🌸 心量多大世界就多大 / 29
心量有多大,你的世界就有多大。 如果只为了自己,那活着,终究只能在太阳下看到自己黑黑的影子。 如果心里装着很多很多人,就会常常不自主地想把一些温暖或善意送给别人,因为想为他人的生命出点力,让他变得更快乐,我要贡献自己的力量!
春 善念种
🌸 The World Is As Big As Your Heart / 29
How big your heart is, then how big your world will be. If it is only for yourself, then being alive, in the end you can only see your own dark shadow under the sun. If you put many, many people in your heart, you will often involuntarily want to give some warmth or kindness to others, because you want to contribute to others’ lives and make them become happier. I want to contribute my strength!
Spring 善念种