⛄️ 最终极的孝道 / 343
佛法是最终极的孝道,因为他把每一生的父母都放在心上,想要给予父母最究竟的快乐,从衣食奉养,承欢膝下,升华到拔除父母所有痛苦最究竟的苦根! 这是作为学佛的弟子,报答这一世乃至无量劫来的父母亲,所要尽的一个大孝。
冬 乐丰收
⛄️ The Ultimate Filial Piety / 343
Buddhism is the ultimate filial piety, because he (who practices it) places his parents of every single lifetime in his heart and wants to give them the most complete happiness. From the offering of material items such as clothing and food, to being joyfully at their service, and subliming to eradicate all their roots of pains and suffering completely! As disciples who are learning from the Buddha, we must fulfil our upmost filial piety, which is to repay our parents of this lifetime and even our parents from countless eons to date.
Winter 乐丰收