🍁 用短暂人生创造无限价值 / 191
很多人都想要变得更美,那就好好修忍辱,利用这短暂的人生是可以达到的。 想变得更有智慧的话要怎么办? 研习经典,尊敬有智慧的人,恭敬法宝,还有在佛前供灯等等。 在这一小段生命的努力,对于我们无限生命的影响是非常非常深远的。
秋 破烦恼
🍁 Using Our Short Human Life To Create Infinite Value / 191
Many people also wants to become more beautiful, then practise the perfection of patience well, which is achievable by making use of this short human life. What should be done then to gain more wisdom? Research and study the scriptures, respect people who have wisdom, be reverent towards dharma treasures, and also offering lamps to the Buddha, etc. Working diligently in this ephemeral life has an extremely extremely deep and extensive impact on our indefinite lives.
Autumn 破烦恼