Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 用心改变命运 / 93

一旦心被改变,命运就改变了;命运改变了,苦就越来越少,快乐就越来越多,这是我对佛法的信心。 如果按照佛陀说的去做,我们一定会越来越快乐,越来越幸福。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Use Our Hearts To Change Our Destiny / 93

Once our hearts are being transformed, our destiny will then be transformed. With the change in our destiny, our sufferings will progressively be lessen, happiness will progressively be increased, this is my faith in the teaching of the Buddha. If we act according to what Buddha had said, we will definitely become increasingly happier, and more and more blessed.

Summer 无碍行