Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 守护福慧行布施 / 23

只要有心,如果没有很多资财就供清水,或者供灯什么都可以,这也是在修布施。 最重要的是,当自己在享有往昔布施的善果时,内心善妙的等流习气不要断掉,这样才能生生世世都一直拥有财富,健康,容貌,慧力等等的资粮。

春 善念种

🌸 Safeguard bliss and wisdom through the act of giving / 23

As long as you have a heart to make an offering, if you don't have a lot of resources, you can offer clean water or light or whatever items, which is also practicing giving. The most important thing is that when you are enjoying the virtuous fruits of the past, you should not break the good habits within you, so that you can lifetime after lifetime always have wealth, health, countenance, wisdom and all other resources.

Spring 善念种