🌸 珍惜每一分因缘 / 32
我们都是因为因缘而相聚的,在无始的生死流转中能够遇到,实在是件非常不容易的事情,劫数一来,就必须得散开。 所以在彼此相遇的时候,要好好把握相聚时光,怀着非常善意的心,让自己的生命对他人完成最大的饶益。
春 善念种
🌸 Cherish every Connection / 32
We have all come together because of the connection we share. Being able to meet in this beginningless cycle of life and death is truly a very difficult matter. When it is time to separate, we must part. So when we meet each other, we should seize the moments to be together. With a very kind heart, let our lives accomplish the greatest benefit for others.
Spring 善念种