Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 超越生死的正见 / 247

佛说的正见有两种:一种是世间的正见一业果见,它可以让我们好好持戒,不堕落三恶趣,得到人,天的果报;另一种是出世间的正见 一空正见,可以让我们无视于死主的挑战,超越生死轮回,得大自在。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Right Views That Surpassed Life And Death / 247

There are two types of right views said by Buddha: one type is the mundane right view – Cause and Effect, which can help us to uphold our ethical discipline well, not degenerating into the three miserable realms and be reborn in the human and heavenly realms; another is the supra-mundane right view – Knowledge of Emptiness, which allows us to disregard the challenge from Lord of Death, surpassed cyclic existence, attained great freedom and be at ease.

Autumn 破烦恼