⛄️ 发心刹那即成菩萨 / 336
当生起菩提心那一刹那间,纵然是个还没有证得空性的凡夫,你已经是菩萨了。 微风吹过你的衣服,吹过你的头发,再吹到另一个众生身上,他就得到益处了。 有了菩提心,你就是大宝藏,人天的应供处。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ Becoming A Bodhisattva Instantly When Spirit Of Enlightenment Arises / 336
The instant your spirit of enlightenment arises, even if you are layman who has not attained the nature of emptiness, you are already bodhisattva. When the breeze blows pass your clothes, through your hair, then onto another sentient being, he will have been benefited. With the spirit of enlightenment, you are a great treasure, the one worthy of offerings from humans and heavenly beings.
Winter 乐丰收