🌸 病苦时心的转机 / 52
当头痛的时候,也可以观想:「愿尽法界,遍虚空一切如母有情的头痛,全部都成熟在我身上,就让这个业消除吧!」这样想一下,头还是在痛,但是心里很快乐,这种感觉是很真实的! 你会开始没有那么讨厌病苦,因为它带给自己的心一种转机,不再那么执着身体上的痛苦。
春 善念种
🌸 The Turning Point Of The Mind When Suffering From Sickness / 52
When you have a headache, you can also visualise: “I wish that the headaches of all sentient beings, who are like my mothers, in all the realms of the world and across the entire universe, will all take fruition on me, and let this karma be eliminated!” Thinking about it this way, the head is still painful, but the mind is very happy, and this feeling is very real! You will begin not to hate the suffering from sickness so much, because it brings a turning point to your mind, and you will no longer be so attached to the body's pain.
Spring 善念种