⛄️ 听法启发抉择慧 / 299
法音入耳,抉择取舍的美玉璇琮之声,充遍身心。 耽着感受,昧于取舍的愚痴浓雾,渐散渐去,我们轻轻腾跃,脱离现行烦恼的泥潭,飞翔于清晰喜乐的抉择之天空下,目及辽远,审慎当下。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Listening To The Dharma Inspire Discerning Wisdom / 299
When the voices of the dharma enter our ears, it is like the sound to make a right choice on a beautiful jade vessel and fills our entire heart and body. The ignorance cloud that indulged in our feelings and concealing our ability to make a right choice, progressively disperses itself and slowly disappears. We make a gentle leap to break away our behaviours from the mire of afflictions, flying beneath the sky under our clear and joyful choice, with a vision that is far and remote, and being prudent of the current moment.
Winter 乐丰收