Hope Embark: Seasons

🌻 持戒是最深的回馈 / 141

世上有很多善,但有一种善叫戒善。 受者戒从传戒的善知识得到戒体,翻无始轮回的「迷」为「觉」,翻害人为利人,心心念念只要持戒回向这个世界,那就是最宏伟的资粮善,是对这个世界深深的报恩与回馈。

夏 无碍行

🌻 Maintaining Ethical Discipline Is The Deepest Repayment / 141

There are many types of virtues in the world, but there is one type of virtue called the virtue of precepts. The precept recipient obtains the essence of precepts from his Excellent Teacher who imparts the precepts, turns the 'deluded' from beginningless cyclic existence to 'enlighten' , turns harming others to benefiting others, and constantly thinks of upholding ethical discipline in order to dedicate to this world. That is the most magnificent virtuous merits and is the deepest gratitude and repayment to this world.

Summer 无碍行