Hope Embark: Seasons

⛄️ 离苦得乐的舟 / 345

教典是离苦得乐的舟航,每一条理路,都会消灭我们内心中的非量,建立合量的理路。 所谓的合量,就是什么是快乐,什么是痛苦;什么是快乐的因,快乐的果,什么是苦因和苦果,教典中广泛无谬地宣说这些真理。

冬 乐丰收

⛄️ The Boat that Liberates Suffering and Achieve Happiness / 345

Dharma texts is the boat that navigates and liberates us from sufferings and achieve happiness. Every line of logic will eliminate the falsehoods within our mind and establish the correct theorem. What “theorem” here refers to, is the knowledge of what happiness is, what suffering is, what the causes and fruition of happiness are, and what the causes and fruition of suffering are. These truths are extensively and infallibly explained in the dharma texts.

Winter 乐丰收