🍁 顽石可雕心定能转 / 253
认真学,认真去体会,照着佛菩萨讲的那样认真地去改变自己,一定会被改变的! 心又不是石头,为什么不能改? 就算是石头都可以雕出传世精品来,为什么我的心不能转变?
秋 破烦恼
🍁 If Stubborn Stone Can Be Carved, The Heart Can Be Changed / 253
If we earnestly learn the teachings, and conscientiously experience the change based on the instructions from Buddha and bodhisattvas, we will definitely transform ourselves. Our hearts are not made of stones. Why can't we change? Even a stone can be carved into a fine piece of art and exist through generations, why can't our hearts be changed?
Autumn 破烦恼