⛄️ 和合能生究竟乐 / 331
为什么我们要朝着与他人和合的方向串习,不朝着发展自我而不管别人的方向串习呢? 因为你看佛陀慈爱众生,就知道快乐是怎么出生的;你看众生都只爱自己,就应该知道痛苦是怎么出生的。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Harmony Can Produce Ultimate Happiness / 331
Why should we practice in the direction of having harmony with others, and not in the direction of developing ourselves while disregarding others? Because when you see that the Buddha loves all living beings, you know how happiness is born; When you see that all living beings only love themselves, you should know how pain is born.
Winter 乐丰收