🌸 缘他有情能离苦 / 53
在最痛苦,最喘不过气来,最难受的时候想一下:啊! 如果所有有情这种令人窒息的痛苦,就在此刻都用我的痛苦把它消融,那是多么美好的一件事情! 其实这样想一想,自己的痛苦也会降低。 为什么呢? 因为很多痛苦都源于我爱执,一旦转为缘到其他有情的时候,这个痛苦真的就会在现象界马上减低了。
春 善念种
🌸 Direct Our Mind Towards Other Sentient Beings To Be Liberated From Suffering / 53
At the most painful, most breathless, and most unbearable moments, think: Ah! If such suffocating suffering of all sentient beings, dissolves through the suffering that I'm experiencing right now, how beautiful that is, isn't it! Actually by in thinking this way, our own suffering will also be reduced. Why is that so? Because much suffering originates from an attachment to self, once we direct our minds to focus on other sentient beings, this pain will truly be reduced immediately in the manifested world.
Spring 善念种