Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 生命中的光明 / 5

在黑暗中,那灯光,即使如绿豆粒那么一点大,也是光明。 善业就是我们生命中的光明啊! 哪怕是一点点,既能照己,又能照人,亦可暖心。 更何况,那点点灯光,光光相映,即成灯海。 灯海所在,还会有黑暗吗?

春 善念种

🌸 The Light In Life / 5

In the dark, a light, even if it is as small as a green bean, it is still light. Virtuous causes are the lights of our lives! Even if it is just a little bit of light, it still shines not only onto oneself, but also onto others. It also warms the heart. What’s more, with that little light and light reflecting upon light, it forms a sea of lights. Where the sea of lights is, will there still be darkness?

Spring 善念种