Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 一个朴素的愿望 / 62

好好珍惜你面对的那个人,希望他的生命因为有你在他身边,多一些快乐,少一些忧悲苦恼;因为有你一起承受着生命的苦难,他会过得好一些 。 就是这样很简单,很朴素的希望 – 凡是遇到我的人,我都想让他更快乐一些,我要努力地为别人生命的离苦得乐奉献自己。

春 善念种

🌸 A Simple Wish / 62

Cherish the person who is with you or opposite you well, hope that with your presence, his life will be filled with more happiness, lesser sorrows and worries; Because you are there to endure life's sufferings together, he will find it better getting by. It is this easy, a simple wish – Whoever I have met, I will always think of making him happier, I will strive to dedicate myself in liberating others' from suffering and achieving happiness.

Spring 善念种