Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 点滴善行成美德 / 85

不要期待自己一开始就全部做得很好,因为这根本不现实。 透过一段时间努力,我们的生命能比过去有所改善,这就很难得了! 朝着一个光明的方向在改善,哪怕只有一点点,也是多少汗水与泪水换来的,可别小看啊! 善行一点一点累积,到最后就会成就内心珍贵的美德。

春 善念种

🌸 Every Bit Of Virtuous Deeds Becomes A Virtue / 85

Don't expect yourself to do everything well from the beginning, because it's not unrealistic at all. Through a period of hard work, our lives can be improved compared to the past, which is very difficult to achieve! Making improvement towards a luminous direction, even if it is only a little bit, is also exchanged from much sweat and tears, don't underestimate it! Accumulate virtuous deeds little by little, and in the end will achieve the precious virtues in our hearts.

Spring 善念种