🍁 四字箴言 / 234
有的时候一直努力,一直努力,结果还没有出现,这时就看一看:我努力的目标有没有偏误? 如果依据经论确定方向没有错误,次第没有倒乱,现在还没有出现结果怎么办? 四个字 - 「继续努力」!
秋 破烦恼
🍁 Four Words Motto / 234
Sometimes when we keep striving and striving again, but the outcome has not appear yet, take a look and see at this point: Is there a deviation or misalignment from the goal that I'm striving for? If it follows the scriptures and certainly there is no mistake in the direction or disorder in the steps, then what needs to be done if right now, there is no outcome yet? Four words - “Continue and Keep Striving”!
Autumn 破烦恼