🌻 善知识示现悲智行 / 160
好好学经论,就会在亲近善知识的过程中,看到很多很多如经论上所写的佛菩萨的事迹。 它不只是一个古老的传说,或很遥远的行径,而是从善知识身语意的示现中,会清晰地看到一种真实悲智功德的流露。
夏 无碍行
🌻 The Excellent Teacher Manifests Deeds Of Compassion And Wisdom / 160
Learn the sutras and treatises well, and in the process of relying on the Excellent Teacher, we will witness the numerous deeds of the bodhisattvas as written in the sutras and commentaries. It is not merely an ancient legend, or a very remote practice. Rather, from the manifestation of the Excellent Teacher's body, speech and mind, we will clearly see the good qualities of true compassion and wisdom being emanated.
Summer 无碍行