🌸 利他心的灿烂 / 3
菩萨慈悲智慧的光明,宛如母亲的慈手,永恒地抚在因生死而惊怖的有情顶上。 所以不用惧怕轮回的寒冷,不用惧怕轮回的落寞,只要内心生起日轮般灿烂的利他心和空性光明,即可令轮回温暖,可舒万类苍生愁颜,可照天地,那就是菩提薩埵 !
春 善念种
🌸 Brilliance of Altruism / 3
The light of the Bodhisattva's compassion and wisdom is like a mother's loving hand, eternally caressing the top of sentient beings, who are terrified of life and death. That's why there's no need to fear the glacial cold of cyclic existence, no need to fear the loneliness of cyclic existence, as long as there arises in the mind altruism as brilliant as the sun and the brightness of emptiness. Immediately, warmth in cyclic existence is restored, the troubled sentient beings are soothed, and the world is illuminated. That's a Bodhisattva.
Spring 善念种