Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 业果会增长广大 / 26

因果法则是隐蔽法,不容易理解和发现。 你看那橡树种子就这么小,可是一棵大橡树长出来时可以这么大,铺地板,盖房子都是用它。 业果也有增长广大的特色,你种了一个小小的布施因,它就会随着你的欢喜,随着你心的清净,不停地增长广大。

春 善念种

🌸 The Magnification of Karma / 26

The Law of cause and effect is esoteric which is not easy to understand and discover. Look at the oak tree seed. It is so small, yet when an oak tree grows, it can be so huge that it can be used to lay the floor and build house with it. Karma also has a special characteristic of magnification. You plant a very small cause of generosity, and it will continue to grow and magnify according to your joyousness and the purity of your heart.

Spring 善念种