Hope Embark: Seasons

🌸 高举沟通的火把 / 34

要成就一个和合的团队,不花血本的代价是得不到的。 浪费那么多时间忧悲苦恼,还不如在这轮回的黑夜里高举沟通的火把,静下心来倾听,先去了解别人,才能把对立的状况消融,建立沟通。 而消融对立状态的最佳武器是什么? 慈悲的心。

春 善念种

🌸 Hold The Torch Of Communication Up High / 34

To achieve a harmonious and united team, without investing tremendous efforts it would not happen. Rather than wasting so much time on worries, sorrow and distress, hold the torch of communication up high in the dark nights of cyclic existence, calm down your mind and listen. Start from understanding others, then can we eliminate the state of being in opposition, establish communication. And what is the best weapon to eliminate the state of being in opposition? A compassionate heart.

Spring 善念种