Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 时时觉照自心 / 159

修行要能够每时每刻洞悉到自己的心灵在发生什么事情,并且善于引导自己的心走向正确的方向,不停地弃暗投明。 学习觉照的第一步,要先打击最粗猛的烦恼。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Be Mindful Of Our Mind-stream Constantly / 159

As a practitioner, we must be insightful to what is happening in our mind every moment. Be adept in guiding our mind towards the right direction, forsaking the wrong views and adopting the right ones continuously. To learn mindfulness, first and foremost, we must strike the heaviest and strongest affliction.

Summer 无碍行