teachings from buddha, bodhisattvas and the lineage masters. Their words of wisdom are like a signage that offers the best direction for our hearts. Only by relying on their way shown, we can eliminate suffering and achieve happiness
Autumn 破烦恼