Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 百折不挠的修行之路 / 116

凡夫刚开始修行有没有可能不做错? 念头有没有可能不错? 不可能! 所以做错之后,第一时间不要去哀叹,内心正念的大 军就在眼前,能立刻召集的救援部队就是「忏悔」,赶快整顿,让自己重新获得铠甲,重新获得宝剑,开始还击,把善法的城池抢回来,这就是百折不挠的修行之路!

夏 无碍行

🌻 Be Undaunted Despite Of All Setbacks On The Path Of Practicing / 116

When lay practitioners embark on the path to practice, can they possibly not make any mistake at all? Can their thoughts be absolutely correct? Not possible! That's why after making mistakes, do not lament at the first instant. The army of mindfulness is right in front of us. If we can immediately gather the rescue forces of “repentance”, we should quickly reorganise, regain our armour, re-possessed our precious swords and start fighting back to snatch the city of virtuousness back. Be undaunted despite of all setbacks on the path of practicing!

Summer 无碍行