Hope Embark: Seasons

🍁 闻法能生智慧 / 225

为什么听佛法就会发现自己错了? 因为听法会让心慢慢地平静下来,平静的心才能够生起取舍的智慧,看到敦是孰非;就如一方静湖,白昼可照云霞飞鸟,夜晚怀抱灿灿星空。

秋 破烦恼

🍁 Listening To The Teaching Can Generate Wisdom / 225

Why do we realise our mistakes when listening to the Buddha's teachings? Because listening to the Dharma helps to gradually calm the mind, and only with a calm mind can wisdom of discernment arise, seeing what is right and what is wrong; just like a tranquil lake, during the day it can reflect the flying birds and clouds, and at night it embraces the dazzling starry sky.

Autumn 破烦恼